Dangers of Cocaine Abuse
Cocaine is a Central Nervous System Stimulant that was originally derived from coca plants in South America. It was used in the medical field as a pain-killer, and early psychologists, such as Sigmund Freud, posited that its use could cure mental disorders such as depression. However, Cocaine quickly became a societal issue as its harmful properties became more apparent to both its users and the people witnessing the horrors of addiction. Since then, Cocaine has become one of the most used and abused drugs in the world. This substance generally takes the form of a white powder, and is either snorted, smoked, ingested or injected with a needle to enter the bloodstream. Cocaine is an addicting drug, meaning it is commonly associated with substance abuse problems. Anyone can get hooked regardless of race or gender. Cocaine will not discriminate and can affect anyone who gets involved with its addictive powers. If you or a loved one is battling addiction with cocaine, when ready, give us a call and we will gladly help you get the treatment you deserve.
Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.
Cocaine Effects
Doing Cocaine frequently over a certain period of time can have significant negative effects on a person. Some of these are: feelings of restlessness, irritability, panic and paranoia. Some of the bodily side effects are: tremors, vertigo, dilated pupils, increased heart rate, increased blood pressure and decreased sexual function. Using Cocaine for long periods of time can have even more harmful effects. Some of these include: chronic fatigue, headaches, abdominal pain, nosebleeds, weight loss, cardiac arrest, stroke, seizures, respiratory arrest and even death. People who use Cocaine put themselves at risk for a host of potentially life threatening issues. Especially when they start mixing Cocaine with drugs like Ambien. What started as a party might end up as a disaster.
Scotland has the highest cocaine use of any other country in the world. One in 40 Scots use the drug, or about 2.4% of the population.
Warning signs of Cocaine abuse in a loved one
There are many things to look out for when an individual is abusing Cocaine. They can be alert, anxious, and full of energy. Everyone may react differently to Cocaine depending on how it is used and how their body reacts to it. If you feel as if a loved one has a problem with Cocaine the video below will give you a better understanding of Cocaine abuse and addiction. Remember, just because your loved one is abusing Cocaine it doesn’t mean they are hopeless. There is help available for anyone who is willing to change their life.
Cocaine abuse is not that hard to spot in a loved one. Someone who uses cocaine is usually very alert and active; they seem like they can’t calm down and may be very talkative. You may notice them hanging around new friends who are also super alert. Then comes the crash, they will sleep for days.
Abusing Cocaine will decrease your loved one’s appetite, causing significant weight loss and extreme fatigue from the lack of nutrients. Your loved one’s face may look flushed with bags under their eyes, and it may start to be a regular thing. They are “not sure” how the weight is magically falling off them.
Cocaine is a stimulate that will cause your loved one to stay awake, which will cause paranoia, hallucinations and anxiety. They may start isolating themselves to try and calm down. When something like this occurs, they usually use more Cocaine thinking it will help the paranoia.
Factual Dangers: Cocaine
Cocaine abuse can take someone’s life from them in a blink of an eye. It may start out as fun and games but next thing you know you can’t seem to function without it. If you are worried a loved one is abusing Cocaine and their life seems to be falling apart remain calm; they are not declared as hopeless. Here are some videos that will help you determine if you need to take the extra step and help your loved one get the treatment they deserve:
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True Stories of Addiction: Ray Overcomes Pill Abuse
Ray fell in love with Cocaine and felt he needed nothing more in life, but his addiction became so severe, that he destroyed his life. Fortunately, he was able to build it back up because of recovery. – View all episodes now
Cocaine Abuse Rehab Treatment
Rehabilitation is crucial if you have a Cocaine addiction. In rehab, people give over their need for control and learn to trust people with their healing and recovery. People considering rehab have the option of going to inpatient, outpatient or hospitalized care. For those with a Cocaine addiction, inpatient care is recommended. In inpatient, the client can receive the best care for their given needs. During inpatient treatment, you will work through all existing issues that has pushed you to use Cocaine in the first place. You will work through these issues in individualized therapy and group therapy. Each therapy will help in its own way and prepare you for the outside world. In inpatient treatment, you will learn about yourself and learn how to love yourself again. When abusing Cocaine, you tend to lose self-respect and during treatment staff will help you fight to get it back. When you regain your self-respect, you are prepared for life after treatment. Rehabilitation doesn’t end after the person leaves treatment. Rehabilitation generally takes anywhere from 30, 60 or 90 days depending on when the person is ready to get back in the world. Recovery is a lifelong decision and will create a life you never dreamed of having. You will need to seek out various aftercare options in order to make sure that they pursue aftercare options.
