Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Fullerton, CA
Downtown Fullerton is a beautiful, revitalized town with a rustic atmosphere. They have seen an exponential growth, especially in their amount of sidewalk cafes, unique shops, specialty restaurants, venues for entertainment and upscale apartments. The downtown area has really started to be represented as the cultural center that offers facilities like Museum Center, the Plummer Auditorium and the Downtown Plaza. It has been labeled as "œBourbon Street West" in the OC Weekly. In as short as five years it has given birth to 30 new businesses that sell alcohol, making it the hub of nightlife.
With this growth there have been problems with public drunkenness and fights.
Fullerton has answered these problems by having many treatment centers in the area. If you are looking for help with a substance abuse problem, Fullerton is a great place to get in. There are both inpatient or outpatient rehabs available to you.
How Do Drugs and Alcohol Affect the Fetus of a Pregnant Lady?
Substances such as nicotine, alcohol and an array of prescription and illicit drugs can have a wide range of negative effects on a fetus in the womb because they are transferred to the fetus via the umbilical cord. According to the NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse), nicotine and cocaine have been associated with premature birth and low weight at birth. Heroin exposure leads to dependence on the opiate from the newborn and requires withdrawal treatment for the baby.
Additional factors that often coexist with substance use also negative affect the fetus including stress, mental health issues, poor nutrition and substandard prenatal care. All of these may drastically impact the development of the fetus.
If you are pregnant and are dependent on substances, consider traveling for treatment. It can be embarrassing or humiliating to receive treatment for substance abuse while being pregnant, and traveling for treatment will provide you with anonymity, as well as place you in a medical facility where you and your baby can get the help you both may need.
When you finish your rehab, consider joining a 12-step program. The 12-steps were created by the founders of Alcoholics Anonymous. They were created as progressive steps that a recovering addict goes through that empower them over their addiction. They realize they are powerless against addiction, and admit it. Upon admitting this, they can begin to allow others to help them, referred to a higher power in 12-steps. Higher power can also be calling upon help from God. From there, the steps help recovering addicts to make amends to those they have harmed, and ultimately they are led to help others with their addiction. In addition to 12-steps, consider attending weekly group meetings. You can find one near you on the map below!