Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Medford, OR
Medford, Oregon is a city of over 75,000 residents, located in Jackson County.
For those who like art and culture check out Art du Jour Gallery and The Rogue Gallery & Art Center for amazing pieces of artwork completed in various medias like acrylic, pastel, oil, mixed media, pencil, sculptures, and watercolor.
For the outdoors type, Medford, OR offers Rogue Jet Boat Adventures, Rogue Klamath River Adventures, and Rogue Valley Zipline Adventures. Prefect for thrill seekers, these outdoor activities include riding the waves of Rogue River, zip lining across the beautiful terrain, and braving the white water rapids of Rogue Klamath River.
For those struggling with addiction, however, may find it difficult to enjoy even these exciting activities. Addiction is a disease and it requires professional treatment to overcome its deadly grasp. The disease of addiction kills many Americans today. Do not become just another statistic. Reach out by calling (866) 578-7471 .
What Type of Treatment Program do I Need?
Depending on the severity of your addiction, you may need an inpatient program. The intensity of the inpatient program will help you break free from your drug abuse problem. Inpatient programs are considered the most comprehensive and therapeutic as they provide the most support and around the clock care.
Everyone is different, however, and for those who cannot commit to a full time treatment there are outpatient programs.
Both inpatient and outpatient programs offer intensive individual therapy, group therapy, and other methods of working through difficulties of the past and learning new skills to overcome future obstacles.
Many people consider travelling for treatment to be the best option. By finding a treatment center away from people and situations that perpetuated your using in the past, you are giving yourself a better chance at recovery.
You may feel embarrassed considering rehab, but know that with the growing strength of narcotics, rehab is not as taboo as you may think. Thousands of success stories started where you are today. Reach out for help to start a new, better life in Medford today. We are here to help.
Learning to live without drugs or alcohol requires a strong support system. Getting involved in the sober community could ease that stress and fortify your will in times of need. 12-step programs prove the best way of combating the disease of addiction. It is highly recommended to attend meetings regularly and find a sponsor. When stressful moments do occur, this strong support system will guide you through the difficult times in life. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a 12-step meeting, such as Alcoholics Anonymous or Narcotics Anonymous, in your area today. It is never too late to start recovering.
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