Cocaine Addiction Detoxification Treatment
Once an individual enters treatment and receives an intake and assessment from the specialists there, the next step is detoxification. This process consists of letting the substance filter out of the body. Cocaine holds a lot of chemicals that are very harmful to your body and mind so it is good to cleanse yourself before getting the proper treatment. Detox should typically occur with medical supervision, as many substances may have different health effects once their use is ceased. Many treatment centers offer various forms of detoxification; some centers may offer medication-assisted detox to alleviate the unpleasant symptoms of withdrawal, while others may utilize a non-medicinal route for individuals that choose not to be administered during this process. In medical detox, which is recommended, you will have 24-hour supervision from a doctor. They will watch over you and make sure that there are no life-threatening symptoms present, and if there are life threatening symptoms they can do something about it immediately and act accordingly. Detoxification can last anywhere from a few days to a few weeks- it truly just depends on how the body reacts to being cleansed. Once the toxins are cleared out of the client’s system, he or she will be in a better state, physically and mentally, to start the recovery process, where the true healing is at. – Learn More.
Being in love and being high on cocaine activates the same portions of the brain.
What is it like Withdrawing from Cocaine?
Withdrawing from any drug can prove to be difficult. When people give up a drug, they are leaving something that has become a very vital aspect of their life. They are also giving themselves over to the chance of experiencing some pretty intense withdrawal symptoms. That said, most detox facilities provide medical supervision to help offset these symptoms. Some of the withdrawal symptoms of Cocaine abuse are: fatigue, feelings of depression, loss of enjoyment in other activities, unpleasant dreams, insomnia or hypersomnia, increased appetite and a change in activity, thoughts and behaviors. These withdrawal symptoms can last from 7-10 days depending upon the individual and how their body reacts to the chemicals leaving their body. Withdrawing from Cocaine can be dangerous and is best if supervised by a medical doctor. If you suffer from depression or have ever had suicidal thoughts and are planning on stopping your Cocaine abuse: contact a doctor immediately. Coming off Cocaine, or any drug for that matter, can intensify depression and suicidal thoughts. Your doctor will help you find a safe place to detox where they can manage your mental health while watching for any dangerous withdrawal symptoms. Remember, withdrawal doesn’t last forever. It is one of the most difficult parts of recovery- you have the strength to fight through it.
The Dangers of Cocaine Overdose
Using Cocaine can seem fun at first. However, in the wake of all this lies the potential for significant harm. One of the most prominent threats for recreational use is the transition to prolonged frequent use. People may start by using it to party and they may begin using it to cope. People who do this open themselves up to an overdose. Signs of a Cocaine overdose include but are not limited to arrhythmias, very high blood pressure, dangerously high body temperature, sweating, nausea, confusion and tremors. If a Cocaine overdose is not taken care of as it should be, symptoms can worsen and can induce seizures, neurological disorders, vascular issues, and comas. Individuals who use too much Cocaine at once are at serious risk of overdosing on the stuff, which often results in falling into a coma or death. The only way to prevent a Cocaine overdose is too stop using and abusing Cocaine. When you feel ready to finally end the cycle of Cocaine abuse, you will need to get the proper treatment, which will include detox and therapy and all that it entails. Although other forms of treatment exist, the most successful way to do this is through an inpatient treatment center. In treatment, you will figure out what triggered your Cocaine abuse in the first place, work through the issues, and be able to think differently about your life and the world.
Traveling for Cocaine Treatment
When contemplating different treatment options, people may often ask about the benefits of travelling out of town, or out of state, to receive care for issues such as a Cocaine addiction. When it comes to receiving adequate care, one should not take choosing a facility lightly. Travelling out of town or state possesses the benefit of removing oneself from familiar triggers and local contacts, allowing for a fuller immersion into the treatment environment. When you stay in the same city as before, your chances of running into an old drug using buddie or your dealer are high. You are left wanting to start fresh, but vulnerable to old triggers. It may be hard to say no to these people at first, because you are in such a vulnerable state of mind. This increases your chance of relapse which is something you don’t want to go through. Traveling for treatment may seem scary but remember, it is only temporary. You will be back with your family soon after treatment and you will be able to show off the new you. This will also give your family time to heal and recover while you are doing the same. Addiction is a family disease and your family and friends need time to recover just like you. When the time is right and you have completed treatment, you will be able to show your family how you are ready for this change in life. Things take time and the wrath of addiction doesn’t disappear overnight. Make the right decision, take a break from your reality and find a treatment center out of state.
