Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Lakewood, CA
Lakewood is a city in L.A. County. The city is bordered by Long Beach on the west and south, Bellflower on the north. Not only was Lakewood a pioneer in the realm of city services, it is also the home of the first Denny's Restaurant. What isn't a Grand Slam in Lakewood is the epidemic of drug and alcohol addiction. Thankfully, this city of 81,121 people has qualified treatment centers to not only help the residents of Lakewood, but people from all over as well.
Addiction is a disease. If you have a friend or family member suffering from addiction consider an approach to encourage them to enter treatment in a non-judgmental and compassionate way. Recovering addicts need the support of family now more than ever.
Traveling for treatment may be an option as well. The travel time can prove to be meditative as you reflect on your therapy, and it's always good to get away from the areas and conditions that may have made using substances easier in the past.
How Long Does it Take to Complete Treatment?
The duration of treatment depends on the type of substance or substances used and the duration of use. Treatment times may vary from center to center, but typically, they are 30, 60 or 90 days. Other factors apply to the length of treatment including mental and physical health issues, use of more than one substance, as well as the motivation of the patient to achieve long-term recovery.
If these time frames aren't possible with your schedule, work or family obligations, consider outpatient therapy that is more flexible with your schedule. Outpatient therapy is also typically less expensive than inpatient.
Are Group Meetings a Mandatory Part of Treatment?
Group support meetings like AA, may or may not be a mandatory part of therapy depending on the treatment facility. Group meetings can be beneficial to achieving recovery more rapidly. One advantage in group meetings is the ability to interact with others who are also struggling with addiction. They can offer support, friendship and the opportunity share experiences to arrive at healing.
Click on the map below to find a group meeting near you. There are group meetings for nearly every type of addiction including alcohol, cocaine, heroin, methamphetamine, and narcotics. Also consider 12-step programs. The goal of 12-steps is to overcome your addiction through surrendering to a higher power, and through accountability for one's actions. 12-step programs also encourage paying it forward. The 12th step actually compels people to help others who are struggling with addiction.
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