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Davis Archway
164 Schiebel Road, Butler, PA 16002
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Axiom Family Counseling Services Inc
630 Cherry Tree Lane, Uniontown, PA 15401
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Clinical Services
Eagleville Hospital
100 Eagleville Road, Eagleville, PA 19408
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Clinical Services
Crossroads Counseling
501 East 3rd Street, Williamsport, PA 17701
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Clinical Services
Fairmount Behavioral Health System
561 Fairthorne Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19128
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Gateway Rehab
262 Ohio River Boulevard, Baden, PA 15005
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Gaudenzia Together House
1306 Spring Garden Street, Philadelphia, PA 19123
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Kirkbride Center
111 North 49th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19139
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Mirmont Treatment Center
100 Yearsley Mill Road, Media, PA 19063
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Clinical Services
New Beginnings
1851 West End Avenue, Pottsville, PA 17901
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Facing Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Pennsylvania
Pennsylvania is where the first American piano was built, the first daily newspaper was published and the Declaration of Independence was signed. But for those caught in the vicious cycle of addiction, the positive aspects of the world around them are probably difficult to identify. When everything is seen through a fog that keeps you running in the search for more, little else is noticed.In This Article- Best Pennsylvania Treatment Centers
- Pennsylvania Drug & Alcohol Detox
- Pennsylvania Drug & Alcohol Rehab
- Finding Treatment in Pennsylvania
- Pennsylvania & Drug Abuse
- Pennsylvania & Alcoholism

Nearly 717,000 people in PA abuse Alcohol every year.That is where we come in. If you give us a call, we will walk you through how to get started. Our representatives will help you make a list of rehab centers in your area and in other cities and states. We can help you determine what level of treatment is best and find a center that fits your financial needs. Addiction and alcoholism like to make people think that they are okay when they aren't. Do not be fooled by the disease that wants to kill you. Call us now for help.
Pennsylvania Drug & Alcohol Detox
Detoxification is necessary for people who are addicted to any type of drug, including alcohol. Getting the substances out of your system is no easy task. Alcohol and some prescription drugs are especially dangerous to detox alone as they can cause life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. To ensure your safety find a medical detox center for the duration of the process.The detox process must be completed before entering rehab, where the focus will be on rebuilding brain function in a healthy manner.Many people are afraid of the detox process due to the anticipated level of pain. However, there is no legitimate reason to fear withdrawing in a detox center. Medications are used, when necessary, to provide comfort and to help avoid relapses and cravings later. Medical staff will be on duty around the clock to support you and help you through the withdrawal process, no matter day or night.Pennsylvania Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Rehab is designed to rebuild healthy brain function. When drugs and alcohol are used to the point of addiction, these substances cause damage to neural operations. Do not despair. It is not hopeless but it does require some hard work and perseverance.Counseling, behavior therapy and other strategies are used to help you get back to your healthy mind, body, and soul. Educational seminars will teach you about the disease of addiction and help you understand what to expect in terms of symptomatology. Intensive therapy will help you uncover the underlying issues that may have perpetuated your addiction.You will be able to address painful problems from the past and will learn coping skills and techniques to handle future stressors in a healthy manner. Once you are ready to graduate, your rehab will also provide support and guidance while you transition back into society drug and alcohol free.Finding Treatment in Pennsylvania
Addiction affects people from all walks of life. The best way to address the disease of addiction is preventative measures such as early education. However, for many people, what is needed now is addiction treatment. It is never too late to get the help you need and deserve.In Pennsylvania 15.3 people per 100,000 die of drug related incidents. That puts Pennsylvania in 14th place in the nation for drug related deaths. Don’t be one of these statistics. Get started toward a healthier, brighter path in life today.The first step is admitting you have a problem with drugs or alcohol and need help. Next comes finding a treatment center that fits your needs. Do you need a detox center or inpatient rehab? Is travelling for treatment the best option for you? These are some of the questions that need to be answered when looking at treatment center options.It can feel overwhelming, but we can help. Contact us today and speak with an addiction expert about what you need.
Pennsylvania numbers show that 297,000 people abuse illegal drugs.
Should I Travel for Treatment?
Many times, when people have been using a drug for long enough, they forget what life was like before. If you continue using, your symptoms will only get worse. It’s not too late to get help.Traveling to a rehab facility in another city or state can be greatly beneficial. Creating separation between you and the bad habits that are feeding your addiction is a good thing for your recovery. Most people will follow the same routine to acquire their drug of choice, whether it be buying from the same people or going to the same bar or liquor store. Because of the strong pull to reenter old behavior habits, leaving town for a while can help you realize that there is more to life than using and searching for more.Rehab does not act as a cure to addiction. But by working through a personalized rehab program, you can learn that there is more to life than getting loaded or drunk at every possible chance.When is Intervention Needed?
