Alcohol & Drug Abuse Treatment in Brentwood, CA
Brentwood, California is a small residential community filled with unique activities and miles upon miles of beautiful fruit fields. Brentwood has strawberries, grapes, cherries, and peach tree fields farther than the eye can see. When the season is right, come pick these delicious fruits fresh from the field to your table. For those who need to stay active during their recovery there is beautiful parks and community centers featuring swimming pools, water polo and diving facilities. There is shopping plazas to satisfy your needs and fine dining to please your palette. Brentwood has golf courses and corn festivals to keep you entertained while you are focusing on your recovery program.
East of San Francisco, Brentwood is home to about 51,000 people. Unfortunately, some of the citizens of Brentwood suffer from drug addiction or alcoholism. These are diseases that require professional help to cope with. And the sad part is, most addicts and alcoholics do not come forward to get the help they need. They are afraid no one will help them, and they will only take criticism for having fallen ill to addiction. But breaking the physical and mental aspect of an addiction is extremely hard and you will need help in order to do so. Get help before it is too late.
How Do I Help a Friend?
If you know someone who is struggling with a drug addiction or alcoholism problem, you might have to hold an intervention for them. Addicts often times will ignore even the most common of signs that their problem has gotten out of hand. Or they might be so focused on getting loaded that they have not even noticed that they are ruining their relationships. Staging an intervention can be a great way to give a loved one a wakeup call.
If you are going to hold an intervention, make sure you assemble friends and family of the addict who have seen firsthand how their addiction has taken a toll on the world around them. Use specific examples on how the addict has missed family functions, daily obligations, etc. because they were so worried about getting high or drunk instead. But it is important to no be judgmental. If the addict or alcoholic feels that he or she is being attacked, then they will buckle up and not want to take any of the intervention in. The overall goal of an intervention should be to get the addict to agree to go to rehab. Your loved one is suffering from a medical sickness, prove to them that they need help. Your loved one is living in an isolated hell right now. Help them get the help they need so they can go back to living a happy and normal life. They need you right now.
Getting in a routine of attending AA and NA meetings almost daily is one of the best ways to stay clean and on track. Meetings are a great way to connect with people who have been through the same hell you have. You will not be judged, criticized or harassed. You will get relief you need on a day-to-day basis. Acting as a sponsor to a new member of the 12-Step Community can also be a great way to stay focused on your sobriety. You can help them work through the steps and it can act as a refresher for you each time you meet with them.