The old missions of Cathedral City, CA were originally intended to serve as a place of refuge from the evils of the world. Today, people find themselves in need to escape from the evils of drug and alcohol abuse. Drug and alcohol abuse is sweeping the nation at an alarming pace. Unfortunately, people who struggle with addiction don't generally get the help that they need.
They are often waylaid by addiction and end up hurting themselves and others in the pursuit.
Though there is no cure for addiction, there is hope for treatment. People all over the world are living happy, healthy lives free from addiction. It takes work, but it is definitely possible.
How Do People Become Addicted?
Addiction is a complex disease. People who end up addicted often end up there because of a confluence of factors. Regardless of it all, people who have addiction progress to that point. One of the first stages of addiction is experimentation.
The first stage is drug experimentation. During this stage, the person looks to drugs for the purpose of experimenting or learning about themselves. This has a great potential for leading to extended use or using other drugs.
The next stage is social drug use, which involves people using drugs in social situations to engage the people they are around. Some people, especially those who are isolates, will do drugs even more severely in the presence of other people.
The third stage is problem/risky use. This stage is characterized by heavy use of drugs periodically. People who get to this stage generally begin to jeopardize other things in their life to maintain their bad habit.
Substance abuse is the last stage. Within this stage a person has started to use drugs in a way that abuses themselves and others around them. They might begin to use drugs as a way to feel better about themselves and the world around them.
When someone gets to the point of substance abuse or addiction, they need help.
More and more people are in severe danger from using mind-altering substances. Don't be part of these statistics, call us at (866) 578-7471 and get help you truly need today.In order to maintain sobriety, people need to seek out 12=step groups. These groups help people stay grounded within community as they learn to deal with triggers and the various things that come up in day-to-day life. It's a great way to heal in community and deal with the world.
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