Suboxone Addiction and Rehabilitation

Suboxone Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Edward Jamison, MS, CAP, ICADC, LADC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Suboxone Abuse

Addiction is a very complicated condition that involves a kind of rewiring of the brain. The brain creates a reward system associated with using the substance, so that certain triggers or perceived need instigates the urge to use as a perceived solution. While happens to some degree with all habits, it gets wildly out of hand when it happens with drugs or alcohol.

The reward system associated with the drug will begin to supersede other genuine concerns and interests of the person who is suffering from addiction. In this way, addiction hijacks a person’s decision making and prioritization abilities. Opposed to what many people believe, this does not happen solely with illicit drugs; it can happen with a prescription medication like Suboxone even if the person has been prescribed it.

Many people who abuse Suboxone begin to do so because they think it is good for them, as it helps them stay away from Heroin, Meth and other drugs. If used correctly, for treatments Suboxone can be a great medication to help with withdrawal symptoms, but there are various health risks that come with abusing it.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Street Names for Suboxone

Suboxone can be illegally purchased on the streets and might go by other names such as: Subs, Strips, Withdrawal Med, Backup Plan.

Suboxone Effects

Short-Term Effects
Short- term effects of Suboxone include respiratory suppression, insomnia and disturbed sleep, flu-like symptoms, nausea, inability to operate heavy machinery, emotional numbing, extreme lethargy and death. The possibility of overdose increases if the person uses Suboxone with other drugs, including alcohol. It is very important that someone who takes Suboxone stays away from other drugs.

Long-Term Effects
Potential long-term effects can cause serious harm to the person. The most common risks are depressed breathing, insomnia, flu-like symptoms, nausea, hair loss, emotional numbness, lack of interest in sex and relationships, permanent abnormalities in how the body reacts to stress and emotions, slowed reaction times, confusion, dependence, tolerance and addiction.

Warning signs of Suboxone abuse in a loved one

Whether it be Suboxone or any other drug, it can be hard to tell if a loved one is developing a substance abuse problem. Confrontation might help you find out, but there is a good chance that he or she is in denial about the addiction. There are some common signs you can look for if you suspect that someone you know is using excessive amounts of Suboxone on a regular basis. Your loved one might be heading down a slippery slope if you start to notice these signs:

If you notice your loved one increasing his or her Suboxone dosage, that could be a red flag. When abusing substances, an individual’s tolerance level increases, meaning it requires more of that substance to achieve the same effects or high that was felt before.

Characters: It is hard for someone with an addiction to relax without using the substance. Your loved one might not be able to feel okay without taking Suboxone, possibly becoming sick or anxious. This could be a sign that your loved has developed a chemical dependency.

Someone who has developed an addiction may blatantly desert his or her responsibilities and obligations to use drugs or alcohol. If your loved one cannot keep up with everyday activities because of Suboxone abuse, there is a chance he or she is addicted.

Factual Dangers: Suboxone

A lot of people might not know the dangers and risks associated with Suboxone abuse. These videos are meant to inform people about some of the health side effects Suboxone abuse can cause. We encourage you to watch the videos and then share them on Facebook or other social media platforms so your friends can also learn about Suboxone addiction. Suboxone can aid in a person’s recovery from addiction to certain substances, but abuse of it can be detrimental.

Best Voted Treatment Centers  stars rating

Cenikor Foundation - Waco, TX
Cenikor Foundation - Waco, TX
3015 Herring Ave 76708Waco TX
New Life Addiction Treatment Center
New Life Addiction Treatment Center
1497 SW Martin Downs Blvd 34990Palm City FL
Into Action Treatment - 2nd Street, Boynton Beach, FL
Into Action Treatment - 2nd Street, Boynton Beach, FL
2310 SE 2nd St 33435Boynton Beach FL
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
A Better Today Recovery Services - Scottsdale, AZ
15721 North Greenway Hayden Loop, Scottsdale, AZ, USA 85260
New Hope Transitional Support
New Hope Transitional Support
66 Canal St 02114Boston MA
Twin Lakes Recovery Center
Twin Lakes Recovery Center
16950Westfield PA
Ranch Creek Recovery
Ranch Creek Recovery
25650 Bass Point, Murrieta, CA 92562, USA 92562
Guiding Light Counseling
Guiding Light Counseling
1051 Internationale Parkway, Woodridge, IL, United States 60517
BLVD Treatment Centers
BLVD Treatment Centers
85251Scottsdale AZ
Azure Acres Recovery Center
Azure Acres Recovery Center
420 Mendocino Ave 95401Santa Rosa CA
North Star Health Systems Inc
North Star Health Systems Inc
354 Avenue C, Bayonne, NJ 07002, United States 07002

