Marijuana Addiction and Rehabilitation

Marijuana Addiction Rehab Header
Last Edited: March 17, 2020
Claudia Rose
Clinically Reviewed
Edward Jamison, MS, CAP, ICADC, LADC
All of the information on this page has been reviewed and certified by an addiction professional.

Dangers of Marijuana Abuse

The use of Marijuana is a hot topic in the media due to recent findings on the plant’s medicinal properties. Marijuana is classified as a schedule I illegal drug by the federal government regardless of the legalization of medical and recreational use on a state level. The Marijuana plant, also known as Cannabis, has psychoactive properties when smoked or ingested.

This plant has been genetically modified by selection over the past decades to enhance the potency of the cannabinoid called THC or delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol. THC occurs naturally in the plant and needs little to no processing for an individual to abuse this substance. Most people do not need to seek the help of drug rehabs for Marijuana abuse, but cutting down can be hard for some.

Click Here for a confidential benefits check to see if your insurance will cover the cost of treatment or call (866) 578-7471 to speak to a addiction specialist.

There are many individuals who feel the need to smoke before leaving the house, who cannot meet their parents for dinner, go to a movie with friends or any other regular social activity without being high on pot. Marijuana’s safety has become a debate of late, but this drug can still have negative implications.

Street Names for Marijuana

Marijuana is still illegal in most countries. When people purchase Marijuana, it can go by a variety of different street names. The most common of these names are: Pot, Ganga, Weed, Herb, Mary Jane.

Effects of Marijuana

Marijuana smoke is like that of tobacco smoke, in that it is irritating to one’s lungs and throat. Marijuana smoke also contains toxic particles that are known to damage one’s lungs. Many research studies show that the use of Marijuana is correlated with mental health disorders, such as substance abuse disorder, depression, psychosis and anxiety. Research of the Marijuana drug has shown that it has many negative effects on an individual’s learning ability, memory retention and attention span. An individual that uses Marijuana on a daily basis may actually be functioning at a level of intellect that is declined or reduced the majority, if not all, of the time. There is research behind the suggestion that Marijuana use creates likelihood of additional substance abuse.

Warning signs of Marijuana abuse in a loved one

Sometimes, it can be hard to identify Marijuana abuse in a loved one. Some people smoke so much that it can get in the way of their family, social or work life and obligations. Some people become psychologically addicted to Marijuana, meaning the user feels a need to be high just to operate throughout the day. This can cause difficulty in holding a job or keeping up with relationships. Here are some red flags to look for if you suspect a loved one of abusing Marijuana:

Your loved one may say he or she will not smoke or consume Marijuana that day, but ends up hitting the bong a few times. Most people who abuse Marijuana need to be high to get through the day. Red or glossy eyes are a good signifier that he or she is stoned.

Most people who abuse the same substance every day have a hard time without it. Marijuana is the same. For people who have developed an addiction to Marijuana, it is almost impossible to relax unless they are stoned. This is can be a dangerous way to live.

A very common sign of Marijuana addiction is when someone blows off all responsibility to get stoned. Getting high is more important to that person than anything. He or she will lie to get out of attending social gatherings or work to get high instead.

Factual Dangers: Marijuana

These interactive videos are here to help people learn more about the dangers of Marijuana abuse. Many people spread the positives of using Marijuana in a healthy dosage, but most do not know that Marijuana abuse can lead to some health risks. Detox to Rehab encourages people to promote these videos on their Facebook or other social media pages. Posting this video on your timeline might help someone learn about the Dangers of Marijuana abuse.

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True Stories of Addiction:


Marijuana Rehab Treatment

In many cases, those who enter treatment centers for Marijuana abuse and addiction are young people. Some have decided to go to rehab on their own while others have committed to rehab after having an intervention staged. Addiction treatment is mostly residential and impatient since psychological addiction sparks uncontrollable cravings and triggers. A period of detox will be required, but because there are no real withdrawal symptoms for Marijuana, treatment can begin immediately in developing other coping mechanisms for stress. The most common reason for use of Marijuana is to reduce or ease stress in daily confrontations.

