Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Near

Marysville, WA

Discover top-rated alcohol and drug rehabilitation facilities in Marysville, WA. Explore 6 nearby treatment centers offering inpatient, outpatient, or detox programs.
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Rehab Filters
(6 results)
Treatment Model
12 Step
SMART Recovery
Faith based
Dual Diagnosis
Type of Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse treatment
Transitional Housing
Halfway House
Sober Home
Mental health treatment
Payment Methods
State Funded
State Insurance
Private Insurance
Payment plans
Out of network insurance
Facility Type
Detox Facility
Inpatient Rehab Facility
Methadone Clinic
Outpatient Facility
Inpatient Facility
Sober Living
Methadone Maintenance Clinic
Pain Management Clinic
Partial Hospitalization / Day Treatment
Type (Therapist)
Drug / Alcohol Counselor
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Drug Treatment Centers Near Marysville, WA
Catholic Community Services
1227 2nd Street, Marysville, WA 98270
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
State-financed health insurance plan other than Medicaid
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
Clearview Counseling
1106 Columbia Avenue, Marysville, WA 98270
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Private health insurance
Tulalip Behavioral Health
2821 Mission Hill Road, Marysville, WA 98271
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
Tulalip Tribal Family Services
2821 Mission Hill Road, Marysville, WA 98270
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Special Programs/Groups Offered
Compass Health
4308 76th Street NE, Marysville, WA 98270
Payment/Insurance/Funding Accepted
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
New Life Addiction and Recovery
5019 Grove Street, Marysville, WA 98270
Service Settings (e.g., Outpatient, Residential, Inpatient etc.)
Type of Care
Mental health and substance abuse

Discover Sobriety from Marysville, WA

Marysville, Washington is a city of over 60,000 residents in Snohomish County. It is known as “The Strawberry City” due to the numerous strawberry farms that used to surround the city. The city has held an annual Strawberry Festival since 1932. In 2011, a new U.S. Army Reserve moved into the area, which has served as a catalyst for the rapid growth of the city.

Even in a picturesque area such as Marysville, WA, the disease of addiction still manages to invade and take over people’s lives. Addiction is a mental illness which requires expert treatment to overcome its progressive and deadly symptoms.

How Can I Help My Loved One Stop Using?

Watching someone’s using spiral out of control can be extremely difficult. Many sleepless nights spent wondering how to make the nightmare stop. You are not alone in this situation and there is a way out.

The best way to communicate with a loved one stuck in the vicious cycle of addiction is to stage an intervention. This is a coordinated effort to help the person to see the danger of using and encourage him or her to enter a residential treatment center. It may not work immediately, but the important part is to remain steadfast, loving and non-judgmental in your approach. A professional interventionist can greatly help plan for the event as well as keep the conversation stay on track and diffuse any emotional outbursts.

Another way to learn about how to deal with someone in active addiction is to attend Al-Anon or Nar-Anon meetings. In this way you will gain a better understanding of the disease and how you can play your role to best help your loved one get better.

What Can I Expect from Detox?

The detox process is not a pleasant experience if you attempt it alone. Many people try to come off addictive substances by themselves and quickly discover that the level of discomfort is far too severe. A detox center will often prescribe medication to alleviate discomfort and all but eliminate the possibility of experiencing life-threatening withdrawal symptoms. Due to the severity of symptoms, as well as the potential danger, anyone starting the detox process should enter an inpatient facility. You can expect to spend anywhere from a few days to a few weeks in a detox facility, depending on a variety of factors. If you have any questions or need help finding a detox center that fits your needs, give us a call at (866) 578-7471 .

12-step programs, such as AA and NA, prove the best method for treating the disease of addiction. Millions of people worldwide have recovered from using with the help of the 12-steps and the guidance and support found in meetings. If you suffer from addiction in Marysville, WA, find a meeting in your area and get started living!

Medical Reviewer
Jim Brown, CDCA
Andrew Lancaster, LPC, MAC
Rehab Filters
(6 results)
Treatment Model
12 Step
SMART Recovery
Faith based
Dual Diagnosis
Type of Care
Mental Health and Substance Abuse
Substance Abuse treatment
Transitional Housing
Halfway House
Sober Home
Mental health treatment
Payment Methods
State Funded
State Insurance
Private Insurance
Payment plans
Out of network insurance
Facility Type
Detox Facility
Inpatient Rehab Facility
Methadone Clinic
Outpatient Facility
Inpatient Facility
Sober Living
Methadone Maintenance Clinic
Pain Management Clinic
Partial Hospitalization / Day Treatment
Type (Therapist)
Drug / Alcohol Counselor
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