True Stories of Addiction:

Real Stories. Real People Real Hope. Draw streght from people who have been where you are and know you are not alone. – View all episodes now

Suboxone Rehab Treatment

Many people are put on Suboxone to treat another addiction. Often, however, people become addicted to the Suboxone and the condition is simply perpetuated with abuse of a different substance. To truly recover from addiction, the underlying issues that are driving the addiction must be addressed and remedied. Abuse of substances is a way to escape reality or numb emotional and psychological pain. These issues need to be addressed as the drug use is a symptom of them. Rehab programs provide a variety of therapies to identify and address these root problems. Through individual, group and family therapy, the person can learn coping skills and techniques to better handle future stress without the use of drugs or alcohol.

Rehab is a process that typically can last anywhere from 10 to 90 days. In most cases, people who abuse Suboxone have already been to rehab or tried to go, which is how they encountered Suboxone in the first place. Some of these people might think that, because they went to rehab once and failed, there is no point in going again.

Many people have needed to attend rehab multiple times before gaining long-term sobriety; it is hard work to address the whole of the issue. Often, aspects of a person’s addiction need further attention to be properly addressed after an individual’s first time in rehab. There is always hope if you are willing to put the work in. – Learn More

Suboxone Detox Treatment

The detox process for Suboxone can be a difficult endeavor. An inpatient detox facility is the best and most comfortable option for someone who is addicted to Suboxone. Here, the person will receive 24-hour care with medical professionals on site to manage withdrawal symptoms. It can be very hard to detox off Suboxone on your own because of the length of time withdrawal symptoms may last. Many people relapse due to the level of discomfort. After completing the detox process, the next step in treatment is ideally an inpatient rehab; these centers have the highest success rates of long term recovery.

While Suboxone is used to alleviate withdrawal symptoms from other opiates, it can produce its own withdrawal symptoms if you are physically dependent on it. Depending on the length of Suboxone abuse, the withdrawal symptoms and length can be worse than other opiates. This is caused by the long half-life of the drug, 36 hours for half of the drug to get out of your system. So, if you take 8mg, in 36 hours you still have 4mg in your system. Withdrawal symptoms may include muscle pain, nausea, vomiting and stomach problems, disrupted sleep patterns and cravings.

Detox might be unpleasant, but it is a vital step in recovering from an addiction. If you are ready to seek professional help to detox from Suboxone, please call us now. We can help you check into an inpatient detox facility that specializes in Suboxone recovery. – Learn more

Addiction to Suboxone

Approximately one in every 10 American adults struggles with substance abuse issues, according to the Centers for Disease Control. Opiate addiction is one of the fastest growing problems, partly attributed to over-prescription of narcotic pain medication. Many people start out with a prescription for opiates for pain issues, become addicted and soon find that the cost of the prescription pills is too high on the street. Often, they turn to cheaper drugs like Heroin and the devastating cycle of addiction continues.

Far too many people see their lives spiraling out of control and do not know how to regain command. There is hope. Addiction treatment centers see people in the worst-case scenarios turn their lives around and find a happier, healthier life in recovery. There is help. Reach out and get the help you need and deserve today.

To understand addiction, it must be differentiated from dependence. Physical dependence occurs after anyone takes a substance long enough for the body to adjust. The body becomes accustomed to the drug, at which point the person will experience withdrawal symptoms if the substance is no longer present. Someone can be physically dependent without being addicted. An addiction occurs when a person cannot function without the drug, obsessively thinks about the drug, using or obtaining it, as well as displays tolerance and physical dependence. – Learn More

Suboxone Dependency

Suboxone is used to help alleviate the pain of withdrawal symptoms, so people often have the false impression that it is fine to continuously use. Many people feel this way not only about Suboxone, but all prescription drugs. A prescription for a drug is to be used under appropriate circumstances and does not indicate that the drug is safe to abuse. When someone uses a substance for an extended period, a chemical dependence may develop. This is true of many substances, including prescription drugs like Suboxone.

Chemical dependency is an adjustment the body and brain make to the presence of a substance in the system. The body always will try to create balance and compensation for any substances. Due to this, if the substance is not present, the individual might shake, get sick or have a hard time sitting still or acting normal until he or she uses again. Psychological dependence is a rewiring of the brain so that the substance use is associated with a reward cycle, leading the user to believe that they need

Sometimes the mental aspect of dependency can be even worse with a prescription drug. People are already in the mindset that because a doctor gave it to them that he or she will need it to feel better. So, when the physical addiction starts to kick in after about 21 days, they start to believe that it is impossible to get through the day without using that substance. – Learn More

Seeking help for a loved one.

