Combating Substance Abuse in Reading, PA.
Reading, PA is a beautiful city with many historical accomplishments.Located in Berks County, it has a population of over 87,000. The 2010 census reported that Reading has the highest portion of residents that are living in poverty in the nation. Gang violence, crime, and drug/alcohol addiction is prevalent. A report by the PA State Coroners Association stated that the number of drug related deaths increased by 20% in 2014.
Addiction is a powerful and destructive force that has many in the grips of its vicious cycle. Shame, guilt, fear and embarrassment fuel the cycle of addiction prevent the person who needs help from asking or receiving assistance. When someone is enslaved by the chains of addiction the results can be compared to that of a suicide bomber, everyone involved gets hurt. Marriages, families, opportunities are all affected by the disease of addiction, the person addicted may think they are only hurting themselves but that is not the case.
You or someone you love may be suffering with a substance abuse problem. If so, there are options and help is available. If your loved one refuses to acknowledge their issue an intervention; where the family displays their care and concern may be necessary to open the door to them taking the first step. If you or your family member is ready for rehab detox is the first step, cleaning the system of all toxins and chemicals. The next step is either inpatient or outpatient treatment where the services offered vary from groups to therapy, to medication management, and aftercare.
Don’t wait any longer to reach out for help, addiction is fatal if left untreated and everyone deserves a chance at a fulfilling life. Give us a call today at (866) 578-7471 start recovery today.
Should I Go to Inpatient or Outpatient Rehab in Reading?
The decision to admit in inpatient or outpatient care is a big decision. Inpatient care is the most effective form of treatment because it is a live-in treatment where you will be under medical care, and away from the temptations and conditions that contributed to your substance abuse. Inpatient care can be more expensive than outpatient care, so if cost is a factor, outpatient care may be a better option. Also, if you have responsibilities with work or your family that prohibit you from enrolling in inpatient care, outpatient care may be the best option for you.
While making the journey through recovery, many people who take to journey alone may fall prey to the trap is discouragement or lack of knowledge on addiction, and eventually relapse and return to older patterns. In order to maintain a successful recovery process, a solid system of social support needs to be established. That's why cities like Reading Pennsylvania has many local meetings and support groups nearby to provide its members with additional knowledge regarding the nature of addiction, as as well as give individuals extra motivation for abstinence.
Consider receiving treatment outside of Reading. Traveling for treatment will get you away from the people, stress and negative conditions that make using more tempting for you.- History of reading, Pennsylvania . (2019, October 14). Tree Service, Tree Removal, Tree Trimming, Reading, PA. : https://treeremovalreadingpa.com/history-of-reading-pennsylvania/
- About reading, PA – Albright College. (n.d.). Retrieved September 15, 2022, from : https://www.albright.edu/about-albright/about-reading-pa/
- Dev. (2019, December 17). Opioid epidemic in Berks County. Council on Chemical Abuse | Your Bridge to Addiction Resources. : https://cocaberks.org/opioid-epidemic-in-berks-county/
- Rearden, C. (2021, March 24). 2020 overdose deaths highest-ever recorded in Berks . WFMZ.Com. : https://www.wfmz.com/news/area/berks/2020-overdose-deaths-highest-ever-recorded-in-berks/article_8aff5174-8cdb-11eb-909c-7789aee72a21.html
- (n.d.). Addiction Education & Recovery Support for Berks County, PA | COCA. : https://cocaberks.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/AR-19-20-Facts-Figures-WEB-V2.pdf
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