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ADAPT North Bend
400 Virginia Street, North Bend, OR 97459
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Cedar Hills Hospital
10300 SW Eastridge Street, Portland, OR 97225
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Lifeways Inc
702 Sunset Drive, Ontario, OR 97914
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Portland Metro Treatment Center
16420 SE Division Street, Portland, OR 97236
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Serenity Lane
2133 Centennial Plaza, Eugene, OR 97401
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BestCare Treatment Services
125 SW C Street, Madras, OR 97741
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New Directions Northwest, Inc.
2100 Main St, Baker City, OR 97814
Her Place
1137 25th Street NE, Salem, OR 97301
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236 SE D Street, Madras, OR 97741
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Renaissance Recovery Resources PC
131 Menlo Drive North, Salem, OR 97303
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Facing Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Oregon
Oregon residents live by the old saying, “live and let live.” They have a diverse culture complete with a music scene that is the envy of indie fans all over the country. This beautiful state boasts everything from volcanoes and mountains, to coastline, high desert, thick forests and prairies.In This Article- Best Oregon Treatment Centers
- Oregon Drug & Alcohol Detox
- Oregon Drug & Alcohol Rehab
- Finding Treatment in Oregon
- Oregon & Drug Abuse
- Oregon & Alcoholism

It is reported that 233,000 people in Oregon abuse Alcohol.Making the decision to get clean and sober can be somewhat scary at first, but it’s the best decision you can make for yourself and your family. Professional treatment will allow you to stop using and overcome the underlying causes that may have perpetuated with using. It is never too late to recover.
Oregon Drug & Alcohol Detox
If you are addicted to drugs or alcohol, detox will need to be your first step in terms of treatment. The withdrawal symptoms with some commonly abused substances can produce deadly side effects. Due to the dangers associated with detox, anyone beginning with this step is strongly encouraged to find a medical detox center.Withdrawals from substance abuse can be very hard on an individual, both mentally and physically, which is why a medical professional will watch over you. Many people fear the detox process, but with professional detox support you have nothing to worry about.Medical professionals will most likely use medications to help limit your discomfort and curb cravings and prevent relapse later. Around-the-clock support means that you never have to worry and you will not be alone through this difficult process. Using a variety of healing techniques, you will walk out of detox a healthier person.Oregon Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Detoxing removes the drugs and alcohol from your system and prompts your mind and body to stabilize. Once these toxins are removed, it's time to focus on returning brain functions to normal so that you can begin a happy and healthy life.In rehab, a medical professional will design a strategy that will include counseling, behavior therapy and other methods that will offer the best chance at your success. Rehab has a focus on behavioral and emotional issues that may impede you in your efforts to get sober.Through intensive therapy you will learn new healthier ways of handling situations. The therapeutic methods will also endow you with coping techniques and strategies to handle stress and triggers without picking up a drink or a drug. Just because rehab isn't easy, that does not mean you should scare away from it. Call now to get more information on rehab programs near you.Finding Treatment in Oregon
Treatment in Oregon comes in many shapes and sizes. Do you want a program that is faith based? Maybe a holistic program is more your style? Narrowing your options can be difficult and feel overwhelming.A great first step is to find the treatment centers that are covered by your insurance. This will remove the bulk of the financial burden, which can be significant. Remember that addiction treatment is not a spa vacation but medical inpatient treatment.After considering the financial aspects, determine whether you need detox support or if you can go straight into treatment. If you find yourself confused by all the options, give us a call. We are always available to assist you. (866) 578-7471
99,000 people admitted to abusing illicit drugs.
Should I Travel for Treatment?
Many people find that traveling away from their hometown for treatment gives them the best chance for victory over addiction. Drug abuse introduces new addicts and alcoholics to a community of drug users and places the users in an environment that could compromise their health and safety.Travelling for treatment has helped many people get away from negative influences and allowed them the chance to focus on their recover. Traveling makes recovery easier because it is not uncommon for old using friends or dealers to try to entice a person away from treatment and recovery.By finding a treatment center that is away from such influences, you are giving yourself the best chance of recovery possible. Where to attend treatment is a personal decision. Whatever you decide, recovery is possible whether you go through rehab close to home or not.When is Intervention Needed?
