Searching for a Substance Abuse Facility in Coronado, CA
Coronado, California is a small, luxurious residential community located on an island surrounded by beaches, resorts, and fine dining. Coronado has galleries, boutique shops, great restaurants with exceptional views, elegant condos overlooking the San Diego skyline and the historic Centennial Park. Minutes away from popular attractions such as Sea World, Coronado has something for everyone.
Even in a paradise like Coronado, California the disease of addiction devastates many lives. Addiction does not discriminate based on economic status, gender, age, race or any other demographic. Addiction is a disease and should be treated like any other disease, with professional treatment and support. A person addicted to a substance will be unlikely to see a way out by themselves. Everyone needs outside help to find the way out of hell and toward a healthier lifestyle.
Why Should I Go to a Treatment Center?
Treatment centers offer the most intensive and comprehensive programs. An inpatient treatment program will offer care and support 24 hours a day, thus ensuring the safest and most comfortable transition into recovery. Many people require a detox or stabilization phase, during which the drugs or alcohol are removed from the body and basic health is restored. During the detox phase, often a doctor will prescribe medication to make the person as comfortable as possible while decreasing the possibility of severe withdrawal symptoms such as seizures.
While in treatment you will receive intensive therapy in a variety of forms. Individual therapy offers the person an opportunity to work through issues that are too sensitive to share in a group. People are also able to look at problems and negative thought processes more in depth and really get to the root cause of why he or she abused drugs or alcohol in the first place.
Group therapy is a celebrated method of treating addiction issues as it addresses both the isolating factor of addiction and allows for numerous supportive voices to help each individual work through various issues.
Family therapy allows family members and loved ones to learn about the disease of addiction and attend therapy sessions. With family therapy, the group as a whole can come to understand how and why things have occurred as they have and learn new coping mechanisms, communication techniques, and set new, healthy boundaries to prevent such upheaval from happening again.
Many people have found it beneficial to attend a treatment program away from familiar faces and places. By going to a treatment center away from home you are giving yourself more of a chance of staying sober for the long haul.
Once you have completed a treatment program, then comes aftercare. Getting involved in the sober community could ease stress and fortify your will in times of need. It is highly encouraged to attend meetings regularly and find someone who will sponsor you. When stressful moments do occur and you are struggling with your sobriety, that strong support system will help you through those difficult times in your life. Twelve Step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous can help anyone with a will to stop using and who is willing to take a few simply suggestions. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today and start living the life you deserve to have.