  • When Do I know It’s Time for an Suboxone Intervention?
    When it comes to your loved ones, if you’re already asking yourself this question, it’s time to express your concern.
  • Do I Have to Conduct an Suboxone Intervention Myself?
    You never have to help someone alone. There are numerous professional interventionist services available.

Intervention for Suboxone Abuse

One of the most frustrating and painful experiences is seeing a loved one who is overpowered by addiction. Addiction overrides a person’s mind and ranks itself as more important than even survival. Due to the chemical and structural changes in the brain, a person can be completely unaware of how harmful using is to his or herself and others. This denial and distorted thinking is so strong that it often takes a significant event for the person to realize that he or she does have a problem. An intervention may be the best way for you to help initiate this shift in perception.

An intervention is a conversation between the person who is using and one or more close friends and family members. The loved ones confront the person about his or her using in a loving, non-judgmental way, and encourage treatment for the addiction. Many people in active addiction feel completely alone in the world and an intervention reminds them that there are people who care and want to help. There are many ways to execute the conversation, but do not wait for tragedy to strike; say something today.

Hiring a professional interventionist who can help everyone convey their messages without being hostile is always recommended when staging an intervention. The individuals closest to the person suffering from addiction have also suffered and it is easy to allow that hurt to distract from the goal of intervention. An interventionist will give you the most effective tools and methods to give your loved one the best chance of seeking treatment. – Learn More

Recovery from Suboxone Abuse

One of the most important aspects of Suboxone addiction is the aftercare program. For people who spend years dealing with addiction, it can take time to adjust to a life of sobriety. With so much being new after leaving an inpatient facility, many people struggle to cope. One form of aftercare that is particularly effective is to enter an outpatient program once the inpatient treatment is complete. The outpatient program allows for a continuation of support and guidance and provides a smoother transition into the person’s new sober life. Many treatment centers also encourage people to find a sober living facility, where all individuals receive around the clock monitoring and support. It is vitally important to make sure that you surround yourself with sober people who have a positive influence. The best-case scenario would be to reside in sober living while attending an outpatient program and making a gradual transition into the next stages. Anyone who struggles with addiction can also benefit from regularly attending 12-step meetings, such as Narcotics Anonymous, Heroin Anonymous or Alcoholics Anonymous.

Recovery is not just detox and rehab. It is a life-long process that requires patience, effort and time. If you are not willing to put effort into aftercare programs after you have completed rehab, then there is a higher chance of relapse. You cannot cure yourself of your addiction in just a 30-day rehab program. You will have to learn how to live a sober life-style. Call us if you need help finding outpatient programs or 12-step meetings.

  • What Are Some of the Symptoms of Suboxone Addiction?
    Addiction is most often found in people to drink frequently and in large amounts, despite negative consequences.
  • What Treatment Work Best for Suboxone Addiction?
    While Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is usually the most effective, there are many other options available.

The 12-step and Other Programs Help Save Lives

The original method for addiction treatment was the 12-step program. Programs such as Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous provided a solution for people who previously had no way to overcome addiction. 12-step programs are welcoming and easy to follow. As a result, millions of people worldwide have risen above addiction and found a better way to live. For anyone struggling with substance abuse, 12-step programs offer a solution that is obtainable.

Many addiction treatment centers are 12-step based, so for those with no way of entering a treatment center, a quality alternative is a 12-step program. Additionally, anyone who recently completed a treatment program should find a local meeting to attend. Long term sobriety is based on willingness and daily upkeep of sobriety. The love and support found in the room of a meeting helps people overcome obstacles that would have been too great if attempted alone.

Attending meetings can help you build a strong support group. Taking on addiction alone is nearly impossible. You must meet and connect with people you can turn to when you have had a bad day or relapse is lurking. You may have good family and friends who you can turn to for that, but they might not understand what it takes to withstand. There are alternative programs to the 12-step that may be a better option for individuals with select needs, such as SMART Recovery, S.O.S., Women for Sobriety, and more. Finding the meeting that is right for you and attending regularly may save your life. – Learn More

Finding Recovery Is Possible for Everyone

Addiction has no boundaries. No matter your age or background, if you are rich or poor, you can develop a substance abuse problem. The bright side of this is that recovery has no boundaries either. There is no substance or length of abuse that can keep someone down and out for ever if proper treatment is sought. Recovery is difficult, but the hardest part is to begin, to get yourself in a treatment program. As long as you are still breathing, you have a chance to get your life back on track.

