Methadone Detox Treatment Program

   Dec. 7, 2014
   2 minute read
Last Edited: July 30, 2020

Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC

Clinically Reviewed

All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

The Opioid crisis has left no community in America unharmed. The overprescribing of prescription narcotic painkillers has increased the number of Heroin users.

Heroin, often laced with other substances, as well as potent prescription painkillers, are killing people by the tens of thousands every year. The death toll only increases every time the statistics are compiled.

Many people live with the despair and hopelessness that Opioid addiction brings. If you are one of these people, it is time to get the help you need and deserve.

One of the tried and true ways of stopping Heroin and prescription Opioid addiction is through the use of a Methadone taper. Methadone is an Opioid that prevents the onset of withdrawal symptoms without producing the typical euphoric effect that other Opioids, like Heroin, do.

Methadone is prescribed in place of the Opioid of abuse. The person starts at a significant dose, then slowly tapers down. Within a short period, the individual is free of the originally Opioid and the Methadone.

This method can help alleviate withdrawal symptoms while providing a safe and effective way to get off all substances. Methadone has been used for years in the treatment of Heroin and other Opioid addiction.

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1315 Pacific Avenue Atlantic City NJ 8401
8021 East RL Thornton Freeway Dallas TX 75228
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