Insurance Accepted for Cocaine Treatment
Did you know that you can possibly have your entire treatment paid for? Depending on the federal or state programs in your area, you may receive partial or total coverage for addiction treatment. Before choosing a treatment center, it is highly advised that you check the varieties of insurance that the center will or will not take. While some treatment centers may only accept private insurance from your health plan, other centers may be able to take payment from state programs, as well as federal programs. Before choosing a treatment to address the issues of Cocaine addiction, it is vital that you research the payment policies of any treatment center you are interested in before engaging in said treatment. It is also important to not only look at the prices of treatment but also what they offer, as you want to get the most out of treatment during your stay. It is recommended to go to an inpatient treatment center that includes a 12-step or faith based practice; having a 12-step or faith based program encompassed with treatment will give you a higher rate for long-term recovery. When working a 12-step program or a faith based practice you will have something to look forward to after treatment. Recovery doesn’t have a graduation date: it is a lifelong process that will take time and dedication. You can do this if you put your mind to it. But, if you are having trouble we are here to help. Give us a call and we can help you find a center that best suits your needs: (866) 578-7471 – Learn More
After marijuana, cocaine is the second most commonly used illicit drug in the United States.
Group Therapy for Cocaine Addiction
When people are in treatment, they will have to learn how to depend on other people to help them recover. It is time to let others love you until you can love yourself. That can prove difficult for those who have learned to depend on themselves for so long. When in active addiction, you may have isolated yourself to the point that you forgot how to communicate with other people while drugs did all the work for you. Drugs alienate those who use them in ways that make people learn improperly how to cope with life. When using Cocaine, if something in life seems to not be going as planned, you may have gotten upset. The only way you knew how to brighten up is with more cocaine. You had no one to rely on and no one to confront your problems too. Therefore, having group therapy sessions is vital to your recovery. In group therapy, people will learn how to connect with others first and foremost. It is normal to forget how to connect with others and group therapy will slowly help you re-gain your social skills. You will also learn how to develop skills used to deal with the various turmoil’s life brings on a day-to-day basis. It’s important that people learn how to cope with life in a healthy way, so that they don’t run to drugs when they are out of treatment. Group therapy will teach you that it is okay to reach out to others when you really need help. Remember: anyone ca get help. Recovery is a lifelong process and having a support group makes going through life without Cocaine a lot easier.
What You Need to Know about Freebasing Cocaine
There are various methods for freebasing cocaine. Typically, it involves using a small glass pipe. A small piece of clean, heavy copper is used as a reduction base in which the cocaine can be melted and boiled to a vapor. The freebase cocaine is then smoked.
Those who smoke freebase cocaine, as well as crack, are at higher risk for overdose because it is pure cocaine, which makes it extremely potent. If users are accustomed to smoking crack or using powdered cocaine, they may have no idea how much freebase cocaine to smoke, easily taking in high doses that result in overdose. Overdose is also likely because of the intensity and sudden onset of freebase cocaine’s effects. The risk of overdose is compounded if use of freebase cocaine is combined with use of any other substances, such as alcohol.
Learn more about Freebasing: https://detoxtorehab.com/substance-abuse/what-is-freebasing
Cocaine Use, Abuse and Dependency
Cocaine is a highly addictive stimulant that is mostly seen in a white powder form. The powder chemical is mixed with cornstarch, sugar, talcum powder or other stimulant drugs, a process known as cutting. When a cocaine dealer cuts the drug, it increases the money they will make and keeps customers coming back for more. Cutting a drug decreases the potency of the drug, making it cheaper and forcing the customer to buy more. Because the drug is cheaper, the customer is more at risk for building a tolerance. When a tolerance is built, the chances of overdose are heightened.