Determining the best way to communicate with someone in active addiction can seem like a tall order. Remember that your loved one is suffering from a brain disease that he or she cannot control. No one really recovers from addiction without help. Your love and support are absolutely vital to help the person get through this turbulent time in life.If you know someone who is suffering from substance abuse, call (866) 578-7471 today and speak to a professional interventionist. Interventionists are trained to identify the best intervention method for your loved one. He or she will also guide and coach you and your family, and lead the intervention, as well as provide answers to questions and outs the addict may bring up.He or she can get through it, but your loved one needs your help to get started. Get you loved one the help needed today.Living Your Recovery
Learning a new, better way to live doesn’t happen overnight. You may have spent one or several months in treatment, however it takes even longer to fully convert to these new behaviors. Surround yourself with people who are also working a program of recovery to ensure you are always supported.Recovery can, at times, require a good deal of hard work, however that’s not all it is. The longer you stay clean or sober, the more opportunities you will find for fun-filled activities in the recovery community.Oregon has no shortage of exciting activities to take part in. From outdoor adventures, dinner parties, to an endless number of other pastimes, you can find it here. Discover all that Oregon and life offers by getting out and experiencing all you missed while using.Treatment Options in Oregon
Often, substance abuse starts out as an innocent act that takes over the person’s life before he or she realizes it’s happening. Don’t beat yourself up. You’re not alone and help is available to you. There’s no shame in going to rehab. It’s courageous and necessary to live out the rest of your life in a healthy, meaningful manner.
In 2015, Oregon reported that 505 deaths due to drug overdoses.Oregon has a great amount of options for those seeking addiction treatment services. If you are still using or experience symptoms when you try to stop using, a detox facility is probably the best first step for you. After that there are inpatient and outpatient rehab programs, sober living centers, 12-step meetings and more.Therapeutic techniques utilized by treatment centers aim to heal the underlying causes of pain and addiction. Different therapy modalities are offered depending on the rehab facility's resources.
Aftercare Services in Oregon
When you have just gotten your life back, you don’t even want to think about the possibility of losing it again. During times of stress, it is essential to remember what you have learned during treatment so you can implement it during the hard times when temptations seem to be all around you.Aftercare is one of the most useful resources you will use while out of rehab. A fellowship is the perfect way to find people who are of a like mind and can support you and walk through life with you when it gets tough. Through this program you will learn about the 12-steps and how to use them effectively in your life.Others forms of continued support include sober living facilities and Intensive Outpatient Programs, that continue your connection to sobriety and help you maintain all that you have accomplished."What if I have already tried the whole rehab thing?"
It is not uncommon for someone to relapse two, three or more times before they can fully grasp the importance of recovery. If you have already completed a rehab stint and were unable to remain sober, then try again. You are not hopeless, you just have not found the right facility yet. Don't give in to your addiction, it has won for long enough, it is time for you to start winning.7 Myths of People Think About Addiction
There are many myths that are associated with addiction that often times make recovery more difficult than it needs to be. Often, these myths make it seem as though those suffering through addiction should be ashamed of themselves. In reality, those myths misconstrue the truth of people suffering from what is essentially a chronic disease. Here's a list that helps to clarify some of those myths.Myth: Drug Use = Addict
Addiction is a complex problem that is often associated with illicit drugs. However, using drugs does not equate to being an addict; addiction is much more than that. There are many signs that are associated with addiction, such as: damaged relationships, changes ins sleep and energy, loss of interest in normally enjoyed activities, and lower performance in school and work. Addiction develops differently for everyone. If someone is not exhibiting these signs, then chances are they aren't addicted. It may be easy to call a user an addict, but the reality is that drug use doesn't equate addiction.Myth: Addiction is a Failure of Morality
Addiction isn't a choice, when someone uses a substance, like prescription drugs or alcohol, they don't start off wanting to become addicted. Rather, someone will start using as a casual user, like once in a while at a party or a drink every now and then. Over time, though, as tolerance builds up, and continued use of the substance increases, your brain begins to change. It starts adapting to the toxins in your body and ends up needing them to function. Addiction can happen to anyone.Myth: You Need to be Religious to Get Sober
