Find Addiction Treatment from Pasco, WA
Pasco, Washington is a part of three cities that together make the Tri-Cities, which includes Richland and Kennewick and has a combined population of nearly 280,000 residents. The city is the county seat of Franklin County.
There is no corner of this country that has been left unaffected by addiction and Pasco, WA is no exception. Addiction is a mental illness and as such requires professional treatment to overcome its deadly and progressive symptoms.
How Prevalent is Addiction and Who is At Risk?
Millions of people are affected by addiction in the United States today. According to the Center for Disease Control, CDC, approximately one in ten American adults have addiction issues. There are so many suffering from this cunning, baffling and powerful disease that it is considered by many to be a national health crisis, one which will affect generations of Americans to come.
Anyone can fall prey to addiction. Part of what makes this disease baffling is that people from all walks of life, who have been exposed to substances before may suddenly become addicted.
There is no formula for predicting exactly who will become addicted, however there are some factors that are known to contribute. Some of these are a family history of addiction, lack of family involvement, and the existence of another mental illness, such as depress, anxiety, and PTSD, among many others.
What if I Cannot Afford Treatment?
The cost of many addiction treatment programs can be prohibitive for many people. It is a common issue that treatment centers deal with. Few people actually pay for rehab out of pocket. Some treatment centers offer scholarship programs for those who are in need. In most cases, however, detox centers, inpatient rehab and outpatient rehab programs are covered by insurance.
If you have insurance, there is a good chance that you will have coverage for addiction treatment. We can help you determine the extent of your coverage and match you with a treatment center that fits your needs and financial restraints. Give us a call today at (866) 578-7471 .
12-step programs offer the support and guidance you need to stop using and stay abstinent in the long-run. Millions of people have recovered from using and found a better way to live with the help of the 12-steps and programs like AA and NA. If you suffer from addiction in Pasco, WA, find a meeting in your area and get connected to a sober community today.