Addiction Rehab Facilities from Wilkes-Barre, PA
Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania is in Luzerne County. This city is in the center of Wyoming Valley and is the 4th ranked in the largest metropolitan statistical area of the state. Addiction impacts a large number of individuals, regardless of cultural preferences, financial status or varied personal backgrounds.
Addiction is deadly and does not discriminate against anyone. Addiction is a disorder that centers in an individual’s brain. However, psychological aspects of harm linked to addiction are not the only kind of harm caused by addiction.
How Does Addiction Harm Physical Health?
addiction is greatly physical and continual use of drugs and alcohol can do much harm to one’s physical health and wellness. Harmful physical impacts due to addiction often include, a weaker immune system and weakness in overall body function. Some more severe side effects of addiction to an individual’s physical health are damage to the kidneys, liver disease, heart attacks, seizures, coma and fatality do to internal organs shut down.
Addiction is a serious disorder and a worldly crisis. Any harm that addiction has caused to your body or your loved one’s physical health, does not have to continue to worsen. There is help available in Wilkes-Barre, PA for addiction, get your life back with the help of treatment for addiction.
Am I in Recovery After Rehab?
Getting treatment for addiction in rehab is not the end of the road for recovery. Recovery for addiction is not an overnight process. Please do not let this scare you away. If an individual has been in active addiction for months or even years, there is a way out.
Rehabilitation provides a healthy stepping stone for you to get back to living a life of your choice, rather than of the choice of addiction. However, recovery for addiction is part of one’s life work. Although, it is a continual journey, addiction will no longer drain you of your choices or your happiness.
Recovery after rehab is encouraged through 12-step programs found in local meetings, aftercare programs and simply just being of service to your recovery community. Recovery offers much more than addiction ever promised (866) 578-7471