People who abuse Marijuana might not realize why he or she takes to the drug in the first place. Often early trauma, psychological issues or environmental challenges are what lead people to use drugs or alcohol. Until the person works through these issues consciously, the addiction will maintain a firm grip on his or her life. The best way to do this work is through attending rehab.

Working through intense therapy sessions in rehab gets to the bottom of the addiction. Marijuana abuse can lead to use of Heroin or Cocaine as users want to take the high to the next level. Once Marijuana is not enough, he or she is more open-minded to trying more dangerous street drugs. Working through this process in rehab is the best way to get your life back on track. – Learn More

Marijuana Detox Treatment

There is still an ongoing debate about the addictive properties of Marijuana. Most people believe that the addiction is purely psychological, mainly because Marijuana abuse does not lead to very intense withdrawal symptoms after the substance leaves the blood stream and any physical symptoms that do occur end after 48 hours of the drug’s absence. However, a psychological addiction can be just as devastating to someone’s life and must be addressed.

To clarify, a physical dependence or addiction is when your body has adapted to the drug use and goes through withdrawal when the drug is not present. Withdrawal from Marijuana is not life threatening, as with some substances because Marijuana isn’t very physically addictive. While this is true, psychological addictions affect mood, behavior, coping mechanisms and responses to stress, having an impact on a person’s drive or aspirations, job performance, mental health and social interactions. So, symptoms of discontinued Marijuana use will be related to these things.

When dependence is present, an individual may experience symptoms of withdrawal when he or she stops using Marijuana. Common psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms of Marijuana use are: irritation, depression, anxiety, restlessness, fatigue, inability to sleep, changes in appetite, abdominal pains, shaking, fever, hot and cold sweats and headache. – Learn More

Addiction to Marijuana

The use of Marijuana has a high potential to develop into problematic use. Marijuana addiction is commonly referred to as Marijuana Use Disorder. Marijuana Use Disorder is mainly connected to dependence; when an individual has a perceived need for the drug and experiences symptoms of withdrawal, primarily psychological, if he or she does not continue using.

Individuals that frequently use Marijuana report the following symptoms: agitation, disturbances to mood, sleeping problems, poor appetite, cravings, inability to rest and other types of discomfort felt physically. Marijuana Use Disorder is present when an individual is unable to stop using Marijuana, regardless of any negative consequences that are related to one’s use. Whether Marijuana is physically addictive is up for debate, but it can be psychologically addictive.

People use Marijuana because they believe there is little or no danger in it, especially since it has been legalized in various countries and even in some states in the US. People may use this drug to self-medicate for depression and anxiety, or choose to use this substance over pharmaceutical medication for illnesses like cancer and seizures. Abusing Marijuana, as with other forms of substance abuse, can cause significant detriment to someone’s social life. Many find that they start to experience problems at school, home or at work. – Learn More

Marijuana Dependency

Individuals who use Marijuana on a consistent basis or who consume a large dose of this drug may experience some unpleasant effects. Some may experience acute psychosis as well as loss of ability to understand self and have a personal sense of identity. Other ways that this drug may be abused is through alteration. Marijuana can be altered and the THC extracted to create bubble hash, hash, hash oil, shatter wax and other forms of concentrated THC that are easy to abuse.

People can easily become dependent on the high that Marijuana provides. Those people may think that they are only funny, happy or functioning properly when they are stoned. This rewires the person’s brain into thinking that the person needs to be loaded to feel normal. When a person who is dependent on Pot cannot get it, he or she becomes angry, tired or easily upset. It can be hard to rid oneself of a Marijuana dependency. The best way to treat an addiction to any harmful substance is with rehab.

Completing a personalized rehab program can help you break the dependency you have developed. Therapy sessions are used to help people in rehab find out why they were compelled to use Marijuana. You will learn alternative ways of dealing with stress and pain so that you do not need Marijuana anymore. While the psychological aspect of addiction is challenging to overcome, it is totally possible with the help of professionals. – Learn More

Seeking help for a loved one.