There are only three choices when it comes to overcoming the temptation to use drugs or alcohol. Rehab, prison or death are the options that addiction offers. There are people who never even try to enroll into a rehab program because they think their addiction’s grip is too strong, but there is possibility of recovery for every single case. There are rehab centers throughout the country that offer treatment programs, serving all different walks of life and catering to a myriad of needs, so that people can get their lives back on track.

We have trained addiction specialists waiting by the phones to assist you. Our staff can help you with a verity of different things. Just a few of the services we offer are:

  1. We Listen. While that sounds simple, it may be the most important thing that our staff does for people. We listen to your situation regarding substance abuse before anything else. Our addiction specialists do not answer the phone instantly giving you a sales pitch. Going to rehab is about your need and desire to better yourself; we make sure to keep it that way. Not only will we listen, but we will encourage you. Calling for help is the first and maybe the toughest part of changing your ways. Our staff will assure you that you are making the right decision by making this process as smooth and easy as possible.
  2. We help with interventions. Our staff can put you in touch with a professional interventionist if you are planning to stage an intervention for a loved one. Seeing someone you care about put his or her own life in danger for drugs or alcohol can be hard. To have an intervention may be the only way to give them the wakeup call they need. These are delicate matters and you must be careful not to make your loved one feel attacked or judged. You will have higher chance of success if you have an interventionist to guide the way.
  3. We will verify your insurance. Many people are happy to learn that most health insurance plans help cover the cost of addiction treatment. Detox and rehab bills can add up, which might be another reason why some people avoid the help they need. If you have health insurance we can see which centers and programs your plan will cover. If you do not have insurance, you should call us anyway. We can help you find affordable treatment. While some programs are expensive, your life is invaluable. Do not let the price of rehab get in the way of saving your own life.
  4. We will assist you in locating a rehab center in a different state. Traveling for treatment is another recommended industry secret. It can be hard for someone looking to escape the threats of addiction to realize that sobriety is even a possibility. If that person leaves his or her current surroundings, he or she might have a better chance of seeing that drugs and alcohol are not a necessity for everyone. When you call, our representatives will help determine which states and cities you might have interest in traveling to, then go over the pros and cons of each one.
  5. We can give our insight from experience. All our addiction specialists are deep into their own recovery and have been where you are now. Once upon a time, they didn’t know where to turn for help either. Now that they have found their way, they are passionate about helping others to do the same. Our staff knows how hard it can be to call and ask for help and will not be judgmental or accusatory. They truly care about you and know what you are capable of.
  6. We will help you locate an appropriate detox center. Not every detoxification center is the same. Some offer more medical attention and supervision than others. Everyone will have unique needs when it comes to their own detox and rehab experiences. The person you connect with will make sure that you are heading to the right detox center. Dealing with withdrawal symptoms is not easy, but can be made more tolerable with the right help.

No One Can Decide for You
While your friends and family may be pushing you toward rehab, they cannot go for you. You have to make the final decision when it comes to which rehab center is right for you. We can give you all the information on each facility and our opinion but we cannot complete rehab for you either. If you are sick and tired of being sick and tired, then now is the time to act. There is no reason to second guess yourself. Rehab is the answer and you can do it. Don’t allow addiction to sink its claws deeper into your life. Call us now to start the life-saving process of reaching for sobriety.

  • How Can I Tell if Someone is Drunk?
    cSome of the most common sign include mental impairment, slurred speech, vomiting and compromised balance.
  • How Long Does Suboxone Stay in One’s System?
    While each person metabolizes Suboxone differently, it may take 12 to 24 hours for Suboxone to leave the system.

Using Therapy to Recover

Addiction treatment centers understand that the drugs and alcohol are simply a symptom of other underlying issues. These problems drive and perpetuate the use of mood and mind-altering substances until they are identified and resolved. Various therapeutic methods help people get to the root of their addiction.

Individual therapy, usually in the form of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, helps people to identify negative belief systems and thought patterns and replace them with healthier, more positive ones. Group therapy helps every group member as a catalyst for the development of a strong support system and increases a sense of belonging. Group members give and receive feedback, allowing for everyone to lean on each other for guidance, which directly combats the isolation and other negative aspects of addiction. Family therapy allows all members of the family to learn about addiction and develop better coping strategies and communication techniques for a happier, healthier future together.

