Substance Abuse and Treatment in Charlotte, NC
People who are dealing with a drug addiction have an illness. Like any other illness, this needs to be treated properly. Addiction is multi-faceted, however, with many different factors influencing the condition. Hence, when you look for drug and alcohol rehab centers that deal with substance abuse and treatment in Charlotte, NC, you should look for a treatment center that offers individual treatment plans, rather than a one size fits all option. Recovery from addiction takes time, effort and commitment from everybody who is involved. This is because the illness is so complex. It is characterized by drug cravings that are incredibly intense and can often not be controlled. As such, patients will compulsively look for more drugs, even if they are seeing how bad the consequences of their behavior are. It is certainly true that the first time people take drugs, they do so voluntarily. However, once they develop a dependency, they no longer have the ability to make any choices. Indeed, this part of their brain no longer functions properly, instead making them compulsively look for and take more addictive substances.
Addiction is a mental health condition, a disease of the brain. Various circuits within the brain are affected by it, including learning and memory, reward and motivation and lack of control over risky behavior.
Unfortunately, addiction in the Charlotte-Mecklenburg area is on the rise, particularly in the youth. According to the UNNC (University of North Carolina-Charlotte) Substance Abuse Indicators report in 2007, it has been found 42.5% of students in Charlotte-Mecklenburg used marijuana at least once, which is higher than the national percentage of 38.4% and the North Carolina percentage of 40.1%. Methamphetamine use in Charlotte-Mecklenburg was found to have doubled from 2003 to 2007. These statistics show the acuteness of the substance abuse problem in this area so that there is a need for effective treatment centers that can handle the increasing number of users. On top of that, proper aftercare must be provided to ensure that those who were able to recover will not relapse and continue on the road to full recovery.
Do Family Members Go to Family Therapy?
Family therapy services vary from drug treatment center to center. Typically, there are programs where family members are invited. These can include counseling sessions, talks, videos, and other group interactions with their family member and other people in the family group meeting.
The benefit of this is that family members learn more about addiction and that it's a disease. They gain more compassion and they learn better communication skills where they can improve the support and way that they can help their loved one.
Consider traveling outside of Charlotte or North Carolina for your treatment. Traveling for treatment gives you a fresh start and gets you away from the harmful influences that have been contributing to your addiction.
Call today and our specialists will answer any of your questions on addiction and rehab treatment (866) 578-7471 .
Finding a Drug Rehab Treatment Center in Charlotte, NC
Given the different needs of addicted patients, be it due to the substance they have been abusing or the reasons behind their dependency, choosing a specific drug rehab treatment center can seem a bit daunting, especially for those without any experience in the matter, such as family members. This is why it is extremely important to get a referral from your family doctor, as well as look for a definite set of qualifications in those centers you have chosen. Here are some pointers on what you should look for before choosing a specific one:
- Payment "“While the majority of rehab treatment centers accept some form of insurance, you should ask if they accept your specific provider. In most cases, an out of pocket payment is also accepted, so find out what payment options are available to you.
- Type of treatment "“Even though a certain group of addicts can find benefit in outpatient treatment, it is important to know whether the center of your choice also offers inpatient rehab. Dealing with withdrawal, as well as the immediate effects of stopping the use of certain drugs, can be difficult, so inpatient therapy might be a better choice.
- Medical personnel on call or on site "“ It is of extreme importance to know whether your loved one will have immediate or rapid access to medical help if need be, so make this a priority when looking for treatment.
- Additional programs "“ Addiction does not only affect the patient; it can intrude in the lives of every person surrounding him or her. In your search for a rehab center in Charlotte, NC, don't forget to ask about family therapy and other ways in which they can help you and others in your loved one's immediate circle. Also ask about continuing assistance post-treatment to prevent any relapses.
Inpatient Drug Rehab in Charlotte, NC
One of the terms that will come up most often when you are in search for the perfect rehab treatment facility for yourself or your loved one is one for the inpatient drug rehabs. When a center offers this form of treatment, they are saying that the patient in essence becomes a resident of the facility for the duration of his or her treatment, from detox to release. Many with addiction and their families have found inpatient treatment to be the most effective way to fight drug and alcohol dependency. Mostly because inpatient treatment offers the patient the ability to focus on, and only on, their drug alcohol addiction and its root causes.
In a few words, inpatient treatment allows for the removal of all external influences which can prevent full recovery, focusing solely on the reasons why you or your loved one became addicted in the first place, while providing a tranquil and restful place for the patient to recover. Inpatient treatment is also very important because of the way in which detox is handled. In this instance, medical personnel, including doctors and nurses, are in charge of the patient, and can administer medication to alleviate some of the worst symptoms in case it is required. This type of controlled environment makes detoxification easier on the patient and also prevents any access to drugs or alcohol during this very important process. Additionally, an inpatient treatment drug center offers participation in group therapy and covers all the needs of the patient during recovery, which in the end can be more beneficial than facing the harsh truth of daily life during such a vulnerable time.When considering the influences of peer pressure in our nation's youth, it is apparent that adolescents would be in need of a positive community environment if they are pursue and stay in recovery. Local meetings and support groups are a great way for groups members to stay motivated in recovery and avoid any potential relapses. Use our search tool to find a nearby support that is right for you. Also consider joining a 12-step program. You can find a sponsor in 12-steps and at group meetings to help you on an individual basis. Recovery is possible and both group meetings and 12-steps are valuable tools in helping addicts maintain their sobriety. People who attend meetings, come from all different types of drug rehabs so you can get some good insight on addiction and how to remain sober.
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