  • What Do I Say in A Marijuana Intervention?
    You will speak directly to your loved one, only speaking in love and concern while leaving out judgment or anger. Let him or her know the negative impact their Marijuana addiction causes you.
  • What If My Loved One Does Not Go To Marijuana Rehab?
    If your loved one does not accept Marijuana treatment, he or she will know there is help when he or she is ready. Keep showing them support without enabling your loved ones’ behavior.

Intervention for Marijuana Abuse

Marijuana abuse, especially in young people, can lead to much harder drugs. Known as a gateway drug, Marijuana is usually considered a mild high compared to hardcore street drugs. Still, as it is illegal in most states, lying, cheating and stealing can come into play with Marijuana abuse. This can force users to damage relationships with friends and family, starting down a dangerous road of drug abuse. If someone you love is on this path, you might want to hold an intervention. The point of an intervention is to show your loved one that people still care and to hopefully convince him or her to seek professional help.

Most people who have an addiction, no matter the drug, live in denial about their substance abuse disorder. They might claim that it is not a problem because stopping is always an option, yet when they say they will stop or take a break, they end up getting loaded again. The best way to break their dependency is to complete a rehab program. Many people who need to go to rehab do not want to, but an intervention can convince them to get the help they need.

If a person who needs rehab feels that he or she will be well supported by those close to them, then he or she is more likely to get help and to be successful in recovery. Most people need to be urged by their loved ones to seek professional help. Talking through specific examples of how his or her addiction has had negative implications might help your loved one to see the severity of the situation and importance of entering treatment. – Learn More

Recovery from Marijuana Abuse

Full recovery is a long process and usually involves thorough aftercare, during which someone will need to stay away from triggers that could make them want to use again. A good rehab treatment center will be able to discuss the various options available to an individual and design an after-care plan to ensure successful recovery. While getting treatment for Marijuana Use Disorder, individuals undergo therapeutic treatments such as: Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Motivational Enhancement Therapy and Contingency Management. These types of treatments are proven to be most effective in treating the specific disorder.

Most people who are in recovery will attend 12-step meetings such as AA and NA. These meetings help those in the recovery community connect with one another in hopes to eliminate the feeling of isolation. People who want to work through the 12-step program can get set up with a sponsor who will help that person work through each of the steps. The 12-step program is designed to keep people focused on their sobriety while working on themselves as a person.

Eliminating the feeling of isolation is important when trying to recover from a drug addiction. When considering sobriety, many people think it will be too hard because they are in too deep, but working through the 12-step program or other aftercare solutions can help people realize that a life of sobriety is possible. After rehab is when the real work and effort from the person must come into play, as his or her sobriety is tested.

  • How Do I Recover from Marijuana Addiction?
    Inpatient treatment is possibly the best way to recover from an Marijuana addiction, followed up with support groups like the 12-step program.
  • Will I Be Bored in Marijuana Recovery?
    If you attend Marijuana support groups, you will connect with many people, attend various events and participate in numerous activities.

Looking at Marijuana as a Positive

The term medical Marijuana references the use of the Marijuana plant therapeutically, to treat an array of ailments from pain to Epilepsy. The healing chemical components of Marijuana are known as Cannabinoids which are related to the plant’s THC and CBD. CBD is not mind-altering, having no psychoactive effect, and is useful to reduce inflammation, pain and much more. THC is also approved by the FDA to help with pain, inflammation and muscle relaxation. Due to the Marijuana plant containing chemical components that assist in treatment of a vast number of symptoms and illnesses, there has been much debate about the legality of medicinal Marijuana use. Controversially, there are several states in the United States that have recently passed laws making Marijuana legal for medicinal purposes.

Marijuana can be compared to many other prescription drugs for two reasons: 1) Marijuana can help those who use it correctly, as prescribed by a doctor; 2) It can also backfire and serve as a gateway drug to deadly substances.

