Searching for a Substance Abuse Treatment Center in Eugene, OR
In 1846, Eugene Franklin Skinner instituted the first cabin in Eugene that acted as a trading post. This post was then authorized to be a post office in 1850. The original location was soon scrapped when they found out that it turned into a quagmire when they experienced the heavy winter rains. The town was officially incorporated in 1862, and was then named Eugene City, which it remained until 1889 when it was shortened to Eugene.
Now, Eugene is the second largest city in Oregon, with over 156,000 residents. Many major corporations got their start in Eugene, including Nike, from which it gets its nickname “Track Town, USA.” Other major companies including Taco Time, Broderbund Software, and Organically Grown Company, the largest distributer of organic fruits and vegetables in the northwest.
Home of the University of Oregon, as well as other colleges and universities, which top the charts of Eugene’s top employers. Along with a large student body, you can also find restaurants, bars and clubs to entertain everyone.
Am I the Only One Who Cannot Stop Using?
The disease of addiction affects millions of people in the United States alone. Unfortunately, far too many do not get the help they need and pay with their life.
According to the National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, NIAAA, roughly 20 percent of college students meet the criteria for an Alcohol Abuse Disorder, or AUD. Drugs and alcohol abuse and dependence are becoming more common and has reached the point of being a national health crisis.
If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, reach out. Do not let shame or guilt deter you from getting the help you need and deserve. You are not responsible for having the disease of addiction, but you are responsible for your recovery. You are not alone. Millions have been where you are and have overcome the symptoms of their disease and now live happy, healthy, fulfilling and meaningful lives. Do not waste another minute enslaved to drugs and alcohol. Get help today.
What Can I Expect from Addiction Treatment?
There are typically two different treatment programs to choose from, namely inpatient and outpatient. Inpatient is the most commonly recommended and offers residential treatment, intensive therapy and counselling, and around the clock care. Outpatient programs have less accountability and offer similar therapy, however there as it requires less time it is also less intensive.
It can be difficult deciding which programs is best for you, so consider consulting a professional to see what fits your needs best. Consider travelling for treatment as it will benefit you on your road to recovery to get away from negative influences for the duration of your stay in treatment.
Anyone struggling with addiction substances should find a local 12-step meeting and get involved. 12-step programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous are the best way to treat the disease of addiction. Living free from drugs and alcohol takes work and requires strong guidance and a solid support system, all of which you can find at your local meeting. The support provided by other members and your sponsor will help you overcome every obstacle life throws your way. If you are struggling with substance abuse, find a meeting in your area today and get connected to others who have been where you are. It is never too late to start recovering. Do not wait another minute to start living a life filled with hope, meaning, and joy.
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