Recover from Addiction from Richland, WA
Richland, Washington is a city of over 51,000 residents in Benton County. Richland is one of the Tri-Cities and is home to the Hanford nuclear site. The city was developed as a bedroom community for the military personnel working on the Manhattan Project during World War II at what is now the Hanford nuclear site.
All secrets must eventually come to light. In a similar way, those in active addiction are good at keeping their drug and alcohol use from family and friends.
Millions of people suffer from the disease addictionand far too many die due to a lack of necessary help. Consider staging an intervention for a loved one who is caught in the vicious cycle of substance abuse. If you have any questions or need any help finding a treatment center or cost related, give us a call today at (866) 578-7471 .
What is the Difference Between Detox and Rehab?
Detox programs are typically a higher level of care than inpatient rehab. Detox is the phase where the person withdrawals off all substances and stabilize. During the detox process, people can experience dangerous symptoms, which demand around the clock medical care and supervision. Detox programs typically run from a few days to a few weeks.
Inpatient rehab is still considered a high level of care, however to enter this level of treatment you need to have completed the majority of the withdrawal process. Inpatient rehab is usually one to three months in length and incorporate intensive therapy and emotional healing, which takes longer than most detox programs afford.
How does Addiction Progress?
Addiction is considered to be the final stage of a four stage process. The four stages of addiction are experimentation, social use, dangerous use, and, finally, addiction. Some people stop at stage two and never progress further. Others may transition between stages two and three, without ever really reaching stage four. For those who graduate to stage four, the only solution is total abstinence.
Once a person becomes addicted, they can never become un-addicted. This is due to changes in the neural networking and behaviors, which make it impossible to ever drink or use again normally.
Millions of people worldwide have recovered from using and found a better way to live with the help of the 12-steps of recovery. 12-step programs continuously prove the best method for addressing the disease of addiction. If you suffer from addiction in Richland, WA, find a meeting near you and get started living a better life!
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- America’s Health Rankings. (2022). : Excessive Drinking in Washington.
- National Institute of Mental Health. (2022). : Major Depression
- American Psychiatric Association. (2021). : What are Anxiety Disorders?
- Washington State Legislature. (2002). : Drug offense sentencing grid
- Washington State Legislature. (2002). : Drug offenses seriousness level
- Washington State Legislature. (2000). : Drug offender sentencing alternative—Prison-based or residential alternative
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- Washington State Legislature. (2010). : Medical assistance—Drug-related overdose—Prosecution for possession
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- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022). : Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment Block Grant