Most people who use prescription drugs and Marijuana as instructed by a doctor find relief from their pain or sickness. The problem occurs when people start to think that they need the drug it to feel normal. Using prescription drugs or Marijuana to help recover from pain or sickness can be risky because it is easy for the brain to start believing that the individual needs the substance to feel happy and healthy, and dependency sets in. At that point, the drug may be doing more damage than good. – Learn More

Inpatient Marijuana Treatment

Marijuana is a drug that is sourced naturally from the Cannabis plant. There are two main active ingredients in Marijuana, THC and CBD, which interact with the Endocannabinoid System by influencing certain receptors on neurons in the brain. This alters the way that different brain cells communicate with each other. THC is the psychoactive component of the drug, the part that is responsible for the high feeling associated with Marijuana. CBD is not psychoactive, in fact it partially counteracts these effects and is believed to have vast medical benefits. Most strains of Marijuana that are used or abused recreationally have been cultivated so that they are very high in THC and quite low in CBD, although there are many strains with different levels of these components. Typically, Marijuana use causes relaxation, euphoria, heightened appetite, paranoia and a dry mouth. Use of this drug has become a controversial topic recently, as certain states have legalized it for medical and recreational use. While many think Marijuana is a harmless substance, it does have addictive properties and excessive use can negatively influence a person’s life. Just like all abused substances, Marijuana affects the reward system in the brain which associates positive reinforcement with use of the drug. This can alter a person’s judgement and decision-making patterns.

While there are many strains of Marijuana, the essential effects of strains that are primarily high in THC are consistent. Use of Marijuana causes euphoria, an uplifting feeling and often laughter for no apparent reason. It also causes an altered perception of time, usually a feeling that time is passing very slowly. Marijuana enhances the senses, sometimes causes dizziness, alters perception of reality, impairs cognition and memory formation and can cause paranoia or anxiety. Like many drugs, it can inhibit coordination as well as a person’s reasoning abilities, which may result in poor or dangerous choices. Marijuana often causes the user to experience a strong sense of hunger that is difficult to satisfy. It also causes the mouth to be very dry and the eyes may become quite red and dry. Smoking Marijuana, especially if use is excessive, can cause a mucus-filled cough or increase the risk of Bronchitis. Abuse of Marijuana can also result in lower motivation and productivity, as well as consistent memory issues.

Although abusing Marijuana is never fatal, using a large amount at once can cause a quite unpleasant experience. The individual may feel as if his or her heart is pounding, feel extreme paranoia, fear and anxiety. Sometimes, perception of reality is so altered that an individual may be confused about what is going on around them or what just happened a second ago. Rarely, people experience hallucinations or delusional thoughts and behavior on the drug. Marijuana use does not commonly create a physical dependence, and the dependence is mild when it does. Psychological addiction to the drug, on the other hand, is very common and can be difficult to overcome. People who use Marijuana in excess are more likely to abuse other drugs that have more serious consequences. After long-term abuse of Marijuana, if the reward system already established in the brain is then activated by a different, more dangerous substance, it is more likely the person will become addicted to the new substance.

It is possible to experience symptoms of withdrawal between usage or after ceasing use of Marijuana. Because Marijuana use does not usually create a very significant physical dependence in the body, the typical flu-like symptoms associated with detoxing from many drugs are unlikely. Unfortunately, after long-term abuse of the drug, it is possible to experience some of these, such as shaking, the sweats and muscle aches. The psychological symptoms, and reverse effects, of withdrawal from Marijuana are more expected. It is common to experience irritability and cravings, depression or anxiety, restlessness and difficulty sleeping. If you or a loved one have experienced any of these symptoms, this could be due to an addiction or substance abuse problem.

In addition to withdrawal symptoms between usage, there are other things that could signify a substance abuse problem with Marijuana. If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, pay attention to the signs. Someone who abuses Marijuana may frequently seem out of it or forget things. People suffering from addiction often withdraw or isolate themselves from friends and family or lose interest in things they used to care about or enjoy. There are many resources for people suffering from addiction, such as treatment centers, therapy, groups, sponsors and more. If you are suffering from an addiction to Marijuana, or any other substance, it is never too late to seek professional help that can give you the tools you need.

