Rehabilitation in Grapevine, Texas
Grapevine welcomes all inhabitants to the Tarrant, Dallas and Denton Counties inside of Texas. With a population of 50,844 (U.S. Census 2014) and being part of a major city, Grapevine suffers many of the same crime issues as other cities. Drugs run rampant in society across the globe and addiction doesn’t discriminate age, race or gender. Anyone from teenagers to that sweet-old-lady down the road can potentially be or become a victim of substance abuse and addiction, and the problem can stem from a variety of sources. The truth is that both illegal and prescription drugs can be abused to the point of dependency and addiction, which is currently classified as a mental illness.
If you or a loved one is currently plagued by addiction and substance abuse, then you’re already on the right track by looking for help and reading this page. There are several options you can go through in order to get the help you deserve. If it is a friend or family member suffering from addiction, then the best course of action is to start with an Intervention. We’ve all seen movies and TV, but that is actually only one method of doing an Intervention, it turns out there are actually numerous ways to conduct these events. Some are more effective than others and some are designed for certain situations. Contact an Intervention Specialist who can help you decide on the proper method for this event to get the best out of it and the most help for the person in need. Addiction is a very serious matter and it takes recognition of that problem in order to accept help and begin the detoxification phase.
When it comes to detox there’s no easy way around things: it’s a highly un-fun process that usually involves withdrawals, urges and sometimes sickness. Once the drugs are out of your system these facilities are skilled in teaching life-skills you can use in order to stay clean. These skills and strategies will also help you integrate back into society without the drugs.
One of the best ways to aid your recovery and to prevent any relapse is to travel away from home for rehabilitation. Home is where the heart is, but it also has a lot of triggers like familiar dealers, addicted friends, and familiar stress that can potentially send you spiraling back into addiction. Nobody wants any of that, especially you! Another highly successful way to stay on the road to recovery is to attend fellowship meetings like AA, NA, CA or any other 12-step based groups. Being around other recovering addicts can help to strengthen your own resolve and give you friends who are trying to get clean themselves.
There are many aspects to treatment and recovery. The first step is usually detox, which scares a lot of people. While it isn’t an easy thing to go through, being in a facility can really help. A lot of substances, including alcohol, have some very dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Going to a medically supervised detox can not only help the uncomfortable symptoms but keep you save while doing it. After detox and rehab, you will need to continue with meetings, find one that works for you by using this tool.
- Tarrant County Public Health. (2022, September). : Tarrant County Public Health data brief: Overdose deaths in Tarrant County
- Tarrant County Public Health. (2022, July). : Tarrant County Public Health data brief: Alcohol use in Tarrant County.
- Tarrant County Public Health. (2020, January). : Tarrant County Public Health data brief: Motor vehicle collisions in Tarrant County.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2020). : National Survey of Substance Abuse Treatment Services (N-SSATS): 2020, Data on Substance Abuse Treatment Facilities
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2019-2020). : National Survey on Drug Use and Health
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control. (2019). : Overdose Prevention Investment Snapshot
- Texas Department of State Health Services. (2018). : Hospital Emergency Department Data Collection 2016-2017
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Administration. (2022) : MAT Medications, Counseling, and Related Conditions
- Texas Legislature Online. (2017). : Bill Text
- State of Texas Drug Use Patterns and Trends (2019). : Bill Text