Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Pleasanton, CA
Dubbed as one of the wealthiest middle-sized cities in America, Pleasanton has had its name listed in many magazines, such as Money Magazine's "œ50 Best Cities to Live 2014" and 24/7 Wall Street's "œAmerica's 50 Best Cities to Live." Pleasanton's school system is amongst the top 10 in the state of California. The name of the city fits the place, as it has very beautiful parks, trails and vistas that are ripe with recreational opportunities.
Pleasanton might sound like it is the perfect place, while it is a nice place to live, there are still people there that need help with substance abuse. Don't feel like you are alone, there are many others looking for help just like you. Luckily, Pleasanton has treatment centers that have helped many and are waiting for you to call so they can help you too.
Call (866) 578-7471 to find the best rehabilitation center in that suits your needs.
Does Rehab Cure Addiction?
At the present time, there is no cure to addiction. Addiction is a chronic disorder and a disease and is treated like other health issues that are chronic and psychological in nature, with long-term treatment. Addiction recovery is a life-long process that has to be managed on a daily level. However, stopping use for a prolonged duration can have positive physical results in the body and brain. There are many factors in a person's recovery such as the substances they used, their sensitivity to them, the length and dosage of use, and other mental and physical health issues. All of these factors are considered in creating a successful treatment plans for recovery.
Can Someone Overcome Addiction through a Group Meeting?
Group meetings like AA and NA can help people in recovery, but they aren't considered treatment, and shouldn't be depended on solely for overcome addiction. Addiction is a mental and behavioral disease, and group meetings aren't equipped to handle all the recovery needs each person has. Group meetings should be attended in conjunction with rehab, or after rehab.
If are caught up in toxic friends and conditions that contribute to the temptation to use drugs or alcohol, you may consider traveling to a rehab facility in another city or state for treatment. The success rate for recovery is higher for patients who travel for treatment. Another advantage is that you can avoid people you know who aren't aware that you're struggling with an addiction if you travel for treatment.
Joining a group meeting or 12-step program once you complete rehab will provide you with even greater opportunities for successful recovery. Many groups like AA, CA and NA are available in most towns and cities in the country. These groups typically meet once a week and can provide recovering addicts with a support system of peers struggling with addiction to similar substances. You can also find a sponsor at most group meetings who will help you personally in your path to recovery. The benefit of 12-steps is that it helps recovering addicts to have accountability and to make amends for the harms they have caused through their addiction. Click below to find the group meeting near you!