Wanting to Get Better from Woburn
Randolph, MA has a population of 32, 158 people has a motto of "To Say What One Feels." People in the Randolph, Massachusetts take great pride in their town. As with any town, however, there are issues lurking beneath the surface. One of those beneath the surface problems is addiction. Drug addiction impacts every American town. It plays a big role in the life of so many people--ultimately it devastates.
People who struggle from addiction often feel as if they are all alone. They often do not understand the complexities of the disease. They might have fallen for the mistaken belief that they are the cause of their addiction. However, addiction is not a extension of some fatal flaw in a person. It is the result of a combination of factors that lead one to use.
How Do People Become Addicted?
Unlike the former prevailing rhetoric, people who suffer from an addiction often suffer from a disease of missed connections. They miss connection and live in the squalor of cognitive dissonance as they try and escape from loneliness by doing drugs. However, drugs only make them more isolated. People who become addicted to drugs and alcohol are not to blame for their disease. They in many ways inherited addiction. They did not create it. When someone is in active addiction, their mind is literally rewired to make them crave drugs.
Their natural survival instincts are replaced with the desire craving and almost frenetic need to do drugs. People lose their will power are their means of survival involves using drugs. Unfortunately, there is no cure for addiction. People who live in recovery are embracing a daily grind to fight off addiction. However, sobriety teaches people to connect to one another in healthy ways, which can remove the craving to use drugs. Call us now if you have questions: (866) 578-7471 .
Rehabilitation helps people move forward and leave behind the demons in their life. However, they aren't forever vanquished. Recovery is a daily battle that's defeated when individuals choose others to connect with--not drugs. Find a 12-step meeting today.