Before it became a street drug, Cocaine was used as a pain killer in the late 19th century. Now, it is illegal, and used as a party drug or something to take you out of reality. It is most commonly snorted where the powder will through the nose tissue and into the bloodstream. It can, however, be rubbed on the gums or ingested.
The most dangerous way to abuse Cocaine is to inject it into the blood stream. Injecting Cocaine rapidly increases the chance of overdose, even death. When Cocaine is smoked the chances of overdose lowers but can still cause a multitude of health problems.
Despite the way you use Cocaine, it is still known as one of the most dangerous drugs in the world. Once the drug slips into your body it can become next to impossible to stop. Cocaine will take over your mind, body and soul causing your life to go in a downward spiral.
Cocaine will physically stimulate your nerve endings and senses in the body. This will then create a sense of euphoria so profound, that the user will build a tolerance to the Cocaine. When a tolerance is built higher dosage of the drug will need to be used to get your desired effect. Also, a user may go from snorting to shooting the Cocaine to try and get the effect that the Cocaine once caused. This, in turn, increases the rates of health risks, overdoses and death.
Cocaine today is a dangerous, money making business. The people who use Cocaine are not just the people on the street. You will find people of all races, occupations, ages and sex that find the drug to be their best friend. It is very common for a wealthy businessman to abuse Cocaine. They need it to focus and stay up for hours on end to make sure that a deal goes right and everyone is doing what need to be to keep the company moving forward.
People abusing Cocaine may think of it as fun and games, not realizing the health risks that come with it. Just like the businessman, it makes people work harder. He thinks Cocaine is harmless until he starts getting chest pains. The businessman, just like most users, don’t know that Cocaine abuse causes stroke, respiratory failure, heart attack and cerebral hemorrhage, or bleeding in the brain. These risks are for everyone who abuses Cocaine- there is not one person who is safe from these health risks unless they stop using.
Although there are a million dangers that come with abusing Cocaine, the users may not feel like they need to stop. When people use drugs, they tend to feel invincible and think that there are no risks in abusing Cocaine. This is not true. When abusing Cocaine, you are at risk for all health risks. Someone can be using it for years and only accumulate some health issues and another could be using it for months and can be on life support because of the negative effects Cocaine had.
It may seem impossible to stop abusing Cocaine once you have started. You feel as if you have finally found something that cures all your problems and makes the negative emotions bringing you down go away. You probably ask yourself, why would I want to stop something that takes the pain away, even if the pain comes back after a few minutes; it feels good to have a release, even if it is just for a moment.
People may ask you, “Why don’t you just stop?” You see, it is not that simple. When dealing with a Cocaine addiction, or any sort of addiction for that matter, you are dealing with a disease that has no known cure. This disease makes you believe that living the life you are in is normal. It will make you feel as if it is you job to escape reality on a day to day basis.
You have been escaping reality long enough, it is time for you to recover and live the life you deserve. There are treatment centers that can help you safely withdrawal from Cocaine and then proceed to help you recover mentally. You will, in treatment, go through therapy that will help you feel emotions without wanting to escape them and go back to using Cocaine. It may seem scary but you will learn how to process emotions without wanting to mask them, but you will learn life is better this way. It is time to stop living a life that revolves around Cocaine- it is time to start taking care of you. There are many treatment facilities that specialize in Cocaine addiction and if you are ready, they will take you in a treat you.
