No Mission is Impossible from Mission, TX
Mission, TX, a town of approximately 80,452 people located near the U.S.-Mexico border, was the site of the historic La Lomita Chapel, which was established by the Spanish throne around 200 years ago. Mission, Texas got its name from the chapel.
Even in a city with such a rich religious history, addiction can wreak on the people in the area. A lot of times, people who grow up in hyper-religious areas end up feeling suppressed and isolated. So, because of that, people who feel suppressed often turn toward drugs or alcohol to make them feel better. Unfortunately, that can become a trap that leads them down a dark road.
The process of developing an addiction is different for every person on a microcosmic level. However, there are a lot of common denominators that people share who find their way in addiction.
What Are the Stages of Addiction?
As mentioned, everybody who finds themselves in addiction gets there in their own way. However, there are definitive stages that people generally go through as they descend into addiction. The first stage many people consider as the experimental stage. During this period, the individual will try out drugs for the purpose of trying it out. This period doesn’t seem dangerous, however, even one-time experimenting can cause serious harm to other people.
After experimentation is regular use, which is categorized by consistent use on the part of the individual. This stage is followed by the more dangerous stage, which is problem use. For drinkers, this is binge drinking and for those who use drugs its considered substance abuse. People in this stage will use to the point where it puts their lives at jeopardy.
If the individual does not get help during this stages, they will most likely find themselves sliding head first into addiction. Addiction rewires the brain in ways that makes the person crave drugs above everything else. They will prioritize getting high and it will make them lose sight of the things that may have mattered to them before use.
If someone you know struggles in addiction, consider getting them help. The best way to get them help is to hold an intervention. An intervention gathers loved ones together to confront the person about their addiction. Get help. Save a life.
When you leave treatment, you will step back into the real world. It's a lot different than the treatment facility and will provide challenges. In light of that, you should try and attend 12-step groups, which will connect you with other people in treatment to help you stay in recovery.