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American Behavioral Health Systems
500 SE Washington Avenue, Chehalis, WA 98532
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Barth and Associates
201 East Lincoln Avenue, Yakima, WA 98901
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Clinical Services
Comprehensive Healthcare
505 South 4th Avenue, Yakima, WA 98902
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
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Ideal Balance
506 North 40th Avenue, Yakima, WA 98908
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Intercept Associates
30620 Pacific Highway South, Federal Way, WA 98003
Clinical Services
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Lifeline Connections
1601 East Fourth Plain Boulevard, Vancouver, WA 98661
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Pioneer Center East
3400 West Garland Street, Spokane, WA 99205
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Social Treatment Opportunity Programs
4301 S Pine St, Tacoma, WA 98409
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Specialty Services II
825 East 5th Street, Port Angeles, WA 98362
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Somerset Counseling Center
1305 Mansfield Street, Richland, WA 99352
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Finding Substance Abuse Treatment in Washington
Sit back, relax, do whatever makes you happy. This could be the Washington state motto. Washington residents are known across the country for putting their money where their mouth is as the first state to legalize same-sex marriage, recreational cannabis use and other seemingly controversial subjects. While all of these freedoms are now at the will of our whims, we know that there are people who unintentionally get in over their heads. Substance abuse and addiction is an issue that affects everyone, even people living in the state of Washington. But people who are afflicted by addition to mind-altering substances can receive treatment. There’s hope and your life is worth fighting for. Addiction may be a complicated issue, but it is certainly an issue that can be treated, allowing you to live a fulfilling life. Treatment, will include detox to clear all toxic chemicals drugs and alcohol consume from your body. Then, you will move into rehabilitation. In rehabilitation, you will figure out the initial causes of your problem and get down to the bottom of the issue. You can get help. Don’t wait in such a beautiful state while suffering from something so ugly, get help today. Give us a call at (866) 578-7471 for more information.In This Article- Best Washington Treatment Centers
- Washington Drug & Alcohol Detox
- Washington Drug & Alcohol Rehab
- Finding Treatment in Washington
- Washington & Drug Abuse
- Washington & Alcoholism

383,000 people are estimated to abuse Alcohol every year in Washington.
Washington Drug & Alcohol Detox
Your life has revolved around drugs or alcohol for a while now and it must seem a little bit daunting that in a matter of days, they will be out of your life completely. Detox doesn’t have to be an unpleasant experience.If you’re at a licensed treatment facility, detox will be tamed down with medications. Some medications doctors prescribe are Naltrexone, Suboxone, Buprenorphine, and Valium. The medications you take will depends on the substances you were abusing.With the help of medication, detox only takes days and then you’re ready for the phase, rehab. Before you move into rehab doctors will make sure you are completely ready. They will monitor your withdrawal symptoms. When the doctor feels that you are ready and healthy then you will transfer to rehab.Washington Drug & Alcohol Rehab
Rehab is necessary to rewire your brain so that drugs or alcohol are not necessary. This occurs through different types of therapy and counseling methods that your medical professional deems appropriate for you.Rehab isn’t always easy and at times, you may feel like leaving the facility early. In those moments, it’s especially important to be strong and stick with the program. When you feel like you are about to give up- play the tape through. Remind yourself on why you came to rehab.Finding Treatment in Washington
Finding treatment in Washington isn't hard. Centers are all over the place. It's important that you are comfortable with the choice you make because the longer you stay in the rehab, the better your chance for success and long-term recovery.Make sure they take your insurance or offer a payment plan. Make sure that you're comfortable with their philosophy. Make sure they're licensed and medical professionals run the facility.There are many things to look out for when seeking treatment but what matters most is you. You need to ask yourself if you are ready for a complete 360-degree change. It will be difficult but each day gets easier. You will never be more ready than you are right now. Call us today for more information about finding treatment.Should I Travel for the Best Addiction Treatment?
