Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Fremont, CA
Standing as the fourth largest city in the Bay Area, Fremont has done quite well for itself. However, success in bigger cities is often followed by substance abuse, and Fremont is no exception. According to statistics, while Fremont does have reports of hospitalizations from illegal drugs, such as heroin and cocaine, there is a tremendous prominence of prescription drug abuse in Fremont. Even if they are technically legal within the parameters of medicine, some individuals may still need help if they become addicted to these medications. Many of the prescribed medications that are abused in Fremont generally consist of Oxycontin, Percocet, Vicoden, Lortab and Xanax; most of which consisting of hydrocodone, an addictive substance used to alleviate pain.
With many of these medications, people may take exceeded dosages or use them without a prescription for recreational purposes, resulting in abuse of the actual substance. Drug abuse is dangerous state of being, because it can very easily transition into the next stage of use, addiction.
For individuals addicted to prescription pills or any other mood-altering substances, there is help for any issue. For many individuals addicted to substances, there may be issues of denial regarding use. People may lie about or try to believe that they are experiencing feelings of pain, when they are only trying to postpone symptoms of withdrawal, or they or looking to use the euphoria to escape from any issues he/she is dealing with. Therefore, an intervention may be necessary at times to get the individuals to realize to full consequences of their use. After a successful intervention, someone afflicted by substance abuse will be more willing to enter treatment, and begin the recovery process.
Who Leads the Intervention?
The ideal leader of an intervention is an interventionist. An interventionist is an addiction treatment professional, adept at facilitating interventions based on compassion and support. If you're not able to find an interventionist, a friend or family member of the person who is afflicted with dependency can facilitate the intervention. Remember that addiction is a disease, and while you do have to hold the substance abuser accountable, the intervention should be conducted in a non-judgmental way.
While you're undergoing treatment, you may consider attending group meetings to help with your addiction. Attending a group meeting enables you to share your struggles with peers and receive their support. You can also find a sponsor who will help you stay on track with your recovery goals, and who will be there when it gets hard and you may be tempted to relapse. Also consider jointing a 12-step group. 12-steps help you make amends and re-establish relationships that may have been damaged from substance abuse. "Working the steps" can be a great tool in helping you overcome your addiction. To find a group meeting near you, check out the map below and click on the type of meeting you'd like to attend.
- CA Overdose Dashboard . (n.d.). : Skylab.cdph.ca.gov.
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- America’s Health Rankings analysis of CDC, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, United Health Foundation. (2021). : Trend: Non-Medical Drug Use, California, United States.
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- California Legislative Information. (2021). : Bill Text.
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- California Health Care Foundation. (2018). : https://www.chcf.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/SubstanceUseDisorderAlmanac2018.pdf
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