Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Beaverton, OR
Beaverton is the sixth largest city in Oregon, with nearly 90,000 residents. The city center is located just seven miles west of Downton Portland, giving Beaverton the perfect balance of city and country.
Beaverton is a part of Silicon Forest as it is home to numerous technology based companies. Home to the world headquarters of Nike, Inc., which is also one of the area’s largest employers. Oregon Technology Business Center also calls this beautiful region home, as well as many other vibrant businesses and corporations.
Even in great cities like Beaverton, numerous people living in this town may find that their lives are being controlled by addictive substance. The disease of addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful and claims the lives of far too many people each year. In 2013, the National Institute on Drug Abuse estimated that 22.7 million Americans, or 8.6 percent, needed treatment for alcohol or drug problems. Of the 22.7 million people, only about 2.5 million, or 0.9 percent, received treatment for their addiction.
Even with staggering numbers such as these, many people hesitate to get help due to shame or fear of stigma. When nearly one in ten Americans struggle as you do, you should realize that you are not alone and the only thing you will regret is not asking for the help you so desperately need.
The situation may feel hopeless, however there is a way out. Help is available. Reach out and give us a call at (866) 578-7471 .
We can help you find a treatment center that best suits your needs. Consider travelling for treatment to get away from negative influences and stressors while you work on yourself and start your road to recover.
How do I Stage an Intervention?
An intervention is simply a conversation where the person is confronted about his or her using. It is common for the person who is addicted to be suffering from denial about his or her addiction. By staging an intervention, you are helping to break down barriers in communication and belief and nudging the person in the right direction.
There is no concrete formula for staging an intervention. What works for one person may not work for another. However, there are a few commonalities that will help you execute the intervention with as little distress as possible. First, make sure to keep the conversation non-judgmental, supportive, but resolute in the message that change needs to occur. Second, include others in the conversation who are on good terms with the individual. Sometimes this can be difficult if the person has turbulent relationships with most people, however try not to include anyone who will cause the situation to explode in argument or discord. The same is true for location, as you do not want to stage an intervention where the person was particularly traumatized.
There are many aspects to consider before staging an intervention. Consider consulting a professional interventionist to gain more tips and guidance regarding how to host the best intervention possible.
If you find yourself stuck in the vicious cycle of addiction, using and needing more, there is hope. Many have been where you are and, with the help of a 12-step program, have found a way out. There is hope for you too, however you have to reach out for help to recover. The support and guidance found in 12-step program meetings will help you get and stay abstinent, and overcome any obstacle life throws your way. 12-step programs prove the best way to treat the disease of addiction. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today and start living the life you were meant to live.
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