Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Hillsboro, OR
Hillsboro is the fifth largest city in the state of Oregon, with a population of 91,611. Hillsboro's economy is mainly based on technology. Often called the Silicon Forest, as many technology companies, such as Intel, call Hillsboro home. Three fiber optic cable systems have their landing point in this city.
Home to many corporate headquarters, this beautiful area has both career and leisure opportunities for everyone. Oregon Health & Science University, Pacific University’s health Professions Campus, as well as other institutions of higher education call Hillsboro home, giving residents access to high caliber education. Recreational activities, outdoor activities, scene trails and parks, theaters, museums, historic sites and much more.
Hillsboro also has quality rehabilitation centers that are focused on helping its residents find recovery. If you live in Hillsboro and need help finding a treatment center, give us a call. We can help you decide which type of treatment program would best suit your needs.
Why do People Call it the Epidemic of Addiction?
The disease of addiction devastates many American lives today. The rise of prescription medicine abuse and dependence has spilled over into illicit drug use. Many people, for instance, start out on prescription pain killers or amphetamines and graduate to street drugs such as heroin and crystal meth or cocaine. The media coverage and attempt to decrease the amount of prescriptions handed out by doctors, have lead many people who are already addicted to the legal substance to change to these illegal substances.
Addiction is a disease and requires professional treatment like any other. If you find yourself among the many who want to stop using but cannot, do not despair. Millions of people have been where you are and have found a way out of the hellish existence that is addiction. The situation may feel dire, however it is not hopeless and help is available.
How Will a Treatment Center Help Me?
A treatment center will provide you with the support, guidance and education you need to overcome the symptoms of your disease. You are not responsible for your disease, but you are responsible for your recovery.
Inpatient treatment programs are considered the best option for most people as it provides around the clock care, medical assistance, and intensive therapy to get to the core issues. By learning about the disease of addiction, and with therapy, you may better understand how and why you have behaved in the past and learn new ways to react to situations and triggers in the future.
Outpatient programs are available to those who have already gone through detox and are already stabilized. During outpatient treatment you will receive intensive therapy on a part-time basis and learn new coping strategies to overcome obstacles that life may throw your way.
Many people find that travelling for treatment greatly benefitted their recovery. By finding a treatment center away from potentially negative influences, you are giving yourself a greater chance of getting and staying sober.
If you are struggling with substance abuse, reach out today and break free of the vicious cycle of addiction.
12-step programs prove the best way of treating the disease of addiction. programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous provide member with much needed support and guidance to stop using and stay abstinent. Everyone is encouraged to get a sponsor and work the 12-steps. Regular meeting attendance is also crucial to getting involved in a sober community. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area and get connected to others who have been where you are and have found a way out. Do not waste another minute on drugs and alcohol. Find a meeting today.
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