There are pros and cons to traveling out of town to get treatment. Sometimes it's easier to be close to home so that your support system of friends and family can visit often. Others prefer to travel away from home, away from triggers and away from distractions.The key is choosing the location that allows you the best chance for success. You need to remember that once you are better you will be see your family and friends as often as you like. Traveling for treatment is only for a short period of time, you will see them again soon.Honestly evaluate your situation and decide if traveling for treatment makes sense for you. Contact us to learn more about traveling for treatment. It can save your life.
Illicit drug abuse numbers are reported to be approximately 159,000 people in the state of Washington.
Plan an Intervention While There’s Still Time
The state of Washington takes the lead in many controversial subjects, such as being the first state to legalize same-sex marriage and the recreational use of cannabis. With so many freedoms at the whim of everyone, it’s important to seek help when addiction sinks its claws in.People in active addiction rarely realize that they have a problem, or that they’ve developed an addiction. They need your love, support, and encouragement to shake off their addiction and start leading a healthy life again.Relapse and Recovery in Washington
It can be a scary to think of relapsing and returning to the lifestyle you worked so hard to get free of, but relapse can happen. It’s important to remember that relapse doesn’t mean you have to return to rehab. Someone people will, but others may find it unnecessary.Relapse is a fact of recovery and it can happen to anyone. We want you to remember that it’s normal for an alcoholic to drink or an addicted person to do drugs. It’s not “normal” to be in recovery.You have conditioned your body to accept drugs and alcohol as normal so don’t feel bad if you relapse. Just get back in the saddle, learn from what caused the relapse, how to prevent it in the future, and try again.I Can’t Afford Treatment in Washington
Washington offers a wide variety of treatment centers. Some luxury treatment centers provide gourmet meals, massage and extravagant accommodations. These can cost up to $120,000.If you don’t have $120,000 laying around for rehab, then the first thing to do is find out if your insurance covers rehab. If you are uninsured, there is no need to stress. You have two options. You can talk to the treatment center you want to go to and work out a payment plan. If a payment plan won’t work, there are also county funding treatment facilities available.Contact us and we can let you know what your insurance covers and what type of treatment will be best for you so that you realistically know what your choices are.Identifying Someone Suffering from Addiction
Some people must be extremely cautious if they choose to use drugs and alcohol recreationally because of their genes. If they addiction runs in their family, they could be especially prone to addiction themselves.Watch for isolation, changed sleep habits, disregard for health and appearance, new friends, and issues with money or work. All or even just some of these things could indicate addiction.If someone you care about is suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction it may be best to stage an intervention.In an intervention you can confront your loved one in a safe and controlled environment, surrounded by the support of your family and friends, and help your loved one get into treatment."Looking for the right person? Become the right person."
Addiction turns us into people we don’t want to be. Through recovery it’s possible to become the person you were meant to be. To find out if treatment is right for you, contact us today. we can answer your questions and help you find what’s right for you.
In 2015, there were 1,094 people in Washington who died from drug overdose.
You Could Save a Loved One’s Life
When a loved one is fighting a battle against an addiction, everyone pays the price. Being lied to, stolen from and let down time after time when trying to help that person can take a toll on you. It can be hard to know what to do. You want to help, but every time you have had a one-on-one conversation with that person it’s filled with promises of getting clean that are soon broken. Or maybe, he or she was loaded when you tried to have a conversation about the drug and alcohol use so it was a wasted conversation. If you are running out of ideas on how to reach a loved one who has a substance abuse problem, then it might be time to hold an intervention.Staging an intervention might be the only way to convince your loved one to seek treatment for a substance abuse problem. Drug addiction and alcoholism are diseases. Like any other disease, those suffering need professional medical help to recover from. First off, the goal of an intervention should be to get your loved one to agree on getting help. There are numerous treatment centers around the country that specialize in substance abuse disorders.One of the main reasons why interventions fail is because people gather to criticize and judge. They see it has an opportunity to back step the loved one into guilt. The truth is, he or she is already in guilt. Many people do not come forward to ask their family and friends for help with a substance abuse problem because they feel ashamed and isolated from them. Your loved one probably thinks that you will not understand what he or she is going through which in turn will lead to you not