21 July 2016FFort MyersFort Myers, FL Addiction Treatment Center Not WelcomebyShae SlaughterNo comments3 minute read Picture this: An expanse of green spread over five acres. The sea of grass only marred by three…
07 July 2016LLGBT Friendly Addiction Treatment ProgramsDrug Addiction Looms Large Among The LGBTQ CommunitybyMark Frey, LPCC, LICDC, NCCNo comments2 minute read Drug addiction stems from a wide variety of factors. One of the principal factors that drives addiction is…
21 June 2016PPsychology of AddictionHow Do We Define Alcohol or Drug Addiction?byPatricia Howard, LMFT, CADCNo comments3 minute read How Do We Define Addiction? Definitions are very important when it comes to a clear explanation and understanding,…
12 May 2016AAddiction & RecoveryTen Celebrities in Addiction RecoverybySarah Ann Niemann2 comments5 minute read You Are Not Alone Struggling with addiction can make you feel alone and isolated, as if there is…
09 May 2016CCelebrity, Addiction & RecoveryDrew Barrymore’s Childhood Struggle with AddictionbyCaroline KingOne comment5 minute read All too often beloved child stars simply vanish into a heartbreaking reality of childhood alcohol and drug addiction. Drew…
08 February 2016SSociety and AddictionThe War on Drugs, Part 6 Solutions for Addressing Drug Abuse in the U.S.bySarah Ann NiemannOne comment2 minute read Doctor Joshua Kane, the head of research at A Better Today Recovery Services and Lecturer at Arizona State…
02 February 2016AAddiction & RecoveryHow Do You Determine Success in Recovery from Addiction?byFritz QuindtNo comments2 minute read Double Standards All too often, a person comes out of treatment but fails to stay in recovery from…
19 January 2016112 Step Substance Abuse Recovery ProgramsTreatment, Recovery, and 12-StepbyFritz QuindtNo comments2 minute read Do the Trends in the Addiction Field Need to Change? The greatest focus in the treatment of addiction…
15 October 2015CCelebrity, Addiction & RecoverySteve Sarkisian going to Alcohol Rehab could turn Defeat into VictorybyFritz Quindt2 comments3 minute read Steve Sarkisian: The name has taken on a much different meaning in recent days than it did before…
06 October 2015AAddiction & RecoveryUnderstanding Addiction: CC SabathiabyPatricia Howard, LMFT, CADC4 comments3 minute read Yesterday (October 5, 2015), New York Yankees’ pitcher CC Sabathia released a statement that he would be leaving…