Recover from Drug & Alcohol Addiction in San Marcos, TX
San Marcos, TX lies between Austin and San Antonio with a population of approximately 44, 894 people. The city has received a lot of notoriety over the years. In 2010 it was listed in Business Week as one of the “Best Places to Raise your Kids” and was named #9 on Business Insider’s “10 Most Exciting Small Cities in America.”
Despite all the accolades, San Marcos still has an apparent problem with drug and alcohol addiction. Drug and alcohol addiction threatens every city in the country. People living in addiction do not have control over their use. Addiction rewires their brain and makes seeking the high most important.
In order to regain control, people need to go through extensive treatment. Treatment teaches people how to deal with the cravings and heal.
What Kind of Treatment Center Do I Need?
Everybody is different. People who are seeking treatment that meets their needs the best. Individualized treatment is one of the most important components to look for when seeking treatment. Individualized treatment offers people care on a person-to-person basis. Some places try and use a one-size-fits-all approach that doesn’t properly address the individual’s needs.
Another important component of finding a good treatment facility is determining if it has integrative treatment. Integrative treatment accounts for co-occurring disorders.
Co-occurring disorders are mental health issues that happen concurrently with someone’s addiction. For instance, someone in active addiction might have an anxiety disorder and use drugs to make them feel better. Unfortunately, drugs and alcohol do not provide long-term solutions to mental health issues and can in many situations exacerbate them.
In rehabilitation centers, therapists will help people develop the skills to deal with these various issues. Instead of running to drugs to deal with problems, people will have the proper coping skills to get through. Life is full of stressors, but people can overcome with the strategies.
If you are considering getting help for an addiction, look into traveling for treatment. Traveling for treatment can help you leave the people and places that originally mobilized your addiction and find a safe haven. Traveling for treatment can also help you have access for more, varied treatment centers.
12-step meetings help connect people in recovery. A.A. and N.A. are two of the more prominent meetings for recovery. Find a meeting today.
- Texas Department of Transportation, (2019), : DUI (Alcohol) Crashes and Injuries Cities and Towns
- Texas Department of State Health Services. (No date). : Opioid-Related Emergency Department Visits
- Texas Department of State Health Services. (No date). : Drug Overdose Deaths
- County Health Rankings. (No date). : Texas Hays County
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020). : National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS): 2020, Data on Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2019-2020). : National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. (2019). : Overdose Prevention Investment Snapshot
- Texas Department of State Health Services. (2018). : Hospital Emergency Department Data Collection 2016-2017
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. (2022) : MAT Medications, Counseling, and Related Conditions
- Texas Legislature Online. (2017). : Bill Text
- State of Texas Drug Use Patterns and Trends (2019). : Bill Text