Drug and Alcohol Abuse and Treatment Center in Chino Hills, CA
Chino Hills is located in San Bernardino County, California and is home to 74,799 residents. Chino Hills was ranked as the 13th safest city in the United States as well as the 6th highest income city in the U.S. However, that doesn't mean that some of its citizens aren't suffering from drug or alcohol addiction.
These diseases can overtake anyone no matter what their income, background or age is. Addiction is a medical sickness that does not only ruin your health, but destroys your relationships and career as well. Many people see their addiction start to get out of hand but trick to themselves into a lie that their drug and alcohol use is under control. Addicts do not realize that their actions are forcing them to miss out on things in life because they are putting their substance abuse problem first.
What Does Rehab Consist Of?
In rehab you will attend therapy sessions to help you get to the bottom of your addiction on a mental aspect. Knowing what caused you to take to drugs and alcohol will help you avoid future use after your rehab program is complete.
During therapy, your therapist will also help you realize how your actions, while you were using, affected your life. Once you realize that nothing good came out of doing drugs or drinking alcohol then you can start to plan living your life without those substances.
There are many different types of therapy offered at most rehab facilities. Individual therapy is the most common that you will conduct. Meeting with an addiction trained therapist regularly is where you will ease your mind about your addiction and learn how to avoid using harmful substances moving forward in life.
Group therapy is a great way for you to see how others are handling their addiction. This is useful because you will notice that you are not the only one who is having a hard time with a substance abuse problem. You can also meet people who understand what you are going through while building a strong support group. Sharing with other addicts and alcoholics can give you some relief to know that there are people who have gone through something similar.
How Long Does Rehab Last?
Everyone is addicted to a different substance for a different reason so there is no single time frame for everyone to complete rehab. Everyone will have a different duration of their rehab depending on what their personalized program calls for. Achieving sobriety takes time and effort, it is no walk in the park or "œget sober quick scheme."
Getting involved in the 12-Step Community is a great way to meet people who can relate to what you are going through. If you haven't already, you will learn that remaining sober after rehab can be hard. Especially if you try to do so alone. Building a strong support group by attending AA and NA meetings. Also, sharing your story with others may help someone realize that sobriety is possible.
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