Facing Substance Abuse in Yucaipa, California
Yucaipa California, is east of San Bernardino, in San Bernardino County. It has nice, warm weather almost all year long. It's known for having a large population of Serrano Indians and being the birthplace of Stater Bros. supermarkets.
Yucaipa has a slightly lower percentage of residents that are addicted to drugs and or alcohol than the California average, but there are still those who need help. It has many treatment options available, including inpatient and outpatient programs.
How Quickly Do People Become Addicted to Drugs or Alcohol?
The rate at which people become addicted to substances varies from person to person. The cause and rate of addiction aren't the same for everyone. There are many factors for why people become addicted including their gender, environment, their age, biology, genetic history, as well as a person's sensitivity to substances and the substances they're using. Frequency of use and dosage are also factors. One person may use drugs or drink alcohol many times with no dependent effects while another person can use once or twice and become addicted.
Addiction is a disease, and there is also a psychological and behavioral component to it. Many addicts are predisposed to addiction, and genetics is a factor in this, although some people who have parents that are addicted to a substance, don't automatically become addicted themselves.
If you are addicted to a substance and know you need treatment to overcome it, consider traveling to another city or state for your treatment. There are many benefits to traveling for treatment. The top benefit is that it removes the dependent person from the factors that contribute to their dependency (environment, people, conditions, etc.) Another benefit is there is less risk to encounter someone you know who may not be aware of your affliction.
How To Know if You're Addicted to a Substance?
There's no single clear-cut answer to this, but according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), if a person compulsively seeks out drugs or alcohol and abuses them with no regard for negative consequences (such as losing a job or family problems), they are likely to be addicted to that substance.
Another sign of addiction is illness. If a person is sick when they stop using drugs or alcohol, they may have an addiction.
When you complete your recovery, enhance your chances for success in overcomg addiction even more by joining a weekly group meeting. Group meetings allow you to create a support group of peers who struggle with a similar addiction as yours. You can also find a sponsor at group meetings who will personally coach you on the path to recovery. Also consider joining a 12-step group to aid your chances a success. 12-step groups rely on the help of a higher power to overcome addiction, and they foster accountability by having members make amends for harm caused by substance abuse. Find a meeting near you on the map below!