Addiction Treatment from Keizer, OR
Keizer, Oregon is a city in Marion County with a population over 36,478. This historic and bustling city holds an annual Iris Festival, houses the Keizer Heritage Museum and many other attractions and activities to keep the whole family busy.
Even in a friendly place such as Keizer, OR, the disease of addiction still affects many lives. Addiction is a disease that requires professional treatment to overcome its deadly and destructive symptoms. According to the Center for Disease Control, CDC, approximately one in ten American adults experiencing some problem with addiction. Unfortunately, many people do not get the help they need due to fear of judgment and stigma.
How Can I Get My Friend to Get Help?
Communicating with someone who is actively using is difficult. Denial and distorted thinking are a given for a person in active addiction. Often, the person may truly not even see how using is negatively affecting anyone, even themselves.
The best way to communicate concern and encourage a friend to get help for addiction is to stage an intervention. This is simply a conversation where you confront the using in a loving, non-judgmental way. The most important aspect is to keep the tone positive and compassionate as it can require more than one conversation before the person admits that he or she does have a problem. You want to keep the door of communication open.
A good way to ensure that the conversation remains positive and encouraging is to elicit the aid of a professional interventionist. This person can help you prepare and stage the intervention, ensuring a calm and focused conversation. Whatever the result, staging an intervention is a great step toward a better life for all. You are helping your friend find a different path that could mean living instead of dying.
How Much is Treatment?
Every treatment center varies and the only way to be sure is to contact the center directly or call us for more information at (866)578-7471. Addiction treatment can be expensive. If you have insurance there is a good chance that you will have coverage for a stay in an inpatient facility. If not, we can help you determine your options and possibly find a scholarship program. Don’t hesitate to start living the better life that you deserve to have. Call us today.
12-step program prove the best way to treat the disease of addiction. Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous have helped millions of people worldwide recover from using and find a new way to live. If you suffer from addiction in Keizer, OR, find a meeting in your area and get started living!