Getting Help with Drugs and Alcohol in Indio, CA
Indio, California is situated in Coachella Valley, which is most famously known for its festivals and events. The world famous Coachella Music Festival brings together some of the most influential and important figures in music into a yearly, several day long extravaganza. Many other shows and special events occur in this town of 76.036 people, earning Indio, California the nickname "œThe City of Festivals."
Along with the Rock and Roll comes drugs and alcohol abuse. With so many travelling into the city for festivals it is no wonder that addiction is such a problem. Addiction is a disease of the mind and not a moral failing as was the theory in the past. Advancements in medical technology are uncovering truths and revealing that addiction is a disease that needs to be treated like any other illness.
Why Should I Go to Treatment?
Anyone struggling with substance abuse should seriously consider a rehab treatment program. Inpatient programs offer the most intensive therapeutic benefits and support. Many people require some degree of medically managed detox, which allows the person to safely and comfortably stop using drugs and alcohol. Once the detox phase is finished, the real healing can begin. Whether you choose an inpatient or outpatient program, the intensive individual, group and other therapies provided will serve you well on your road to recovery.
Everyone has different needs and issues to work through. Finding an integrated program will allow you a tailored treatment plan, ensuring the most comprehensive healing program for you. Addiction education will help you understand your disease and the various therapies will aid in overcoming concerns. You are not alone and attending a treatment program will endow you with the tools and coping mechanisms necessary to stay abstinent for years to come.
What is a Co-occurring Disorder?
A co-occurring disorder, also known as dual-diagnosis, is when a person presents with two separate disorders. In the case of addiction, it is common for someone to present with a mental health disorder such as depression, anxiety or bipolar disorder as well as substance abuse issues. The belief is that people with mental disorders often try to self-medicate and, due to frequent drug or alcohol abuse, may develop addiction issues. If you or someone you love is struggling with the disease of addiction, get help. Many have been where you are, have survived hell, and gone on in sobriety to find a life better than they could have ever imagined.
Anyone struggling with substance abuse is strongly encouraged to attend Twelve Step meetings. Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous and many others, are proven methods of addressing and overcoming the disease of addiction. Millions of people worldwide have successfully stopped using addictive substances and staid abstinent with the help of a Twelve Step program. Everyone is encouraged, but not required, to work the Twelve Steps with a sponsor, who is someone who has completed these steps. By finding a homegroup and attending meetings regularly, you are sure to get connected with many others in the same situation as yourself. Fellow members tend to form strong bonds that allows each individual to overcome even the toughest problems. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today.
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