The state of Pennsylvania has offered so much to our nation, from the signing of the Declaration of Independence to the first Little League World Series. It’s hard to enjoy the great things around you when the brain is controlled by addictive substances.If you suspect that a loved one is abusing drugs or alcohol to the point where they are in harm then you should step in to hold an intervention ASAP. Each day you dismiss their drug use is another day you risk losing your loved one forever. You can never hold too many interventions, keep trying until they answer the wakeup call.Call (866) 578-7471 today and ask to speak to a professional interventionist. An interventionist can help you assemble a team and make a plan at having the best chance of getting your loved one into rehab.Living Your Recovery
Learning to live a life of hope and recovery is not easy. Getting and maintaining your sobriety requires a good deal of hard work and dedication. Rome wasn’t built in a day. You will need a strong support system and guidance to change your habits and thought patterns into something healthier. Recovery, like life, is a journey not a destination.Although there is work to be done, that doesn’t mean that there is no time for play. Many people mistakenly believe that life will be boring once drugs and alcohol are removed. This couldn’t be further from the truth.People in recovery are trying their best to get used to once again being sober. After so many years wasted on drugs and alcohol, it’s time to make up for the loss by experiencing all that life has to offer. You will discover a life of adventure and activities around every corner when you join the sober community.Treatment Options in Pennsylvania
The first phase of treatment is usually detox. Removing the toxins from your body as soon as possible is critically important. With a clear mind, the next step begins. Rehab will provide you with a customized strategy to correct unhealthy behaviors and thought processes and restore your mind and body to a healthy normal.After detox and rehab, you should continue your care. Aftercare options are numerous and the more combined the better. Sober living plus Intensive Outpatient Therapy and daily 12-step meetings will ensure you get off on the right foot. Should you relapse, this in no way means failure. It just means that your follow up care needs to be adjusted.
In 2015, Pennsylvania suffered 3,264 overdose deaths.
Recovery in Pennsylvania
Before leaving rehab, you should construct an aftercare plan with your therapist. This way you ensure that you will have the support you need in case you find yourself in an overwhelming situation.Remember that you will reenter an environment that often encourages substance use and possibly perpetuated your addiction in the past. When temptation strikes, reach out to your support network and remember all that you have achieved in sobriety.Aftercare will be the steps that you go through to make sure that you can stay in recovery for as long as possible. There will be temptation, however the techniques learned in rehab will become the pillars that hold you up when you are feeling weak. By joining a fellowship, you are giving yourself the support you need, because you can’t fight a war alone. You must have an army.Don't Let Guilt & Shame Keep You Down
Your addiction has controlled your life and taken enough days away from you. Learn how living a sober life can allow you to work, socialize and operate like a normal person again. If you are second guessing enrolling into a treatment program because you feel guilty or ashamed then your addiction is already winning. Start fighting back now, it starts with a phone call.Myths about Addiction Treatment
There are many wild claims in regards to treatment that twist the truth, and are often times wrong. This list will hopefully shed some light on that informationMyth: Treatment Means Quitting Cold Turkey
Essentially, this means that you quit drugs or alcohol all at once and by yourself. Quitting cold turkey can be dangerous, and sometimes fatal. When you abuse a substance for so long, your body in an effort to survive, adjusts so it needs the substance to operate normally. Quitting cold turkey will cause a person to enter a state of withdrawal. Detox centers have trained physicians that will help ease the withdrawal symptoms. At times, it can get so bad that certain medications need to be administered to ease the side-effects of withdrawal. It is always better to go through a facility with professionals than it is to go at it alone.Myth: You have to hit Rock Bottom
There is a common belief that an addicted person has to lose everything they care about, or get themselves stuck in a low state before they can finally get help and for the treatment to be everlasting. The truth of the matter is that, although the term rock bottom implies that they are at their lowest point, it really just means that they have had enough. Some addicted people can seek treatment and have it be effective even before they have lost everything. And although there are those who seek treatment when they are at their lowest point of their life, you don't have to wait until you lose everything to seek a better future.Myth: Treatment is like a "One Size Fits All" Glove
One thing that has become noticeable in the vast quantities of people going through addiction treatment, is that there are a myriad of methods that are effective for recovering addicts, and that no two people are the same. What this means is that every single person needs to be treated differently than the next person. What works for one person may not necessarily be the best method for another. This doesn't mean that someone should start trying potentially harmful techniques on the off chance that it can help them.Myth: All Treatment Centers are the Same
