Drug & Alcohol Addiction Treatment Near

Lancaster, TX

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Partial Hospitalization / Day Treatment
Type (Therapist)
Drug / Alcohol Counselor
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Drug Treatment Centers Near Lancaster, TX

Alcohol & Drug Addiction Treatment in Lancaster, TX

Lancaster, Texas is part of Dallas County. This city is in the southwestern area of Dallas county and only 15 minutes away from the city. Lancaster is a well-known area in the state of Texas. Many individuals who reside in Texas are afflicted with a Substance Use Disorder, otherwise known as addiction. If you are one of the people who are living with addiction or know someone who is there is help available. Treatment for addiction assists many into a life of recovery every day.

What is Relapse Prevention?

Relapse prevention is an educational process in therapeutic treatment that assists individuals develop personal skills and tools to cope with urges to use. Sometimes individuals will experience stressful situations in life that result in a triggering urge to drink or use drugs. Although this experience may seem intimidating it does not have to result in a relapse of substance use. Relapse is nothing to be ashamed of.

Addiction is a mental disorder that sometimes takes multiple times in rehab, treatment and after-care to get through and into lasting recovery. However, relapse does not have to be part of your journey. Relapse prevention helps keep individuals from having to go use or drink even at the most difficult times in our lives. If someone desires recovery to the point where they are willing to take suggestions and steps in a healthy direction each day, relapse can be avoided altogether.

How Can I Build a Support System?

If you are new to recovery or needing to get treatment to begin your recovery from addiction, an important component to your growth in recovery is a healthy support system. Sometimes, individuals living with addiction do not have a support system that allows for them to get healthy and away from addiction.

Whether you need to extend your support system or you need a support system all together, there are many ways in which you can go about building a healthy community of people around you. In most communities in the Nation, including Lancaster, TX, you can find recovery support groups. Many of attended groups are known as 12-step meetings.

There are many other ways to get a support system in your life. Getting in recovery will set this into motion for you. A healthy and happy life is within reach, reach out to us today at (866) 578-7471.

    Medical Reviewer
    Mark Frey, LPCC, LICDC, NCC
    Jim Brown, CDCA
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    Detox Facility
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    Methadone Clinic
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    Sober Living
    Methadone Maintenance Clinic
    Pain Management Clinic
    Partial Hospitalization / Day Treatment
    Type (Therapist)
    Drug / Alcohol Counselor
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