helping.Holding an intervention can help prove to your loved one that he or she is not alone in the fight against addiction. Gathering people to express their concerns might open your loved one’s eyes to attending rehab. There are only three ways to cope with an addition: death, prison or rehab. Obviously, you probably want your loved one to seek the third option. That is why you should hold an intervention as soon as you can.It can be hard for everyone who attends the intervention to keep their emotions under control while still being able to relay an assertive, yet caring, message to the loved one. That is why it is strongly recommended that you look into hiring a professional interventionist to help plan and conduct the gathering. If you need help getting in touch with an interventionist, please give us a call now. If an interventionist is present, he or she can act as a mediator while helping everyone express themselves to the loved one. The interventionist can also help you loved one portray how he or she feels to everyone else. You should allow your loved one to express feelings too, so that your loved one doesn’t feel that everyone has gathered to attack.Leading up to the intervention, everyone who plans on attending should prepare a written statement to read to the loved one. These statements need to include specific examples of how the loved one’s addictive actions have hurt their relationships and how it made that person feel. If everyone reads their statement, it might make your loved one aware that the substance abuse problem has taken a toll on everyone close.Throughout the intervention, you should remind your loved one that everyone has gathered because they still care. At first, your loved one might bottle up and not want to take in anything that is being said. But if you can get him or her to realize that it is about recovering from drug or alcohol addiction, then hopefully your loved one will listen. Show your loved one that you are not mad or upset, show that you are worried and want to see him or her get the professional treatment that’s needed.The timing of an intervention can be hard. You want to try to conduct the meeting when your loved one is not loaded, which can be tough. Your best bet is to try to hold the intervention right when your loved one wakes up, because chances are as soon as he or she is up your loved one will try to score drugs or alcohol. If he or she is sober at the time of the intervention, you will have a better chance of reaching your loved one.Maybe the most important thing to remember about holding an intervention is that if your planned intervention does not go well or doesn’t convince your loved one to seek treatment then hold another. It is not uncommon for someone to need multiple interventions before agreeing on rehab. It is not a lost cause if your loved one rejects help the first few times. As long as your loved one is still breathing then you still have a chance to save his or her life. Remember, these are hard times for your loved one too. Let him or her know that you are willing to get through these hard times together.Washington and Drug Abuse
Drugs are captivating at first but when you really get to know them- they will destroy your life. They have the ability to affect anyone, anywhere, at any time.Addiction is a disease that is progressive and incurable but it can, however, be treated. Drug overdoses are sweeping the nation and taking out people as we speak. With that in mind, take into consideration your addiction and what you can do to take action to stop it.You cannot take drug addiction and abuse lightly. When people are using and abusing drugs their entire life is centered around getting and using more. Call us today and we’ll do our best to make sure you do not go any further into your addiction than you already are.Washington and Alcoholism
Alcoholism is a sinister disease within society. It will come after anyone regardless of sex, race, ethnicity, or culture. Alcohol is everywhere in the world, especially in Washington.It will be at a store, friend’s home, or a family event. This makes it extremely difficult to identify when it is time to seek treatment especially since social drinking is so common.When you have come to the decision that you do in fact have a problem, you need to carefully select the rehabilitation center that is right for you. There are many options available and the amount of information can be overwhelming. Give us a call and we can help you recover from your alcohol problem. It is never too late to change your life.
- America’s Health Rankings. (2022). : Non-Medical Drug Use – Past Year In Washington
- America’s Health Rankings. (2022). : Excessive Drinking in Washington.
- National Institute of Mental Health. (2022). : Major Depression
- American Psychiatric Association. (2021). : What are Anxiety Disorders?
- Washington State Legislature. (2002). : Drug offense sentencing grid
- Washington State Legislature. (2002). : Drug offenses seriousness level
- Washington State Legislature. (2000). : Drug offender sentencing alternative—Prison-based or residential alternative
- Washington Courts. (2021). : Drug Courts & Other Therapeutic Courts
- Washington State Legislature. (2010). : Medical assistance—Drug-related overdose—Prosecution for possession
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2021). : Fiscal Year 2022 Grant Announcements and Awards
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). : Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant
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