Find Quality Substance Abuse Treatment in Salem, OR
Salem is the capital of Oregon and the third largest city with 154,637 residents, and the second largest metropolitan area. Nicknamed the “Cherry City” because of the previously important cherry industry in the area and in honor of agriculture’s historical significance in the region.
Home to several universities, including Chemeketa Community College, Corban University and Willamette University, which is the oldest in the American west, Tokyo International University of America, among others. With so many college students comes an assortment of bars, restaurants and other entertainment options.
Salem is full of quant activities; it is the permanent site of the Oregon State Fair, it has a weekly Salem Saturday Market offering local products of crafts, baked goods, produce and other items. The World Beat Festival lasts two days and features food, dance, music, folklore and much more. If live music and fresh produce do not excite you, there are opera houses, many theaters, museums of art, history, archaeology, and more. There is something fascinating to pass the time for every tastes in Salem.
Even in a shining capital city like Salem, many people find that their lives are run by mind-altering substances. The disease of addiction grabs hold of people from all walks of life. If you are struggling with addictive, substances, do not feel ashamed. You are not alone.
Many have been where you are and have found a way to stop using and stay abstinent. You are not responsible for your disease, but you are responsible for your recovery. Do not waste another day enslaved to drugs or alcohol. If you or a loved one is using drugs and alcohol, please call at (866) 578-7471 immediately.
How do I Stage an Intervention?
In its simplest form, an intervention is a conversation between the person using and those concerned. It confronts the person about his or her using and behavior in a non-judgmental and loving way. It allows you the opportunity to show you care while conveying concern and making clear that something needs to change.
A professional interventionist can be especially helpful during this difficult time. The professional can help you prepare and execute the intervention, giving the event a greater chance of being successful.
Learning to live without drugs or alcohol, and maintaining sobriety requires strong guidance and support. The strong support system you need can be found at a local 12-step program meeting. Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous prove the best way of defeating the disease of addiction. Everyone should find a sponsor, work the 12-steps and attend meetings regularly to ensure continuous recovery for the long haul. Millions of people worldwide have been able to overcome their addiction with the help of 12-step programs. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today and get connected.
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- Oregon Health Authority. (n.d.). : Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act (Measure 110)
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