Getting Help With Drug and Alcohol Use in Diamond Bar, CA.
As a part of Los Angeles County, Diamond Bar has easy access to many of the benefits of a big city. However, there is also a prominence of issues that also closely follow the characteristics of a large town. Drug and alcohol use is an apparent problem in the Los Angeles area, particularly the use of marijuana, alcohol and methamphetamines. Not only is there a lot of use, but there's a lot abuse that's rampant in the area. The unfortunate reality for many people is that abuse can quickly turn into full blown addiction.
There are four stages of addiction that people go through as they progress toward addiction. The first stage is drug experimentation. This stage might not necessarily prove abusive, though even one episode can cause substantial harm. Experimentation may often serve as a gateway to other drugs as well. The next stage is social use. People who use in this sense often do it when they are around others. For people who tend to isolate, in social settings they may end up abusing rather than casually using.
The third stage of addiction is problematic and risky use. One example of this is binge drinking. Binge drinking is the frequent, heavy use of alcohol. The fourth stage is addiction/chemical dependency. At this stage, a person's brain is rewired in ways that make the person especially dependent on the substance. Not only is a person's mind changed, but their behaviors change in tandem to continue the abuse.
What's the Difference Between Physical Dependence and Addiction?
When thinking about addiction, it's important to separate it from dependence. People can have a chemical dependence to a substance without necessarily having an addiction. An addiction happens when someone begins using for emotions. Some people use drugs for physical pain and end up dependent on the substance. That doesn't necessarily mean they have an addiction, it just means that they are dependent.
Addiction is a disease. People who are afflicted with this condition need serious mental help. If you or your loved one is dependent on any substances, it's important to seek out help. It's never too early to get help for therapy, but it could be too late. Get help now and start a new life. One of the best ways to get help with an addiction for your loved one is to stage an intervention. An intervention gathers loved ones together in a setting of care to help underscore the severity of their condition. A lot of times people who are stuck in addiction don't realize the extent of their addiction. The best interventions help people help people get treatment, but they are not supposed to serve as group therapy. At the end of the day, the end goal is treatment.
One of the most important aspects of treatment is aftercare. Following a rehab stint, it's important for the client to seek out support in order to maintain sobriety. The main form of support are 12-step groups, which serve to organize recovery in a set of steps that help the person progress after treatment. Some of the main types of 12-step groups are AA and NA.