26 July 2021TTrue Stories of AddictionFinding Drug And Alcohol Recovery In PrisonbyFritz Quindt3 comments5 minute read Addiction on Deployment Even after Corey graduated as a United States Marine, his addiction continued by way of…
24 July 2021TTrue Stories of AddictionWhat Are The Stages Of Recovery From Addiction?byFritz Quindt3 comments7 minute read Trouble with Treatment Andrew’s first wakeup call was one fateful night when he found himself in his car…
07 May 2021TTrue Stories of AddictionLiving A Life of Slavery Due to AddictionbyFritz Quindt11 comments5 minute read Early Access Leads to Early Addiction Lydia’s experience with mind-altering substances started very early in her life. When…
03 April 2021TTrue Stories of AddictionWhy Do People Use Methamphetamines?byFritz Quindt11 comments6 minute read Addiction Fought the Law and… As is the tragic case with many stories of addiction, Chris started at…
14 April 2016AAlcohol Addiction RehabilitationUnderstanding Alcohol in the WorkplacebyFritz Quindt3 comments3 minute read A Common Problem or Ghost Story? Everyone recalls the training videos and/or employee handbook they got when starting…
02 February 2016AAddiction & RecoveryHow Do You Determine Success in Recovery from Addiction?byFritz QuindtNo comments2 minute read Double Standards All too often, a person comes out of treatment but fails to stay in recovery from…
19 January 2016112 Step Substance Abuse Recovery ProgramsTreatment, Recovery, and 12-StepbyFritz QuindtNo comments2 minute read Do the Trends in the Addiction Field Need to Change? The greatest focus in the treatment of addiction…
15 December 2015PPsychology of AddictionChanging The Face Of Addiction: The StigmabyFritz Quindt2 comments2 minute read How Society Views Drug Addicts Drug Addiction is an ever-present threat in our society today. It is viewed,…
19 November 2015CCodeine Addiction and RehabilitationCracking the Codeine; Can I Get Addicted?byFritz Quindt2 comments3 minute read What is Codeine & What’s the Big Deal? Codeine is an opiate-based painkiller that has been a very…
12 November 2015BBuprenorphine Detox Treatment ProgramBuprenorphine: The Addictive Treatment For AddictionbyFritz QuindtOne comment3 minute read Buprenorphine is a semi-synthetic partial opioid designed to help treat addiction to heroin or other opiate-based substances. Opiates…