Searching for Addiction Treatment from Davenport, IA
Davenport is a city in the state of Iowa. Located in the county of Scott, Davenport is considered a metropolitan area.
The most recent estimates show that Davenport is home to more than 102,500 people.
Davenport has been a constantly changing city. With a population over 100,000, it is the third largest city in the state.
The city is also an ideal location for families and business opportunity, due partly to its low-crime rates.
Despite what many may think, crime has very little to do with addiction. People in low-crime areas still need help for substance abuse and addiction.
Whether help is needed for prescription drugs, alcohol, or other non-criminal substance abuse, there are many options available for your treatment care.
Whether you're looking to get detox care, rehabilitation, group meetings or counseling, help is available.
Maybe you are looking for resources to help someone you love that is struggling with addiction.
In this case an intervention may turn out to be the best route, confronting a friend or loved one's substance addiction.
Should I Leave My Current Environment?
If you are looking into getting help with your addiction, leaving your current environment can be very beneficial to you.
Traveling is great for effective treatment services and should always be carefully considered.
Most individuals travel to get far from their normal surroundings, so that they can truly focus on their recovery in treatment.
Additionally, having distance from the places and people that may trigger your addiction, is a good idea, because triggers are considered a threat to someone sobriety when they are new to it.
Contact us at(866) 578-7471 and we'll point you to treatment facilities to your ideal area of treatment.
Finding recovery in Davenport, Iowa will not be difficult if you access local meetings. Local 12-step meetings have a community of others in recovery from addiction. If you are wanting a good structure on how to live your life peacefully without substances, go to a meeting in your area. There are various types of 12-step meetings all across the nation, so locating one should never be a challenge.
- United States Census Bureau. (n.d.). : QuickFacts: Davenport City, Iowa, United States
- Scott County. (2022). : Iowa Expands Naloxone Initiative.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (n.d.). : 2016-2018 NSDUH Substate Region estimates – Tables
- Quad Cities 2016 Community Health Assessment. (2017). : Behavioral Health & Substance Use – Scott County, Iowa
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020). : U.S. County Opioid Dispensing Rates, 2018.
- Iowa Department of Public Health. (2022). : Opioid Treatment Programs (OTP).
- HHS.gov. (2014). : Who is Eligible for Medicare?
- Medicare.gov. (n.d.). : Mental health & substance use disorder services.
- Iowa Department of Human Services. (2022). : Who Receives Medicaid?
- Iowa Department of Human Services. (2022). : What Services Are Available?
- Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy. (2021). : Drug Trends in Iowa Evolving Health, Safety & Response Issues.
- FindTreatment.gov . (n.d.). : FindTreatment.gov.
- Iowa Department of Public Health. (2022). : Your Life Iowa.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2019). : National Survey of Drug Use and Health
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022, March 4). : MAT Medications, Counseling, and Related Conditions.
- The Iowa Legislature. (2018). : Iowa Code Section 124.418 – Good Samaritan Law.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018, October 25). : Fact Sheet: Drug Addiction and Federal Disability Rights Law.
- US Congress – 117th. (2021). : 1046 – Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act of 2021