Cocaine Addiction and Rehabilitation

Cocaine Addiction Rehabilitation Header
Last Edited: January 7, 2021
Patricia Howard, LMFT, CADC
Clinically Reviewed
Jim Brown, CDCA
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Cocaine Abuse

Cocaine is a Central Nervous System Stimulant that was originally derived from coca plants in South America. It was used in the medical field as a pain-killer, and early psychologists, such as Sigmund Freud, posited that its use could cure mental disorders such as depression. However, Cocaine quickly became a societal issue as its harmful properties became more apparent to both its users and the people witnessing the horrors of addiction. Since then, Cocaine has become one of the most used and abused drugs in the world. This substance generally takes the form of a white powder, and is either snorted, smoked, ingested or injected with a needle to enter the bloodstream. Cocaine is an addicting drug, meaning it is commonly associated with substance abuse problems. Anyone can get hooked regardless of race or gender. Cocaine will not discriminate and can affect anyone who gets involved with its addictive powers. If you or a loved one is battling addiction with cocaine, when ready, give us a call and we will gladly help you get the treatment you deserve.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

Cocaine Effects

Doing Cocaine frequently over a certain period of time can have significant negative effects on a person. Some of these are: feelings of restlessness, irritability, panic and paranoia. Some of the bodily side effects are: tremors, vertigo, dilated pupils, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and decreased sexual function. Using Cocaine for long periods of time can have even more harmful effects. Some of these include: chronic fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain, nosebleeds, weight loss, cardiac arrest, stroke, seizures, respiratory arrest and even death. People who use Cocaine put themselves at risk for a host of potentially life threatening issues. Especially when they start mixing Cocaine with drugs like Ambien. What started as a party might end up as a disaster.

Warning signs of Cocaine abuse in a loved one

There are many things to look out for when an individual is abusing Cocaine. They can be alert, anxious, and full of energy. Everyone may react differently to Cocaine depending on how it is used and how their body reacts to it. If you feel as if a loved one has a problem with Cocaine the video below will give you a better understanding of Cocaine abuse and addiction. Remember, just because your loved one is abusing Cocaine it doesn’t mean they are hopeless. There is help available for anyone who is willing to change their life.

Cocaine abuse is not that hard to spot in a loved one. Someone who uses cocaine is usually very alert and active; they seem like they can’t calm down and may be very talkative. You may notice them hanging around new friends who are also super alert. Then comes the crash, they will sleep for days.

Abusing Cocaine will decrease your loved one’s appetite, causing significant weight loss and extreme fatigue from the lack of nutrients. Your loved one’s face may look flushed with bags under their eyes, and it may start to be a regular thing. They are “not sure” how the weight is magically falling off them.

Cocaine is a stimulate that will cause your loved one to stay awake, which will cause paranoia, hallucinations and anxiety. They may start isolating themselves to try and calm down. When something like this occurs, they usually use more Cocaine thinking it will help the paranoia.

Factual Dangers: Cocaine

Cocaine abuse can take someone’s life from them in a blink of an eye. It may start out as fun and games but next thing you know you can’t seem to function without it. If you are worried a loved one is abusing Cocaine and their life seems to be falling apart remain calm; they are not declared as hopeless. Here are some videos that will help you determine if you need to take the extra step and help your loved one get the treatment they deserve:

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