Learn more about The Dangers of Using Tin Foil to Smoke Cocaine: https://detoxtorehab.com/addiction/the-dangers-of-using-tin-foil-to-smoke-drugs
Picking a Treatment Center for Cocaine Addiction
Cocaine addiction alone is considered to be an incredibly complicated, but treatable issue. Given its addictive nature, Cocaine abuse and addiction often causes problems in multiple facets of someone’s life. Therefore, the treatment center chosen for Cocaine addiction must consider all of the different factors regarding Cocaine use in addition to the addiction itself in order to be effective. Because of its widespread use, an addiction to Cocaine has not only become a biological issue, but entire social circles as a whole have fallen into a Cocaine addiction. While the treatment of addiction in a biological and psychological sense is crucial, the program must also utilize specific strategies that will target the social aspects surrounding one’s addiction. There are also other chemical and biological factors that play into Cocaine addiction. Often times, individuals who have psychiatric disorders, such as Chronic Depression, Bipolar Disorder or ADHD, that have not been diagnosed, may turn to Cocaine as a way to self-medicate. In addition, high rates of poly-drug use in Cocaine addiction indicates that treatment centers must also be able to address other substances involved, rather than just Cocaine. Treatment for Cocaine addiction isn’t just about removing the drug, but about removing the substance completely and making an individual feel strong enough to live without it. Treatment should get down to the bottom of your issues and handle them before you go and face the real world. – Learn More
Cocaine Addiction Aftercare
After successfully completing treatment, people will have access to tools and resources that continue to assist and support the recovery process. While individuals may complete treatment and leave the center, there is still a risk of returning to old habits, increasing the risk of relapse. There are several free community-based programs similar to the Alcoholics Anonymous’ 12-steps to help teach users and former users how to abstain from Cocaine and other drugs. These programs not only offer information and tools to stay sober, but members may also benefit from being part of a community of people with similar experiences. This type of treatment usually involves more than just talking in a group; it involves sharing similar experiences, problems and issues that others can also relate to. From this process, members of these groups can gain plenty of knowledge, skills and continued motivation from support from the groups in order to stay clean and sober. Not only do these different programs provide you with the tools needed for you to stay clean and sober, but they also introduce you to individuals fighting the same battle you are. You will meet people and find new and healthy friends to surround yourself with. There will be no need to go back to the friends you used to use with, because you will be surrounded by so many people who truly love and care about you. Aftercare programs are a way of life, you will be taught how to live without the use of drugs and alcohol one day at a time. – Learn More
True Stories of Addiction: Elliot Overcomes Drug Addiction
Elliot was always searching for something to make him feel he belonged in this world. No matter how many people were around, he always felt so alone. When he was introduced to Cocaine, the loneliness left him and he finally felt like he belonged. But soon enough, Cocaine ended up taking control over Elliot’s life and he wanted out of the mess. He tried getting off Cocaine multiple times but always ended up back under its wing. Elliot was about to lose hope but was introduced to a 12-step program that saved his life. He is now living a life free from Cocaine addiction and is more than grateful for the life he has.
Find out More about your available options today (866) 578-7471.
Inpatient Cocaine Rehab
Depending on the Cocaine addiction center chosen, there are different options and methods available to help the individual pursue recovery from addiction and dependency. While there may be drug rehab options for both inpatient and outpatient care for Cocaine addiction, it is highly recommended that individuals enter an inpatient treatment center due to the severity of Cocaine’s addictive nature. In these centers, patients will learn various skills to use while in the real world. As well, patients in the center’s will participate in group and individual therapy. Also, while in group therapy, you will be taught how to communicate with others about your problems and learn that it is perfectly okay to reach out to others for help versus dealing with issues on your own. In individual therapy, you will work closely with a therapist to get down to the issues that caused you to use Cocaine in the first place. Working through these issues will help you move forward in life, rather than just going back to abusing Cocaine and going through a relapse. Through these combined efforts, the client will be ready to face the world. After treatment, you are still required to do work to maintain your recovery with some after care programs. There are several aftercare programs your treatment center will recommend you. There are 12-step programs and faith based programs located just about everywhere. These programs will show you that you are not alone and will help you gain friends and grow in your recovery. – Learn More
Outpatient Rehab
Individuals often cannot cease all other immediate responsibilities to pursue rehab. People with family, financial, or work-related obligations may not be able to fully immerse themselves into an inpatient treatment program as they would like too. While inpatient treatment is highly recommended for Cocaine addiction, some local centers may provide outpatient options for people pursuing recovery. Outpatient still allows for the client to participate in some of the other treatment programs offered for inpatient clients, it’s just less intensive. That said, treatment should meet people where they are in life, and for some people need to do outpatient. In outpatient, you usually work with others in a group setting. It will be like a meeting, where you introduce yourself and talk about your problems or the topic of your therapist’s choice. When in outpatient, you can connect with others who are going through the program with you. You can make friends so if you need someone who understands what you are going through, you can give one of them a call. Also, in outpatient treatment, you will work one on one with a therapist to get down to the root of your issues. Make sure you have people to lean on for support after you do an individual therapy session. There will be things brought up from the past and having someone to lean on after and talk more in depth about your problems with improve your chances of strong recovery. For more information on outpatient treatment give us a call: (866) 578-7471 – Learn More
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