Drug and Alcohol Treatment Programs in Modesto, CA
Modesto is in Central Valley California, and has a population of 312,842. The sun is always shining in Modesto. It's warm and can get hot during the summer, with little to no humidity. Made famous as the childhood home of George Lucas, Modesto, like many cities, has a darker side with many people suffering from substance abuse. If you are addicted, you are not alone. There is help for you in Modesto. There are many facilities you can go to you just have to make the call.
There are many ways for you to get help in Modesto. To many people, the cost of payment would be too much out of pocket, its not cheep to get healthy. But what a lot of people don't know is that most insurance companies have some type of coverage for substance abuse. Before assuming you can't afford it, check to see if you're covered.
What is Addiction?
Addiction is the re-wiring of the brain to compel a person to continue their substance abuse. Addiction is a disease. When the brain is re-wired from substance abuse, it psychologically affects the person's willpower and makes it more difficult for them to resist the urges to use.
Does the Brain Return to Normal After Substance Abuse Treatment?
Substance-induced changes in brain can be long lasting or permanent. The brain's ability to heal or reverse the changes depends on the specific substance or substances used and the degree of damage to the brain. Generally speaking, the longer someone has abused drugs or alcohol, the more the substance has affected the brain structure. Persistent alteration in the brain may also contribute to relapses. So, although treatment may not completely change the wiring of the brain back, there are many advantages to treatment that make it worthwhile. For example, recovering addicts gain coping mechanisms to avoid conditions that lead them to relapse, and they have a better understanding about how substances affect them.
If you're never considered traveling to a different city or state for treatment, please do! The advantages are numerous. Among them, traveling for treatment removes a substance abuser from the people and conditions that led them to use substances before.
When you complete rehab, you can enhance your chances for successful recovery by entering a support group and attending weekly meetings. Group meetings are held for nearly every type of addiction, and in them you'll find support from peers and addiction specialists. You'll also be able to share your struggles and ups and downs on your path to recovery. This sharing can lead to healing. You can also find a sponsor who will personally help you to conquer the disease of addiction. In addition to group meetings, 12-step programs help addicts defeat their addiction through carefully arranged "steps" that empower them and make them realize they aren't alone in their battle versus addiction.
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