Inpatient treatment programs are considered the best option for those struggling with substance abuse disorders. The disease of addiction is powerful and often proves too difficult to manage symptoms without strong continuous support.
Many people need the around the clock care that inpatient treatment programs provide. These programs often offer a detox level of care and an intensive inpatient therapeutic that follows once the detox process is complete.
Inpatient programs, with their intensive therapy, addiction education, and other critical therapeutic such as support groups seem to work better than any other method of treatment.
These programs are intensive in nature, as patients live and receive treatment on site or are transported to certain treatment locations by staff. Inpatient provides the strong support and high accountability that many people request when looking to start over in sobriety.
Statistically, inpatient programs boast the highest success rates of all addiction treatment programs. Possibly this is due to the individual’s removal from familiar environments where he or she used. Additionally, no access to substances is permitted, forcing individuals to find others coping methods to handle stress.