Waterloo, Iowa
Originally known as Prairie Rapids Crossing, Waterloo was first settled by a small family in 1845, quickly followed by two more families the following year. Surrounded by all the beauty nature has to offer, Waterloo is a peaceful place to wind down, relax, and have some fun at one of its many attractions.
However, if you find yourself in the clasp of addiction, you may not be able to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. Addiction can take away many things, including your ability to see beyond your next high. In Waterloo, not only can you come to enjoy the glories of nature, but also regain your life from addiction in one of Waterloo's prime treatment centers.
What Happens in Treatment?
The first part of treatment is a detox, where your mind and body can be cleared of the substances that have been clouding them. You have no need to worry about this step of the process, as we offer a medically assisted detox to help your detox go as smoothly and comfortably as possible. Our staff are highly trained, compassionate, and able to help you with your every need.
After detox comes rehab, which consists of therapy sessions designed to get to the root of and work through any issues that may be related to your substance abuse. There are many forms of therapy, ranging from private one-on-one sessions, group therapy, family therapy, and more. All these are there to help you learn the tools you need to live a life free from the hold of addiction.
In treatment, you will learn more about yourself and your addiction, as well as coping techniques to help you build a life free from the substances that have taken over your life.
What About Travelling for Treatment?
Travelling for treatment has proven to be a very effective method in helping many people get a solid start in their recovery. By removing familiar places and people, you are also removing yourself from further temptation and allowing yourself to stretch outside of your comfort zone. By putting yourself physically in a new place, you can also put yourself emotionally and mentally in the right mindset for change. Something about the change of scenery and people along with the course of treatment helps many to refocus their thoughts and lives toward recovery and away from their substance abuse.
Allow yourself to discover the beauty that Waterloo, Iowa has to offer, and join us for treatment today in a peaceful, serene, nature filled setting.
Give us a call today, and start living the life you deserve(866) 578-7471.
Meetings such as AA, NA, HA, NarAnon, Celebrate Recovery, and so on are great resources for anyone who is looking for a place to go to feel support and help in recovery. These meetings are based on community and bringing people together who all have a unique connection in that they have all experienced similar hardships. While in addiction, you can become distant from your friends, family, and others around you, recovery brings you closer to those around you. It unites you and helps you learn to build and keep positive relationships.
Finding a local meeting that meets your needs can be very helpful, and is highly recommended by many professionals. Having that community to back you up and help you through the difficulties can be a huge benefit to you as you build a new life in recovery. Seeing others who have been where you are now and have been sober for a long time, knowing that it is possible, and being given the opportunity to help others can all be very beneficial to you and can help contribute to a life free from the ties of addiction. You find that in having a strong community to turn to in times of need, and being given the opportunity to serve others through your own life experiences can make all the difference in your life as you move forward in your recovery.
Recovery a life-long goal, and meetings such as AA are there to help you achieve that goal. Find a local meeting in your area today, and start connecting with people who thoroughly understand where you are coming from, and where you are heading.- Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy. (2021). : Drug Trends in Iowa
- National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics. (2019). : Iowa Alcohol Abuse Statistics.
- Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy. (2022). : Iowa Drug Control Strategies & Drug Use Profile.
- FindTreatment.gov . (n.d.). : FindTreatment.gov.
- Iowa Department of Public Health. (2022). : Your Life Iowa.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2019). : National Survey of Drug Use and Health
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022, March 4). : MAT Medications, Counseling, and Related Conditions.
- The Iowa Legislature. (2018). : Iowa Code Section 124.418 – Good Samaritan Law.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018, October 25). : Fact Sheet: Drug Addiction and Federal Disability Rights Law.
- US Congress – 117th. (2021). : 1046 – Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act of 2021