Finding Hope and Treatment for Addiction in Plymouth, MA
This is one of the most famous towns in all of America and it's all because of a rock but this isn't just any rock it's Plymouth Rock. The town of Plymouth was the landing of the pilgrims and these people are the reason for Thanksgiving. This quiet Massachusetts coastal town is full of residents reenacting the foundation of America. It's a special place that's close to the heart of anyone from New England whether they're from Portland, Maine or Concord, New Hampshire. After almost 400 years, this town still honors its founders and melds together the past with the future.
The freedom that the pilgrims sought was something we all believe in but if you're struggling with addiction the idea of freedom may mean something more important to you. America was founded on the basis of freedom; so why keep yourself a slave to your addiction? Now is the chance to make a change in your life in Plymouth. There are many treatment options that you can choose from, inpatient or outpatient treatment may be the solution for you but if you don't know, we can help you figure that out. It's okay if you don't know how to break free from substance abuse, if you're willing to seek help then you're on the right track. Reach out today, because we are here to guide you as you travel on your road to be clean.
Will I Be Cured of My Addiction When I Finish Rehab?
The simple answer is now. There isn't a "œcure"? to addiction per se. Addiction is a mental and behavioral chronic disorder. It can be treated, however, but treatment is a life-long process. Recovering addicts overcome their addiction day-by-day. Drug and alcohol addiction is treated like other chronic diseases- with a combination of therapy and medical assistance.
Addiction changes the way a person's brain functions. It rewires the brain to promote further substance abuse. However, prolong abstinence from certain substances can result in partial recovery of the brain.
If you find that you're overwhelmed by stresses, your job and other conditions, and it tempts you to become dependent on substances, consider going to another state to get away from these influences for your rehab. Traveling for treatment is a very effective way to rehabilitate.
If you want to take a stand for your right to be clean and sober, then call us now at (866) 578-7471.
It's hard to imagine that anyone can feel alone in a world that's so connected. We want you to know that after treatment there are options available to you. We encourage you to get connected with a fellowship so you can have people who support you through thick and thin and have walked the path you are about the take yourself. You can find a group meeting for most of the substance types that are abused. You can also find a sponsor at group meetings to help you on a personal level. Also consider joining a 12-step program to further your recovery. 12-steps teach accountability and relying on a higher power to overcome addiction. Find a group meeting near you on the map below!