Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Newton, MA
Newton, Massachusetts was originally made up of 13 villages and was settled in 1630. Newton is located on the outskirts of Boston and is well known and respected for their quality of education, simple community life, wonderful homes and their exceptional open spaces. Newton really is a slice of heaven.
Newton was nominated, on several occasions, as one of the Top 10 best communities to live.
Their population is about 80,000 and have nearly 26,000 homes. It's also home to Boston College, Lasselle College and Mount Ida College.
The Boston Marathon pierces straight through the city, starting at Heartbreak Hill and runs clear by the City Hall. With all this on the plate, why wouldn't anyone want to visit?
Another thing Newton offers, which you would think couldn't be found in such a small town, is rehabilitation centers. We know that sometimes you may feel ashamed that you have an addiction but there's nothing to feel ashamed about. Everyone falls sometimes, we're here to make sure you can stand back up and get on with your life.
What Do Doctors Screen for In Rehab?
When patients enter rehab or a detox facility, they receive a full assessment so that a comprehensive treatment plan can be created for them. This assessment includes many things, some of which are a mental health screening, physical health screening, genetics, diseases and other issues"”like prescription meds a patient may be on, and STD screenings. The reason for all of these is that they are major factors in assessing a person's addiction and how to treat them. Doctors need to ensure previous issues don't have adverse reactions with new therapies and medicines they may prescribe to a recovering drug or alcohol addict.
If you are struggling with addiction, consider traveling for treatment. When you travel for treatment to another city or state, you have a better chance at a successful recovery as you are removed from stressful conditions and temptations that may have made it easy to abuse drugs and alcohol.
Are you or someone you know suffering from a substance abuse addiction? We can help. Give us a call now for a private, free, consultation: (866)578-7471.
There are many after care options that you can choose from when you successfully make it through rehab. Whether you want to go to religious communities or feel that you need to better yourself through nutrition, there are options available. Consider helping out your addiction recovery efforts by joining a weekly group meeting. There are many benefits, including support from peers, as well as finding a sponsor to help you personally on your path to sobriety. Also consider participating in a 12-step program. The 12-steps help recovering addicts have accountability for their actions and to make amends for the harms they have caused by their addiction. To find a meeting in Newton, or another city or town near you, click on the map below.