This is similar to the previously mentioned myth, except that it relates more to the centers. There are a vast majority of treatment centers around the country, and each one is unique in its own way. Again, treatment needs to be customized to the client, so it's important to do your research before a commitment is made. One treatment center may be better for one person, but can't meet the needs of another. There are many great treatment centers out there, but then there are others that are subpar. No one should enter into a facility without looking into it. A little bit of research goes a long way.Myth: Drug and Alcohol Rehab Usually Fail
This myth is usually associated with relapsing. It is true that relapse happens , but by no means does that mean Rehab and treatment fails almost all of the time. A relapse is usually a sign that treatment needs to be adjusted, but by no means does it mean that rehab failed. As long as someone holds the values and methods that they learned in the facility, then rehab hasn't failed.Myth: Relapse is Normal and Happens to Everyone
This might sounds a little odd, as it was previously stated that relapse is normal, but bear with us. When stating that relapse is normal can be harmful if it's misunderstood. Although it is true that relapse does occur and that it should be viewed as a way to continue the treatment process, it shouldn't be viewed as something that you have to do. Sometimes, when it's stated that relapse is normal, someone will view it as the green light to abuse their substance, and that they can bounce right back like it's part of the recovery process. It isn't, and recovery should aim for a continued life of sobriety, not sobriety every now and then. Although there are those who are able to maintain a sober lifestyle after relapsing, you shouldn't take it as a free pass to use whenever you want.Myth: You can go at it Alone or Seeking Help Shows Weakness
These two myths are essentially the same, in that it suggests that people can move past an addiction on their own, and that seeking help shows that you are weak. Although the desire to quit can be a strong one, you should never go at it alone. Everybody tumbles and falls, and it is never embarrassing to seek help. In fact, recognizing that you need help is an amazing sign and show of strength. Treatment facilities are filled with professionals that can help you begin your sobriety.Find a Rehab Center Now
Treatment isn't always what you think it is. Call (866) 578-7471 today to learn more about treatment and what you can do to help.Pennsylvania & Drug Abuse
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Pennsylvania suffered 3,383 drug-related overdose deaths in 2015. Those numbers have increased greatly each year. People who abuse drugs usually do so under the mindset that they can stop whenever they want, that is hardly ever the case. Constant drug use can lead to an addiction. Others know they cannot stop so they think there is no way out. But that is not true. Attending a drug treatment program can save your life. Do not become another death statistic for the state because of a substance abuse problem. Step up and start fighting back against your addiction, it starts with a phone call.Pennsylvania & Alcoholism
The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration conducted a study between 2010 and 2014 that concluded about 11.5 % of adolescents ages 12 to 17 tried alcohol for the first. With so many young people being exposed to liquor at a young age, it is easy to see how alcoholism is a growing threat to the state. It is hard for someone to come to grips that they have an alcohol addiction, mainly because alcohol is legal under the right circumstances. People often believe that because it is legal than it cannot be as bad as meth or heroin. Alcohol has the power to do just as much damage to your life as illegal drugs do.
- Pennsylvania Office of Drug Surveillance and Misuse Prevention. (2022). : Pennsylvania ODSMP – Drug Overdose Surveillance Interactive Data Report
- Pennsylvania Department of Health. (2020). : Alcohol Consumption, Pennsylvania Adults
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020). : Behavioral Health Barometer: Pennsylvania, Volume 6: Indicators as measured through the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health and the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services
- National Institute on Drug Abuse. (2018). : Comorbidity: Substance Use and Other Mental Disorders
- Mohamed, I. I., Ahmad, H. E. K., Hassaan, S. H., & Hassan, S. M. (2020). : Assessment of anxiety and depression among substance use disorder patients: a case-control study
- Vahratian, A., Blumberg, S. J., Terlizzi, E. P., & Schiller, J. S. (2021). : Symptoms of Anxiety or Depressive Disorder and Use of Mental Health Care Among Adults During the COVID-19 Pandemic — United States, August 2020–February 2021
- Smith, J. P., & Book, S. W. (2008). : Anxiety and Substance Use Disorders: A Review
- National Center for PTSD. (2022). : PTSD: National Center for PTSD, Substance Abuse
- National Center for PTSD. (2022). : PTSD and Substance Abuse in Veterans
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2016). : An Introduction to Bipolar Disorder and Co-Occurring Substance Use Disorders
- Parmar, A., & Kaloiya, G. (2018). : Comorbidity of Personality Disorder among Substance Use Disorder Patients: A Narrative Review
- Center for Substance Abuse Treatment. (2020). : Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Family Therapy
- Ten Thousand Beds, Inc. (2021). : How to Apply for a Scholarship
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Fiscal Year 2022 Grant Announcements and Awards
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). : Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
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