If you or a loved one need help with an addiction to Marijuana or any other drug, call us and we can help you moving forward. – Learn More

  • Why Should I Go to Group Therapy for Marijuana Treatment?
    Group therapy will show you that you are not alone in fighting Marijuana addiction.
  • Is Group Therapy for Marijuana Addiction Helpful?
    Group therapy with will not only help you learn how to express your feelings on Marijuana addiction, but it will also help you form lasting and healthy friendships.

Outpatient Marijuana Rehab

An outpatient rehab program for Marijuana treatment allows an individual to travel to and from the treatment facility several times a week. This type of treatment is designed for those who are unable to spend time in a residential facility and can’t take time away from life’s responsibilities. Outpatient allows an individual to go to work, school and attend those every day responsibilities. The reoccurring issue with outpatient treatment is that the individual will have to face triggers in the environment he or she has previously used in. While this form of treatment isn’t for everyone, it is often successful for some and has done wonders for thousands of individuals in need of treatment for Marijuana use.

Outpatient rehab is usually recommended as a follow-up to inpatient rehab. Most outpatient programs consist of some forms of group therapy and family therapy. Group therapy places people in a meeting-setting, everyone trying to recover from a substance abuse problem. This allows people who are going through similar situations to connect with one another and realize they are not alone. Recovery is hard to do alone and by building a strong support group, those seeking long-term recovery can have people who relate to their experience and who will be there for them.

Outpatient may also offer family therapy, which can be incredibly helpful to recovery, rebuilding relationships previously damaged by addiction. This helps the person seeking recovery and the entire family to move forward healthily. – Learn More

  • Why Should I Attend Family Therapy?
    You will build a stronger bond with your family and repair any damage caused from Marijuana addiction.
  • What Will Family Therapy Help?
    When you abuse Marijuana, you may have caused your family great harm. Going to therapy can help your family see you are changing and they will give you their full support.

True Stories of Addiction: I’m Turning Myself in to Prison Tomorrow

The use of drugs often introduces an individual to a community of others who use drugs and places where use happens often, making up a whole environment of negative influence that enables drug use. Immersion in this community will encourage or trigger a person to use. An individual who is trying to quit using and overcome addiction may also be triggered to use by encountering people in this community or reminders of the environment.

Traveling for treatment will help to break this cycle so that you can get the help needed. Since most insurance covers treatment, consider traveling for rehabilitation to create distance between you and any person or place that could compromise your health and recovery. To find out exactly how much your policy covers, contact your insurance company or verify your insurance with us.

Traveling for treatment gives the chance to start over fresh. Removing yourself from the environment you have used in can help you to envision the possibilities of a life of sobriety. Addiction is habit-based and associative in nature. Many triggers for use are related to emotional regulation and coping, which will affect a person anywhere he or she goes. Chances are, though, that triggers in your current environment present themselves almost hourly. This makes it extremely difficult to get clean, as these urges are out of your control at this point. While you can’t immediately control how you emotionally regulate and cope, either, you can remove yourself from an environment that is encouraging the unhealthy behaviors.

How to I Find Help for a Drug or Alcohol Problem?

The first step toward recovery is to ask for help. If you do not have any loved ones who you can turn to, then call us. We have addiction specialists for each kind of addiction to any substance. These specialists wait by the phone to take calls from people just like you. It can be hard to make yourself believe that rehab is the right choice, but it is your best chance at real happiness. When you call, you will not be judged or interrogated. You will speak with someone who has gone through the recovery process themselves and can relate.

If can be stressful to know which rehab center is the right fit for you, but Detox to Rehab’s representatives specialize in matching individual cases with the rehab that best suits them. When you call, our addiction specialist who answers will listen to your situation and then help you make an informed decision about where to go for treatment.

Do not let the addiction convince you that calling us is the wrong choice. Sadly, the reality is that listening to the addiction will only lead you to prison or your own death. Recovery may seem scary or overwhelming, it may seem impossible, but you are strong. You are a survivor; people who suffer from addiction experience pain and hardship that most people cannot even imagine. You can do it and there are so many people who want to help you along the way, people who have studied and trained and organized to help you overcome and find the happy, healthy life that you deserve. Call us now to take the first step towards that life.