Creating a New Sober Life in Cedar Rapids
Cedar Rapids, Iowa is the "œcity of five seasons," with the fifth said to be a season to enjoy life. Founded in the 1840s, pioneers in Cedar Rapids, IA, designated large areas of land to city parks and greenery. They put an emphasis on quality of life and in 1880 built Greene's Opera House, the largest theatre of the time between Denver and Chicago. A flourishing arts and cultural center, Cedar Rapids is an idyllic American city to live and visit.
Today, Cedar Rapids has grown to the 2nd largest city in Iowa, and is a leader in industrial and technological innovation, resulting in more engineers per capita than any other city in the US.
Iowans can be proud that as a state they lead the nation with one of the lowers rates of illegal drug usage. This is attributed to a strong collaboration between policy makers, law enforcement, parents and health professionals at drug treatment facilities.
When Should I Stage an Intervention?
If you are concerned about someone, consider staging an intervention as soon as possible. The disease of addiction is cunning, baffling and powerful, making those caught in its grip in need of outside help. The addicted person is sure to have some degree of denial, possibly believing that his or her using does not hurt anyone else or that there is no problem at all. By staging an intervention, you are working to break through barriers in the person's mind and start him or her in the right direction.
The goal of the intervention is to encourage the person abusing drugs or alcohol to seek treatment for the disease of addiction. Remember that even if he or she does not elect to enter a treatment center immediately, it does not mean that the intervention was a failure. Any step you take toward helping a person caught in the vicious cycle of addiction is a success.
Many people find the support and guidance of a professional interventionist to be a crucial component to staging an intervention. The professional can help all involved to prepare statements that are non-judgmental and encouraging to the person. It is often recommended to rehearse the statements to understand what to expect and possibly see how to avoid emotional outbursts. The professional may sit in on the intervention to help guide the conversation and keep it moving smoothly in the right direction.
If you or someone you know is struggling with substance abuse, help is available in Cedar Rapids. Give us a call and we will guide you to treatment facilities and substance abuse care. (866) 578-7471
Anyone with a desire to stop using drugs or alcohol is welcome at any Twelve Step meeting at any time. Twelve Step programs continuously prove themselves as the most effective treatment method for the disease of addiction. Learning to live clean and sober is not always easy, however, with the support and guidance of a sponsor and fellow group members is possible. Millions have been where you are and have triumphed over addiction. By following a few simple steps, many have discovered a new, happier, healthier way of living. Find a meeting in your area today, find a sponsor and start working the Twelve Steps. With the love and support of fellow members, you too can overcome any obstacle and find a life in sobriety better than you can imagine. Do not waste another minute enslaved to addicted substances, find a meeting in your area today and get started living!
- Cedar Rapids, IA. (2022). : Welcome to the City of Cedar Rapids, Iowa
- Foster, E. et.al. (2019). : Linn County Opioid Action Plan.
- Dwivedi, P. (2017). : The Health of Linn County, Iowa
- Hockett, A. (2019). : Opioid Data Report
- Iowa Department of Public Health. (2019). : 2018 State of Iowa Substance Use Epidemiological Profile
- Iowa department of Transportation. (2021). : Iowa OWI Revocations by Year and County 2001-2020
- Iowa Total Care. (2022). : Benefits Grid
- Center for Medicare Advocacy. (2022). : Medicare Coverage of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services
- Governor’s Office of Drug Control Policy. (2021). : Drug Trends in Iowa Evolving Health, Safety & Response Issues.
- FindTreatment.gov . (n.d.). : FindTreatment.gov.
- Iowa Department of Public Health. (2022). : Your Life Iowa.
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, Center for Behavioral Health Statistics and Quality. (2019). : National Survey of Drug Use and Health
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. (2022, March 4). : MAT Medications, Counseling, and Related Conditions.
- The Iowa Legislature. (2018). : Iowa Code Section 124.418 – Good Samaritan Law.
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2018, October 25). : Fact Sheet: Drug Addiction and Federal Disability Rights Law.
- US Congress – 117th. (2021). : 1046 – Residential Substance Use Disorder Treatment Act of 2021