Finding Addiction Treatment Centers from Des Moines, IA
Named America's 95th best town by CNNMoney in 2011, Bettendorf Iowa sports a rich history. The first riverboat casino launched in Bettendorf in 1991, started by a local businessman Bernard Goldstein, whose family also owns and operates the Isle of Capri Casinos and Alter Companies.
Boasting an impressive number of businesses and services, Bettendorf is a great place to go exploring and find hidden treasures among its many attractions. Yet even in an ever-growing business hub, all is not perfect. Life happens to all, no matter who you are or where you live. One of the big curve-balls life can throw us is substance abuse and addiction, whether in our own lives or the life of someone we know.
Bettendorf, to help those who have found themselves in the middle of substance abuse, offer treatment centers designed specifically to guide people through the first steps of recovery.
Why Travel for Treatment?
Travelling for treatment is a very common practice for many who are looking for a way out of their addiction. Studies have shown that by placing yourself in a new setting, and therefore stepping out of your comfort zone and getting away from possible triggers, you are better able to focus on your recovery.
Bettendorf, with its many businesses and attractions, offers much to anyone looking to attend treatment in or around its city limits. The new environment can lend to your feelings of starting anew and turning over a new leaf in your life.If you or someone you love is struggling with substance abuse, consider travelling to Bettendorf for your treatment. Call (866) 578-7471. today, and discover how you can turn your life around for the better.
Common Symptoms of Addiction
Addiction is a disease of the brain, and it can happen to anyone. Tolerance to a substance is usually the first sign of addiction, meaning that you find yourself needing more and more of the substance to get the same high you experienced before. Another sign of addiction is dependence. Powerful cravings occur, making it difficult to focus on anything other than the substance, leaving you unable to control your use of the substance.
If you experience symptoms such as nausea, trembling, hallucinations, insomnia, and sweating after going without a substance for a time, you are experiencing withdrawal, which happens after a person has become dependent on a substance. Addiction takes control of lives and turns them upside-down. It creeps into your mind and body and slowly takes away all that makes you, you. It can destroy family and friend relationships, job security, and much more. Please call (866) 578-7471. today, and learn how treatment can help you take back your life from addiction.
Meetings are a time and place for people to gather and listen to each other's stories of addiction, treatment, and recovery. It is a place where you feel a strong sense of community and unity. Everyone who attends is united by their dedication to staying sober and helping others also find their way out of the grasp of addiction.
It is a unique community. Everyone there has experienced addiction for themselves, and they all work hard to help each other stay in recovery. You always have a place to go where you can be perfectly understood and supported, where those around you will have also experienced similar struggles and situations. You need never feel alone. There is always someone willing to lend you a helping hand or a listening ear when you need it.
Many treatment programs encourage their clients to look for a meeting in their area to help them in their recovery once they leave rehab. They recognize the many benefits that can come from being active in the recovery community through attending weekly meetings.It is never too late to join a fellowship in your area. If you find that you are sick and tired of living a life being controlled by your addiction and want the freedom that comes with recovery, reach out to a meeting in your area. They are there to help you. They care about you, and want to support you as you start your way to a better life.
Don't let addiction call the shots in your life anymore; find a local meeting today, and start living the life you deserve, free from substance abuse and addiction.