Therapy sessions help you get to the bottom of your substance abuse problem. This theory will help you see your actions from a different point of view. The point is not to make you relive bad situations, but to help you accept and process them so that you can release them and move forward. Working with a therapist and with groups can help you realize things about yourself that you may not have known before. This can be powerful when trying to realize that life without Suboxone or other drugs is possible.

The Dangers of Suboxone Overdose

If you believe that you or someone else has overdosed on Suboxone, or any other substance, contact emergency medical services immediately. Overdose can be fatal and is not something to leave up to chance. Suboxone consists of two substances, mainly buprenorphine suboxone and naloxone. The buprenorphine suboxone is an opiate and the naloxone is an opiate antagonist, which blocks the receptors in the brain responsible for the sense of euphoria. Although a buprenorphine opioids overdose is treated with naloxone, the proportion of dosages of each substance in Suboxone makes overdose possible.

If you are not sure of the right dose, consult a medical professional before taking any Suboxone.  Suboxone is a Central Nervous System Depressant, which means that it slows down the functions of the Central Nervous System, which includes the brain a spinal cord — the nerve tissues that control the activities of the entire body. Overdose symptoms include blurred vision, severe drowsiness, slurred speech, loss of coordination, cognition problems, weakness or feeling limp, weak or shallow breathing, breath that stopped, changes in heart rate and blood pressure.

Even when an overdose is not fatal, there is a huge risk of permanent consequences. When the brain isn’t receiving enough oxygen or blood, parts of it will begin to shut down and stop functioning. This can cause Ischemic stroke, coma and permanent brain damage. Don’t allow this to happen to yourself or someone you care about. Call us now for professional help with beginning the journey of recovery. – Learn More

  • What Are Some of Suboxone’s Long-Lasting Effects?
    Some of most common health concerns include high blood pressure, liver disease, heart disease and stroke.
  • Can I Drink Suboxone If I am Pregnant?
    Numerous studies show that pre-natal Suboxone use can cause permanent damage to the child.

True Stories of Addiction: Chris’ Story of Recovery

Inpatient Suboxone Treatment

Inpatient treatment is the most effective way to start a new life in sobriety. Buprenorphine Opioids and Opiate addiction is common and extremely difficult to overcome. Inpatient drug treatment programs provide the most intensive treatment methods and results. These comprehensive programs offer a variety of therapeutic options, ensuring that everyone gets the advantages of each. Individual, group and family therapy allow each person to make sense of the past and gain a clear picture for the future. Drug addiction education furthers the individual’s understanding of his or her disease and helps the person prepare for triggers that may arise. Other therapeutic methods may include yoga, meditation, equine therapy, music and art therapy, as well as many others. Most programs last 30, 60 or 90 days, however there are some that last shorter and much longer.

Inpatient rehab usually gives the best chance at fighting back against drug addiction. Most inpatient facilities offer personalized programs, as everyone will have slightly different circumstances and needs to focus on. These programs will you help make a map to success that is realistic and customized for your unique situation.

We can help you find an inpatient facility that specializes in Buprenorphine Suboxone treatment, but you must be willing to help yourself. Rehab alone does not cure addiction, but it does give each person who puts work into recovery a chance to learn how to live a life without deadly substances. With your insurance information, we can tell you which Suboxone treatment facilities are affordable for you. – Learn More

Outpatient Suboxone Treatment

Outpatient programs, which are conducted on a part-time basis, are great for people who cannot take leave from work or school. Participants stay at home and attend meetings several times a week at the treatment center, allowing the person to engage normally in activities for the rest of the day. Outpatient treatment should not be attempted until the person has fully detoxed and stabilized. The first days sober are some of the most difficult, which makes outpatient treatment less helpful for some as it is for others. For the best chance at a successful and long-lived recovery, it is best to first go through an in-patient treatment, at least for a short time, and then enter outpatient for continued support and guidance as you transition into your new life.

Typically, recovery from Suboxone abuse or other Buprenorphine Opioids requires a drastic shift in lifestyle and environment alongside in-depth professional help. Outpatient programs usually do not give you that shift, but are very helpful. – Learn More

  • Inpatient Treatment Vs. Outpatient Treatment?
    While outpatient maintains a flexible structure, inpatient treatment is recommended due to overall quality of care.
  • Should I Consider Outpatient Treatment?
    If one has financial obligations or other demanding circumstances, outpatient care could be a more viable option.