Drug and Alcohol Rehabilitation in Erie, Pennsylvania
With a population of over 100,000 residents Erie, PA is the Commonwealth's primary access point to Lake Erie and the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Because this is such a large city, crime, poverty and substance abuse are prevalent. Though Erie's largest employer GE Transportation employs at least 5,300 individuals, many people here in this beautiful city struggle to get by and some have found drugs/alcohol to be a substantial way to cope. Enslaved by the chains of addiction many have lost their lives or come close. With heroin alone 48% of the 60 drug related deaths that occurred last year, heroin was the cause.
Pride and shame has kept many stuck in the grips of addiction, Without discriminating against color, sex or status addiction tears apart households, destroys dreams and kills. Some who suffer with addiction feel there is no way out, that there is no hope. With modern day treatment there are many options for you or your addicted loved one to get help for their addiction. Detox would be the first step in getting the toxins out of the body of the chemically dependent person so that they can focus solely on their rehab process. The next phase would be either inpatient or outpatient treatment services where the addicted person would be exposed to education on addiction, therapy, groups and support.
Help is available, if you or someone you love is addicted to drugs/alcohol there is hope. Don’t let fear and shame keep you or your loved one from getting the love that is needed and deserved. Call us today and let us help! (866) 578-7471
With a population of over 100,000 residents Erie, PA is the Commonwealth's primary access point to Lake Erie and the Saint Lawrence Seaway. Because this is such a large city, crime, poverty and substance abuse are prevalent. Though Erie's largest employer GE Transportation employs at least 5,300 individuals, many people here in this beautiful city struggle to get by and some have found drugs/alcohol to be a substantial way to cope. Enslaved by the chains of addiction many have lost their lives or come close. With heroin alone 48% of the 60 drug related deaths that occurred last year, heroin was the cause.
Pride and shame has kept many stuck in the grips of addiction, Without discriminating against color, sex or status addiction tears apart households, destroys dreams and kills. Some who suffer with addiction feel there is no way out, that there is no hope. With modern day treatment there are many options for you or your addicted loved one to get help for their addiction. Detox would be the first step in getting the toxins out of the body of the chemically dependent person so that they can focus solely on their rehab process. The next phase would be either inpatient or outpatient treatment services where the addicted person would be exposed to education on addiction, therapy, groups and support.
Help is available, if you or someone you love is addicted to drugs/alcohol there is hope. Don’t let fear and shame keep you or your loved one from getting the love that is needed and deserved. Call us today and let us help! (866) 578-7471
What is Outpatient Treatment?
Outpatient drug and alcohol treatment is the type of treatment that patients receive when they travel to a facility, but don’t live at the facility. Typically, they go a few nights a week.
The advantages of outpatient treatment are many. One of which is cost. Outpatient treatment is typically less expensive than inpatient. Outpatient treatment also affords patients convenience. If they have family or work responsibilities and are unable to go to a live-in facility, they can go to outpatient treatment after work.
Consider traveling to another city or state for your drug or alcohol treatment. Traveling for treatment gets you away from the temptations that make it more difficult to stop using.
Aftercare is important to you continued recover. Meetings work as long as you work them. They can be great tools because they give you access to a strong support system that is constituted of people who have also fought addiction. You can make friends among peers just like you at group meetings, and you can find a sponsor there to help you on a personal level. Also participate in the 12-steps to help in your ongoing recovery and sobriety. The 12-steps work through teaching people accountability, humility and how to call upon a higher power to overcome addiction.
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- Palattella, E., & Flowers, K. (2022, May 13). 25 indicted in Erie federal court, charged with dealing cocaine, fentanyl, meth. Erie Times-News . : https://www.goerie.com/story/news/crime/2022/05/13/fentanyl-cocaine-and-meth-25-indicted-in-erie-federal-case-paul-sellers/65355140007/
- Hahn, T. (2021, February 21). Erie County drug use: Aid efforts ongoing; city sees rise in overdose cases, deaths in 2020. Erie Times-News . : https://www.goerie.com/story/news/local/2021/02/21/drug-deaths-erie-county-sees-rise-fatal-overdoses-2020-aid-ongoing/4386439001/
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