Substance Abuse in San Rafael, California
The town of San Rafael is often renowned for its involvement in the media entertainment industry. It's the home of George Lucas's film production company Lucasfilm, Ltd., and his special effects company Industrial Light & Magic (ILM).
Even in a place with so much to experience, there is still a prevalence of drugs and alcohol like in any other city. According to San Rafael police reports from 2015, the majority of substance use is found in the form of alcohol abuse. In a city that has so much to offer, you deserve to live a life free from mind-altering substances.
If you or someone you love needs help in San Rafael, call us at (866)-578-7471.
Should I Travel for Treatment?
Many people who are searching for a treatment center ask themselves this. Whether you are looking to travel to San Rafael or to another city or state, the answer is the same. It's a choice that you have to make on your own. But there are some key questions you need yo ask yourself.
Do I have local triggers? Will the people in my life be a help or hindrance? How dedicated to recovery am I? In a lot of cases traveling for treatment is the best option, however you need to think about what is right for your own personal growth and recovery.
What is Addiction?
According to the National Institute of Drug Addiction (NIDA), Drug and alcohol addiction is a brain disease that is complex and often chronic. Addiction is characterized by substance cravings that exist even in the face of adverse life situations. Addiction is a result of brain changes that grew from continue drug or alcohol use. These changes in the brain involve the circuitry, including those that regulate self-control and other behavioral signals.
Substance abuse addiction is treatable, when treated with a combination of behavioral therapies and medications. Addiction lasts a lifetime, and relapse is always a possibility, so patients should consider therapies designed at long-term applications.
Don't be alarmed if you are told that addiction is a life-long battle, even after you finish your rehab. A great weapon to fight the temptations is joining weekly support group meetings like AA. Click the map right below to find the meeting for you. You can also find additional help with your recovery by joining a 12-step meeting. 12-steps encourage accountability and making amends. They also emphasize calling upon a higher power to aid in overcoming the temptations to use. This higher power may be God to some, and to others, the power of members of a support group or family members.
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