Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Bakersfield, CA
Bakersfield, California is full of things to do and places to see. This fast growing city always has something going on. The Kern Country Museum has over 50 exhibits to offer with picnic areas to spend a lazy Saturday enjoying the beautiful California weather. Bakersfield Farmers Market offers local produce and the Fox Theatre always has a featured band and comedy shows. Consider Bakersfield for your substance abuse treatment and enjoy the pleasantries this town has to offer.
Even though it is one of the better known cities of California, it still sees a problem that every other city in the country deals with. That is the problem of drug addiction and alcoholism. Every year the amount of people who suffer from these diseases rises, with not enough of them seeking the professional help they need to cope with these sicknesses. Many addicts just stay in a cycle of abuse with their substances because they are unaware that people care about them and that help is available.
If you are ready to get help, then give us a call. We want to help you find a rehab facility that can help you handle your addiction. There are options both instate and out of state for inpatient rehab programs that can help.
What If They Don't Care That I Care?
It is not rare to hear about a situation in which an addict rejects the concern they get from their parents, friends and other family members. Addicts and alcoholics often times deny that they have a problem or let it be known that they think they are only hurting themselves. The addict may not realize that their substance abuse problem is taking a toll on more than just them. The best way to open up an addict's eyes is to hold an intervention.
In an intervention, family and friends of the addict will gather to try to get the addict to realize that their addiction has gotten out of hand and to get the addict to agree to enroll into rehab. During the gathering, each person should read a written statement to the addict about how the addict's action have affected their relationship. This, hopefully, will allow the addict to see that they are hurting those around them because of they continue to feed their addiction.
Once the addict realizes that their problem is hurting their relationships they might be more willing to go into rehab. The addict will also see that they have support from everyone they love. Addicts feel isolated and alone, so once they see they will have support system, they will want to clean up their act.
Trying to stay straight after rehab can be hard, everyone who has been through addiction knows that. Many people who have never had an addiction do not understand that everyday stresses act as triggers to your drug and alcohol carvings so it is not a big deal to them. In the 12-Step Community everyone will understand what you have to go through on a day-to-day basis in order to stay clean. With AA and NA meetings held regularly, it is recommended that any recovering addict attend meetings on an almost daily basis.