This one is tricky, and mainly because in any 12-step program, there is usually a mention of a higher power. The thing of it is though, is that sobriety is for you as is your own beliefs. It does help if you believe in something higher than yourself, but it doesn’t necessitate the need to be an avid church-goer. Believing in something higher than yourself, like humanity, family or love works just as well, as long as it is something higher and positive, and greater and stronger than your own life.Myth: Detox is all you Need
Detox is an important step in recovery, but by no means is it the only thing you need to do to enter recovery. Although it is designed to purge the harmful toxins in your body, recovery it is much more complex than that. Similar to a prologue on a book, it is merely the beginning. Addiction is a chronic disease, like asthma or diabetes, and it needs to be treated and managed throughout your life.Myth: Relapsing Makes you a Failure
As hard and disappointing as it is, relapsing is a part of recovery and it happens to almost everyone. If someone in recovery does indeed slip up and begins using again, by no means is it a failure. A relapse means that there needs to be a readjustment of the treatment; it doesn't mean that all the progress you made was for nothing. Humans aren't perfect, and everyone makes mistakes. It's important to recognize that to move past and commit yourself to your continued sobriety.Myth: People who are Addicted are Easily Identifiable
There's an idea of what an addict looks like that's perpetuated through common media. Typically, when thinking about the appearance of an addict, they're usually portrayed as dirty, homeless, male, and usually involved with some criminal activity in some way. In reality, addiction exist in all walks of life, and the people suffering usually have a decent paying job that helps support them. Addiction doesn't discriminate; it doesn't care what gender, race, or economic status you are, addiction affects all.Myth: Friends and Family are Powerless in the Face of Addiction
This is just a blatant lie. The loved ones of an addicted person are some of the most powerful people. They can help get the loved one on the right track to recovery. No on can force an addicted person into getting better, but the message the loved ones provide and the methods they can use can help improve the situation exponentially.Myths regarding addiction are always going to exist, and they can be some of the most harmful things to believe, whether you're suffering from addiction or not. Call (866) 578-7471 today to educate yourself today.Oregon & Drug Abuse
Abusing drugs to relieve stress or to have fun with friends can cost you your life. Constant drug abuse can lead to a full-on addiction, at that point there is only three options: rehab, prison or death.In 2012, the state of Oregon reported that the cost of hospitalization due to a drug overdose ranged from $16,000 to $29,000. Drug abuse is an expensive and extremely dangerous hobby to support. In that same year, pharmaceutical opioid was the most reported drug abused with about 4,500 people needing medical help for an overdose.Rehab is your best option to fight back against your substance abuse problem. Do not become another overdose statistic, get the help you need now.Oregon & Alcoholism
Alcohol is the most abused drug in the country. People think that because they drink alcohol under legal circumstances then there can be little to no chance of developing an alcohol addiction. That is not true.Alcoholism is a disease just like addiction that can destroy one’s health and ultimately end their life if they are not careful. Alcoholics tend to have a hard time enjoying themselves or feeling relaxed unless they drink liquor or beer. Drinking can be a dangerous habit if it is not done so responsibly.It can be difficult to point out the signs of alcoholism in yourself or a loved one. If you are putting drinking above and beyond everything, then give us a call, and we can help.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020). : Behavioral Health Barometer: Region 10, Volume 6: Indicators as measured through the 2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health and the National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services. HHS Publication No. SMA–20–Baro–19–R10
- Fitzgerald, J. Schmidt, M. (2019). : Analysis of Oregon’s Publicly Funded Substance Abuse Treatment System: Report and Findings for Senate Bill 1041
- Oregon Health Authority. (n.d.). : Drug Addiction Treatment and Recovery Act (Measure 110)
- Mee-Lee, D., Shulman, G., Fishman, M., Gastfriend, D., Miller, M., eds. (2013). : The ASAM Criteria: Treatment Criteria for Addictive, Substance-Related, and Co-Occurring Conditions
- Bills and laws Oregon Revised Statutes . (n.d.). Oregon State Legislature. Retrieved November 14, 2022, from :
- Fitzgerald, J. Schmidt, M. (2019). Analysis of Oregon’s Publicly Funded Substance Abuse Treatment System: Report and Findings for Senate Bill 1041 . Oregon Criminal Justice Commission. :
- ORS 475.898 – Immunity from drug-related offenses for emergency medical assistance. (n.d.). Retrieved November 23, 2022, from :
- What’s Legal Oregon – In Oregon, it’s legal for adults 21 and older to purchase, possess and use recreational marijuana…but there are limits. *. (n.d.). What’s Legal Oregon. Retrieved November 23, 2022, from :
- Map – SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Services Locator . (2019). :
- Oregon State Police Oregon State Medical Examiner Drug and Alcohol Deaths-2021 . (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2022, from :
- SAMHSA. (2020). 2020 National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH) Releases | CBHSQ Data . :
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