Battling Addiction in Akron, Ohio
While the city of Akron can seem like a paradise for some, for others, they may experience great hardships from substance abuse and addiction. Alcohol and drugs can cause great suffering due to the addiction and chemical dependency it can bring if used in excess.
According to state-level data, the state of Ohio seems to have more prevalent amounts of drug abuse, as well as heightened amounts of drug and alcohol use in conjunction.
To get the help that you or your loved ones need, please give us a call at (866) 578-7471 today.
What Does Treatment Consist Of?
During the first stage of treatment you will go through detox. When you go to detox, it will cleanse your body of the negative chemicals you deposited in it during your addiction. The negative part of detox lies in the fact that it produces withdrawal symptoms.
Depending on your period of use and drug of choice, these symptoms can either come out as mild or extreme. Accordingly, the staff at the treatment center will provide you with medications to help mitigate the effects of detox. The stage of detox can take anywhere from four to 14 days. It all depends on you..
Once you finish detox, you will enter the therapeutic dimension of treatment. In this stage, you will get to heal within the context of community and support.
During this phase, you will get to learn how to cope with the stressors and life and relate to people in society with the need to manipulate to get what you want. Everybody’s timetable for completing treatment differs. However, most people do not go longer than 90 days.
After completing rehab, you have the option of exploring an aftercare facility or going back to your home. Most suggest going to an aftercare facility in order to transition smoother back into the real world.
Recovery requires a daily sacrifice. It won’t come easily, but the rewards sprout eternal.
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