Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Delano, CA
Delano, California is a small residential community rich with history and miles upon miles of beautiful fields. Delano, was a hotspot for civil rights for agriculture workers as Cesar Chavez fought for fair treatment of his people. For those who need to stay active during their recovery there are beautiful parks and community centers featuring swimming pools, water polo and diving facilities. Located just 31 miles from Bakersfield, this city is home to just over 53,000 people.
But just like any other city in the country, Delano has a pocketful of citizens who struggle with a substance abuse problem. A substance abuse problem can be labeled as any addiction held to drugs or alcohol. Some of the most common drugs to fall victim to are cocaine, heroin, prescription pain killers and liquor. All of these deadly substances pack a punch that will hit you so hard, you might not wake up. And that is the truth, any addiction can lead to death at any time. That is why it is important to get help if you or someone you know are suffering from any kind of addiction. Too many people die each year form drugs and alcohol, do not become another statistic.
Why Do I Get Sick When I Try to Quit?
If you regularly consume drugs or alcohol, then there is a good chance your body has developed a chemical dependency on these substances. Meaning, the chemicals in your brain were rewired to need these chemicals in order to feel normal. If you have tried to quit and started shaking, sweating or puking you experienced what are known as withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal symptoms occur because your body is confused as to how to operate without using drugs or alcohol.
Withdrawal symptoms can be very dangerous which is why it is recommended that you handle breaking your dependency to drugs and alcohol under professional care in what is known as a detoxification cycle. In detox, your body will be able to clear itself of all the harmful substances you pumped into your body during your addiction. Most rehab centers offer inpatient detox cycles so that you can be under medical attention around the clock.
Will I Ever Get Back to Being Normal?
No addiction is too strong to overcome. If you are willing to work on yourself by putting the time and effort it takes then with professional help you can learn how to steer away from drugs and alcohol. Because everyone's addiction begins under different circumstances, everyone's rehab plan will also be different. There is no single home-remedy cure to stop addiction on the spot.
Putting together a strong support system is key to staying sober after your rehab program is complete. Most people get the wrong impression about rehab and think that they will be cured from their addictive ways after they graduate. Sadly, that is not true. It will be on you to keep on the path of recovery after rehab is finished. A good way to do that is to get involved with the 12-Step Programs. You can do so by attending AA and NA meetings and working the steps. You can work the steps on your own or with a sponsor.
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- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2019). : Treatment Episode Data Set (TEDS): 2009-2019
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